Guillaume Barazzone Biography & News
- Wealth & Score
Guillaume Barazzone
Swiss National C...
13 janv. 1982
Parti politique:
Swiss CDP,...
Biography & Reputation
There are not many informations about Barazzone yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Guillaume. He is born on 13 janv. 1982 and active in Switzerland, Berne as swiss national council. Guillaume Barazzone has in total 10 news splited in 10 News, 0 Postif, 0 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 0 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Guillaume Barazzone is mostly active in News.Nouvellees
2018.05.02 - Source: 95% - News
Tonangebend sind CVP-Nationalrat Guillaume Barazzone (GE) und FDP-Politikerin Daniela Schneeberger (BL). Auf Anfrage halten sich beide bedeckt. Letztere liess sich nur entlocken, die FDP sei «daran interessiert, dass die Revision die Rechtslage der ....