Cristian Popescu Piedone Biography & News
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Rôle du gouvernement
Cristian Popescu Piedone
Biography & Reputation
Cristian Popescu Piedone's Votrameter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Cristian positive things done and find out if Piedone is worth leading. The Users of Votra thinks Cristian is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Piedone. He is born on 15 févr. 1963 and active in Romania, Bucarest as l'ancien maire. Cristian Popescu Piedone has in total 120 news splited in 110 News, 5 Postif, 3 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 2 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Cristian Popescu Piedone is mostly active in News and Rôle du gouvernement.Nouvellees
2016.09.14 - Source: 95% - Economie
sept 2016 - Agenţia Naţională de Integritate (ANI) îl acuză pe fostul primar al Sectorului 4, Cristian Popescu Piedone, de conflict de interese, faptă ce ar fi fost comisă în perioada 2013-2015
2016.04.18 - Source: 85% - Élections, Système de justice
The reasoning of the court in the case of Cristian Popescu Piedone: Good reputation is not the condition in the law for the admissibility of the application
2016.04.18 - Source: 95% - Élections
Cristian Popescu Piedone no longer can apply to the Municipality of Sector 4
2015.11.04 - Source: 95% - Rôle du gouvernement
Cristian Popescu Piedone resigned: "it's an act. The honor was supposed to be on the first day
2015.10.17 - Source: 80% - Rôle du gouvernement
Cristian Popescu-Piedone, prosecuted for the destruction of an item of heritage.
2015.09.14 - Source: 75% - Education, Rôle du gouvernement
Did you know that...the mayor Piedone he finished high school at 32 years old?
2015.09.01 - Source: 95% - Élections
Cristian Popescu-Piedone announce his decision to join the national interest and will run from TUESDAY, all at Sector 4
2012.03.29 - Source: 90% - Élections
Cristian Preda: the Candidacy of Piedone under the USL is not a surprise. Any negotiation with the UNION is a trap