Massimo Paolucci Biography & News
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Massimo Paolucci
Biography & Reputation
There are not many informations about Paolucci yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Massimo. He né(e) le 1959 et est actif(ve) en Italy, Rome. Massimo Paolucci has in total 10 news splited in 10 News, 0 Postif, 0 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 0 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Massimo Paolucci is mostly active in News.Nouvellees
2018.05.09 - Source: 75% - News
Bruxelles, 9 mag. (askanews) – L'europarlamentare Massimo Paolucci (Liberi e Uguali, S&d) ha presentato un'interrogazione scritta alla Commissione europea per verificare che sia compatiible con il diritto comunitario l'obbligo di irrorare con pestici...