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Van Rompuy Biography & News

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Van Rompuy

Van Rompuy

Ancien président
31 oct. 1947
Parti politique:
Liens externs:
Rôle du gouvernement

Van Rompuy

Ancien président
31 oct. 1947
Parti politique:
Liens externs:

Biography & Reputation

Van Rompuy's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Van. Check anyway Rompuy news. The Users opinion about Van is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Van did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
He is born on 31 oct. 1947 and active in Belgium, as ancien président.
Van Rompuy has in total 254 news splited in 253 News, 1 Postif, 0 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 0 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Van Rompuy is mostly active in News and Rôle du gouvernement.


2018.11.21 - Source: 85% - News
De hogere boetes voor rijden zonder geldig ticket leiden dus niet tot minder zwartrijders, zegt Vlaams Parlementslid Peter Van Rompuy (CD&V). “Het percentage zwartrijders neemt doorheen de jaren inderdaad niet af, maar ook niet significant toe ...

2018.11.21 - Source: 75% - News
Vandeurzen's decision to accept was defended by party colleague Eric Van Rompuy, who is also leaving national politics at the next election. He was recently re-elected to the city council in Zaventem, but will be able to claim his premium. Alan Hope

2018.11.19 - Source: 90% - News
Former president of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said there was little prospect of altering the Brexit deal at this stage. He told the BBC: "On the main parameters what I hear is that there is almost no room for manoeuvre." Mr Van Rompuy .....

2018.11.19 - Source: 90% - News
Herman Van Rompuy, the country's former prime minister, told BBC radio today that the EU had been “flexible”. EU leaders may be more sympathetic to Mrs May's cause, but fundamental differences remain between the two sides. EU officials say the UK has...

2018.11.19 - Source: 75% - News
Herman Van Rompuy declared there is “almost no room” for renegotiating the UK and EU divorce deal and firmly denied the EU is to blame over a potential no-deal Brexit. Speaking on Radio 4's Today Programme, the former Prime Minister of Belgium ...

2018.11.19 - Source: 75% - News
Ook CD&V-parlementslid Eric Van Rompuy (68) zal straks, wanneer hij in mei 2019 afscheid neemt van de politiek, een uittredingsvergoeding aanvaarden. “Een beetje respect voor politici die zich jarenlang hebben ingezet”, reageerde hij geïrriteerd in D...

2018.11.19 - Source: 95% - News
Also speaking to the Today program, former European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said: “There is almost no room for renegotiating the deal.” “On the main parameters there will be no room for maneuver,” he said, and suggested the only thing tha...

2018.11.19 - Source: 75% - News
Niet alleen in België, maar ook in Duitsland is het debat losgebarsten over het migratiepact van de Verenigde Naties. Jens Spahn, een van de drie kandidaten om bondskanselier Merkel op te volgen als CDU-partijvoorzitter, vindt dat de ondertekening mo...

2018.11.14 - Source: 85% - News
... september met een opleiding theater van één jaar.” “Iedereen vanaf 17 jaar is welkom, ook mensen zonder beperking. We streven naar een zo gemengd mogelijk gezelschap.” Info via [email protected] , 0471 22 31 35 of www.pasform.be.

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Richesse & Salaire

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Prison, Corruption & Trust

Van Rompuy has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Van Rompuy is Christian Democratic and Flemish from Belgium. Van is active as Ancien président.
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