Edi Rama Biography & News
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Edi Rama
Biography & Reputation
Edi Rama's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Edi. Check anyway Rama news. The Users opinion about Edi is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Edi did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.He is born on 04 juil. 1964 and active in Albania, Tirana as premier ministre.
Edi Rama has in total 354 news splited in 349 News, 5 Postif, 0 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 0 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Edi Rama is mostly active in News and Affaires étrangères.
2018.12.06 - Source: 95% - News
Prime Minister Edi Rama at first dismissed protesters as grade failers, adding that tax money could not cover the cost of cutting the students' fees. However, on Wednesday, he appeared to take a step back, claiming that the Minister of Education had...
2018.12.06 - Source: 85% - News
Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic called on Pristina today to show a complaint it allegedly sent to the CEFTA Committee which states that Serbia has violated the trade agreement. Also, following the statements made by the Albanian PM, Edi Rama in ....
2018.12.06 - Source: 75% - News
After the protests of the inhabitants of the Lapraka and Astir neighborhood about forced and illegal expropriations for the Outer Ring Road construction project, which has been marred by suspicious and possible illegal public procurement procedures ....
2018.12.05 - Source: 90% - News
"I think that the job of a government, if one is responsible, which I thought Edi Rama was, is to deal with concrete things and truths that will contribute to the quality of the citizens' lives in the future," the prime minister said, according to .....
2018.12.04 - Source: 90% - News
Edi Rama je, na konferenciji za štampu u Zagrebu nakon susreta sa hrvatskim premijerom Andrejem Plenkovićem, rekao da je Srbija prekršila ugovor Cefta, da se Kosovo žalilo, ali nije bilo reakcija s druge strane, prenela je Hina. Rama je priznao da je...
2018.12.04 - Source: 85% - News
Edi Rama, Foto: Tanjug/Dragan Kujundžić. Albanski premijer Edi Rama reagovao je na posetu Johanesa Hana Kosovu oglasivši se preko Tvitera. Pročitajte još: TAKSA 100 POSTO JE PREVAZIĐENA, SLEDI DRUGI POTEZ Haradinaj uvodi nove brutalne ...
2018.12.04 - Source: 75% - News
The official dinner in Zagreb began on Monday evening with Edi Rama of Albania, Viktor Orban of Hungary, Zoran Zaev of Macedonia, Vasilia Victoria Dancila of Romania and Peter Pellegrini of Slovakia attending it. In attendance were also officials of...
2018.12.03 - Source: 95% - News
U Zagreb, kako piše Jutarnji list, dolaze premijeri Albanije i Makedonije, Edi Rama i Zoran Zaev. Premijer Plenković bi s albanskim kolegom trebalo da potpiše deklaraciju o strateškom partnerstvu Hrvatske i Albanije, dok bi, kako navodi hrvatski port...
2018.12.03 - Source: 75% - News
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said that a meeting with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras is in the cards and expected to happen "soon." "It's expected that we will meet soon. I don't know whether it will be in Tirana or Athens but it's ...