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Sven Giegold vs Jorida Tabaku

Compara Sven Giegold y Jorida Tabaku para saber por quién votar.

Sven Giegold

Sven Giegold

Jorida Tabaku

Jorida Tabaku
Sven Giegold
score Jorida Tabaku
Berlín Germany
Tiraba Albania
Alliance '90/The Greens, The Greens–European Free Alliance
Partido político
Democratic Party
News, Rol del gobierno, Elecciones, Economía, Alimentos & Agricultura
Priips setback confimed as MEPs reject proposals ...
2016.09.14 - Fuente :95% - Rol del gobierno
However, MEP Sven Giegold, the parlimentarian behind the original criticism of the future projection...

MEPs derail efforts to boost scrutiny – POLITICO
2016.09.15 - Fuente :85% - Rol del gobierno
The vote on a non-binding report on new transparency measures by German Green MEP Sven Giegold was i...

Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann Still Doesn't ...
2016.09.19 - Fuente :85% - Rol del gobierno
It’s actually far more likely that being free of the tender financial regulations of the likes of Sv...

Maltese lawmaker fails EU test, but carries on regardless ...
2016.09.13 - Fuente :75% - Rol del gobierno
... Clean up your tax haven and act against bad governance,” said Sven Giegold, a German Green MEP,...

World Business Report, 14 Sep Bayer strike deal to buy ...
2016.09.01 - Fuente :90% - Rol del gobierno
... we speak to German MEP Sven Giegold and journalist Tom Philpott from the US news organisation Mo...

European Parliament quietly scuppers lobbying reform ...
2016.09.14 - Fuente :95% - Rol del gobierno
Gianni Pittella Guy Verhofstadt manfred weber Mercedes Bresso Sven Giegold Sections EU Priorities 20...

Questions raised over the value of fund performance fees ...
2016.09.07 - Fuente :85% - Elecciones, Economía
“Normally you would expect investors not to buy funds that have such misleading structures,” says Sv...

What the Bayer-Monsanto merger means for food, farmers and ...
2016.09.15 - Fuente :80% - Alimentos & Agricultura, Rol del gobierno
Sven Giegold, a Green member of the European Parliament from Germany, worked on an online petition t...

Ethics drive at EU parliament hits a wall
2016.09.13 - Fuente :95% - Rol del gobierno
... drafted by German Green Sven Giegold, had demanded a number of changes to the EU parliament law...

U-turn over Facebook chief's EU meeting
2018.05.21 - Fuente :90% - News
... but does not want to make public statements in the European Parliament. Facebook operates a publ...

EU parliament pushes for Zuckerberg hearing to be live-streamed
2018.05.18 - Fuente :75% - News
And a Green Group MEP, Sven Giegold, who posted an online petition calling for the meeting not to be...

EU proposes ban on single-use plastics to tackle marine waste
2018.05.29 - Fuente :75% - News
But green EU lawmaker Sven Giegold accused the commission of "paternalism," arguing that "straws sho...

Europe Is Annoyed, Not Grateful, After Trump Delays Tariffs
2018.05.01 - Fuente :80% - News
“This open demonstration of different European priorities is deplorable at the moment of high politi...

Tweets of the Week: Royal Wedding, Zuckerberg in EU Parliament, and GDPR
2018.05.25 - Fuente :90% - News
The US Congress had the right hearing format, but asked the wrong questions, while the EU Parliament...

MH17-Abschuss: Moskau soll Verantwortliche benennen
2018.05.26 - Fuente :90% - News
„Es muss aufgeklärt werden, wer diesen Befehl gab und die weitere Operation kommandiert hat.“ Sven G...

Zuckerberg fails to impress with responses to Parliament's follow-up questions
2018.05.25 - Fuente :95% - News
However, Sven Giegold, Parliament's Greens/EFA group financial and economic policy spokesperson, was...

Oettinger-Ratschläge schüren Spannungen mit Rom
2018.05.29 - Fuente :90% - News
«Es gibt jetzt ein Gelegenheitsfenster, um Italiens Abkapselung von Europa zu stoppen», meinte der E...

Mark Zuckerberg's grilling by MEPs is being livestreamed online here's how to watch
2018.05.22 - Fuente :75% - News
The private nature of the meeting drew criticism from campaign groups, the public and MEPs, with Sve...

Zwischen Bangen und Hoffen: EU blickt unruhig auf Italien
2018.05.29 - Fuente :90% - News
"Es gibt jetzt ein Gelegenheitsfenster, um Italiens Abkapselung von Europa zu stoppen", meinte der E...

Top MEP tells UK fund managers to wake up to Brexit risks
2018.06.12 - Fuente :85% - News
UK fund managers should prepare for costly changes to their business models after Brexit, according...

Police commissioner 'refused to see' EP delegation investigating rule of law
2018.06.12 - Fuente :90% - News
Police Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar 'refused to see' a European Parliament delegation investigating...

Over 100 people interviewed in Egrant inquiry, magistrate has 'no one to brainstorm with', MEPs' report says
2018.06.12 - Fuente :95% - News
Bugeja, who is leading the inquiry into Egrant and 17 Black, told MEPs Ana Gomes, Sven Giegold and D...

Daphne Caruana Galizia murder: officials 'seeking to stall' inquiry
2018.06.13 - Fuente :85% - News
A report from MEPs following two visits to the island led by the German MEP Sven Giegold has highlig...

Promotion of magistrate involved in Caruana Galizia case would cause delays
2018.06.14 - Fuente :75% - News
In a report published this week following a fact-finding mission to Malta, MEPs Ana Gomes, Sven Gieg...

Casa's malicious report Aleander Balzan Times of Malta
2018.06.15 - Fuente :85% - News
Nationalist MEP David Casa has brought MEPs Ana Gomez and Sven Giegold to Malta once again. This tim...

Tajani calls for Italian law enforcement to be involved in Daphne probe
2018.06.14 - Fuente :85% - News
Their involvement was necessary “in view of what [German MEP] Sven Giegold, [Nationalist MEP] David...

Sven Giegold hält ein Plädoyer für Europa
2018.06.17 - Fuente :85% - News
Einen weiten Bogen hat der Grünen-Europaparlamentarier Sven Giegold am Donnerstag in seinem Vortrag...

Any membership of Facebook hate groups was not deliberate Prime Minister
2018.06.18 - Fuente :80% - News
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has indicated that any membership which his Facebook profile might have...

Banks Win 'Gift' From EU Lawmakers in Crisis-Rule Overhaul
2018.06.19 - Fuente :90% - News
Not everyone was pleased with the result of Tuesday's vote, however. Sven Giegold, a committee membe...

Labour accuses Azzopardi of lying over Abela's statements to MEPs
2018.06.20 - Fuente :95% - News
Labour MP's comments to MEPs on MSS statement denying knowledge of Caruana Galizia murder plot raise...

Abela's statements to MEPs on phone intercepts raised in the House
2018.06.20 - Fuente :80% - News
Azzopardi, lawyer to the journalist's family, said that in the report by MEPs David Casa, Ana Gomes,...

Updated: Robert Abela turns his guns on Caruana Galizia family as he fights off claims by PN MP
2018.06.20 - Fuente :80% - News
“In Sven Giegold and Ana Gomes the PN have found two allies who believe anything they say,” he said....

Griechenland-Rettung vor dem Abschluss
2018.06.22 - Fuente :80% - News
«Griechenland ist noch nicht über den Berg», warnte der Grünen-Europaabgeordnete Sven Giegold. «Die...

MEPs may be forced to return 'unused' office expenses
2018.06.28 - Fuente :80% - News
"It seems like some members of the Bureau are willing to keep the status quo and not to commit to tr...

Social justice, solidarity, compassion bla, bla, bla
2018.07.02 - Fuente :80% - News
That decision was partly sealed by the treatment we received as a nation when we were described as a...

Eurocrats block bid to expose how they spend their £47k-a-year expenses – saying it should remain a secret
2018.07.03 - Fuente :95% - News
But Green MEP Sven Giegold fumed: "Voting down transparency of MEP's expenses is a shot in the foot...

Österreich hilft gerne beim Waschen schmutziger Finanzen
2018.07.03 - Fuente :80% - News
Gegen Flüchtlinge geht die Regierung rigoros vor, Steuervermeider und schmutziges Geld finden im Ste...

Europarlement blijft controle op kantooruitgaven weigeren
2018.07.03 - Fuente :75% - News
Dat is tragisch kortzichtig'', aldus de Duitse Groene Europarlementariër Sven Giegold, die vanmorgen...

How eight MEPs overruled 540 colleagues on office expenses
2018.07.04 - Fuente :85% - News
On Tuesday, German Green MEP Sven Giegold published on his website what he said was a list of how Bu...

EU watchdog wants next ECB boss barred from joining opaque G30
2018.07.05 - Fuente :75% - News
Sven Giegold, a leftist member of the European Parliament's economic committee from Germany, said th...

EU WON'T PAY: MEPs reject reforms bringing transparency to £4000-a-month expenses claims
2018.07.07 - Fuente :85% - News
The Bureau of the European Parliament voted by a narrow majority to throw out proposals to forcing M...

2018.07.08 - Fuente :90% - News
Żewġ ismijiet ta' Membri Parlamentari Ewropej li saru familjari f'pajjiżna minħabba fi sħabhom l-MEP...

As anti-money laundering reform kicks in, EU seeks to close new gaps
2018.07.09 - Fuente :95% - News
“The Commission cannot hesitate any longer in bringing forward a legislative proposal for a European...

Merkel und Seehofer legen Dissens über Brexit-Brief bei
2018.07.09 - Fuente :75% - News
"Seehofer irrlichtert auf anti-europäischen Abwegen", monierte der Europapolitiker Sven Giegold am M...

As Anti-Money Laundering Reform Kicks In, EU Seeks to Close New Gaps
2018.07.09 - Fuente :80% - News
“The Commission cannot hesitate any longer in bringing forward a legislative proposal for a European...

European Parliament recommends creating an EU social and solidarity economy label
2018.07.10 - Fuente :85% - News
Sven Giegold, economic and financial spokesman for the Greens/EFA Group and co-president of the Soci...

Despite EU AML Laws, Banking Scandals Persist |
2018.07.10 - Fuente :85% - News
Although new rules to combat money laundering took effect in the EU this week, there are already mor...

EU-Abgeordneter Sven Giegold: Grünen-Politiker startet Petition und sieht ...
2018.07.12 - Fuente :80% - News
Sven Giegold (EU-Abgeordneter der Grünen und Mitglied im Präsidium des Deutschen Evangelischen Kirch...

Europäische Asylpolitik ist Armutszeugnis
2018.07.13 - Fuente :95% - News
Der Grünen-Europaabgeordnete Sven Giegold bezeichnet im Gespräch die Pläne der europäischen Asylpoli...

"Dieser Vertrag mit Japan ist eine vertane Chance"
2018.07.17 - Fuente :80% - News
Zunehmend bestimmten Nationalismus und Abschottung den globalen Handel, sagte Grünen-Politiker Sven...

Giegold vermisst Sozialstandards in EU-Japan-Freihandelsabkommen
2018.07.17 - Fuente :95% - News
Brüssel (dts Nachrichtenagentur) - Der EU-Parlamentarier Sven Giegold (Grüne) hat sich enttäuscht üb...

Report: MEPs earning millions from side jobs
2018.07.18 - Fuente :85% - News
Reacting to the findings, German Greens MEP Sven Giegold, Parliament's rapporteur on transparency, a...

Sven Giegold: Global tax cooperation remains crucial
2018.07.19 - Fuente :80% - News
Giegold, a member of the Greens/EFA group, said the trip was a chance to discuss the fight against m...

34 MEPs ask Erdoğan to protect rights, freedoms after end of state of emergency in Turkey
2018.07.19 - Fuente :75% - News
Bernd Kölmel (ECR). Helmut Scholz (GUE/NGL). Renate Sommer (EPP). Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA). Jean La...

Beatrice von Weizsäcker "Wir brauchen Humanität" in der ...
2018.07.21 - Fuente :85% - News
In einer Online-Petition haben drei Präsidiumsmitglieder des Evangelischen Kirchentags eine humanere...

Malta's PM cleared of Panama Papers wrongdoing
2018.07.23 - Fuente :75% - News
Sven Giegold, a German Green MEP who was part of a European parliament corruption probe into Malta l...

Who forged Egrant documents, MEP Sven Giegold asks
2018.07.24 - Fuente :75% - News
MEP Sven Giegold's main point of concern is the identity of the person(s) who forged the documents i...

Documents on new rules for MEP expenses kept secret
2018.08.01 - Fuente :80% - News
"Open and transparent government is a fundamental right in Europe," said German Green MEP Sven Giego...

Watch Mizzi, Schembri cases: 'We should wait for magisterial inquiries' Cyrus Engerer
2018.08.01 - Fuente :85% - News
Greens MEP Sven Giegold, for example, was a person who would frequently call me. You asked me earlie...

EU is livestreaming Zuck's hearing — reluctantly
2018.08.04 - Fuente :85% - News
Fortunately, following widespread public outcry, political pressure from the Socialists & Democrats,...

Aus den FeuilletonsWie Demokratien sterben
2018.08.10 - Fuente :80% - News
Die Initiatoren – Beatrice von Weizsäcker, Sven Giegold und Ansgar Gilster - setzen sich "für eine c...

Euro-Rettungsschirm für Griechenland endet: „Das Ganze ist kein Erfolg“
2018.08.20 - Fuente :95% - News
Sven Giegold, Grünen-Finanzpolitiker im Europaparlament, sprach ebenfalls von einer verfehlten Polit...

▷ Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: CDU-Europapolitiker Brok nennt ...
2018.08.20 - Fuente :80% - News
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger - Köln (ots) - Der CDU-Europapolitiker Elmar Brok hat die Hilfsprogramme für G...

Gerettet oder kaputtgespart?
2018.08.20 - Fuente :85% - News
Der grüne Europaparlamentarier Sven Giegold etwa hält die griechischen Schulden immer noch für viel...

60 European MPs Call on President Rouhani to Work For Nasrin Sotoudeh's Release
2018.08.22 - Fuente :95% - News
Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA). Teresa Gimenez Barbat (ALDE). Ana Gomes (S&D). Karoline Graswander-Hainz...

150 Unterschriften für Flüchtlingsschutz
2018.08.22 - Fuente :90% - News
Es sind Beatrice von Weizsäcker, Sven Giegold uns Ansgar Gilster, die sich als Mitglieder im Präsidi...

Bataille en vue autour du gendarme bancaire européen
2018.08.23 - Fuente :80% - News
Parmi d'autres critères « si le candidat qui nous était présenté n'était pas une femme, ce serait un...

Weidmann als EZB-Chef aus dem Rennen
2018.08.23 - Fuente :85% - News
... denn das Parlament hatte erzwungen, dass der Posten aus seiner Mitte besetzt wird. „Nicht Frau M...

Supervision bancaire : un poste très politique
2018.08.23 - Fuente :75% - News
Nous avons toujours apprécié le respect de Danièle Nouy pour le Parlement, l'exercice de la supervis...

60 European MPs Call on Iran's President Rouhani to Work For Nasrin Sotoudeh's Release
2018.08.23 - Fuente :90% - News
Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (EPP) Mark Demesmaeker (ECR) Gerard Deprez (ALDE) Tanja Fajon (S&D) Jose In...

Hürde für Kleinstparteien geplant: Martin Sonneborn will im EU-Parlament bleiben
2018.08.24 - Fuente :90% - News
Selbst der grüne EU-Abgeordnete Sven Giegold warf der Bundesregierung vor, „Europa bei der Wahlrecht...

CSU kritisiert Merkels EZB-Taktik
2018.08.24 - Fuente :95% - News
Die Überlegungen im Kanzleramt, statt der Kandidatur von Bundesbankchef Weidmann für die Europäische...

Konstruktiver Störenfried
2018.08.24 - Fuente :75% - News
Selbst der grünen EU-Abgeordnete Sven Giegold warf Berlin vor, „Europa bei der Wahlrechtsreform die...

Sven Giegold diskutiert mit Bedford-Strohm über Flüchtlingspolitik
2018.08.26 - Fuente :90% - News
Der bayerische Landesbischof Heinrich Bedford-Strohm diskutiert mit dem Grünen-Politiker Sven Giegol...

Frankreichs Umweltminister kündigt Rücktritt an
2018.08.28 - Fuente :95% - News
Der deutsche Grünen-Europapolitiker Sven Giegold kommentierte: «Hulot hatte einzelne Erfolge, aber e...

Secrecy on MEP expenses 'against will of plenary'
2018.08.29 - Fuente :95% - News
... most deputies, a German MEP has said. "This rejection of access to documents is a bad surprise a...

"Säbelrasseln vor Haushaltsverhandlungen"
2018.08.29 - Fuente :75% - News
Die Drohungen aus Rom seien nicht ernst zu nehmen, sondern populistische Politik, meint der Grünen-E...

Günther Beckstein: Kirchenasyl "nur schwer zu ertragen" katholisch ...
2018.08.30 - Fuente :95% - News
Die Diskussion um das Kirchenasyl reißt nicht ab. Für CSU-Politiker Beckstein ist die Praxis "nur sc...

Zypern: Der Inselstaat beginnt endlich den Kampf gegen Geldwäsche
2018.09.01 - Fuente :85% - News
„Gut, dass es endlich Bewegung gibt“, sagt Sven Giegold. Der Europa-Abgeordnete (Bündnis 90/Die Grün...

'Why we're RIGHT to Leave!' Damning EU cronyism report JUSTIFIES Brexit, says Tory MEP
2018.09.05 - Fuente :85% - News
German MEP Sven Giegold, the European Parliament's rapporteur for transparency, accountability and i...

EU is FAILING to stop money laundering regulators issue warning after multiple scandals
2018.09.05 - Fuente :90% - News
Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesman of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parlia...

Latvia: When the United States scolded the 'Switzerland of the Baltics'
2018.09.05 - Fuente :75% - News
It is imperative that an authority for monitoring money laundering is established at the European le...

Finanzministerium: Keine Festlegung von Scholz zu Digitalsteuer
2018.09.05 - Fuente :80% - News
"Olaf Scholz ist der Sensor für Gerechtigkeit abhandengekommen", sagte der wirtschafts- und finanzpo...

EU plan on bank money laundering pushes back action to next year
2018.09.06 - Fuente :80% - News
"The report is proof that money laundering supervision does not work in the banking union," Sven Gie...

EU money laundering plan follows high profile cases in banks in the ...
2018.09.06 - Fuente :80% - News
European Union regulators have drawn up a preliminary plan for a possible tightening of rules agains...

EU admits anti-money laundering rules inefficient, prepares for ...
2018.09.07 - Fuente :75% - News
As recent scandals proved that new anti-money laundering rules fall short of monitoring financial fl...

Germany rocks the European consensus on the “Google tax”
2018.09.07 - Fuente :75% - News
“And he will be contributing to depleting public funds,” Eva Joly and Sven Giegold, MEPs in charge o...

EU may tighten money-laundering rules | Ireland | The Times
2018.09.06 - Fuente :85% - News
EU regulators have drawn up a preliminary plan for tightening rules to prevent money laundering afte...

Ruderprofi Scholz
2018.09.07 - Fuente :75% - News
"Olaf Scholz ist der Sensor für Gerechtigkeit abhandengekommen", sagt der Grünen-Finanzpolitiker Sve...

Sven Giegold wirbt für Fairness
2018.09.07 - Fuente :95% - News
Rodenkirchen Faire Handelsbeziehungen für mehr Gerechtigkeit: Darüber will Sven Giegold am Montag, 1...

Giegold: Auch bei Fusion deutscher Banken gelten Beihilferegeln
2018.09.10 - Fuente :95% - News
FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Sven Giegold, Abgeordneten von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Europaparlament, ist...

Green MEPs criticize Verhofstadt for U-turn on #Spitzenkandidat process
2018.09.11 - Fuente :80% - News
MEP Sven Giegold, deputy member of the Constitutional Affairs committee and fellow Spinelli Board me...

Giegold: Auch bei Fusion deutscher Banken gelten Beihilferegeln
2018.09.11 - Fuente :90% - News
FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Sven Giegold, Abgeordneter von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Europaparlament, ist...

MEPs Propose Undercover Investigation Powers For EIOPA
2018.09.12 - Fuente :80% - News
Law360, London (September 12, 2018, 2:56 PM BST) -- Europe's top insurance regulator could be permit...

EIOPA Wants 'Mystery Shopper' Investigation Powers
2018.09.13 - Fuente :75% - News
Law360, London (September 13, 2018, 3:37 PM BST) -- Europe's top insurance regulator has told Law360...

Verhofstadt denies 'flip-flopping' over Spitzenkandidaten
2018.09.14 - Fuente :90% - News
... party that comes first then becomes President of the European Commission. Verhofstadt's comments...

European Parliament team return to assess rule of law and safety of journalists
2018.09.14 - Fuente :95% - News
List of members travelling to Slovakia and Malta: Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE, NL), Chair of the monitor...

European Parliament rule of law delegation to visit Slovakia, Malta next week
2018.09.14 - Fuente :80% - News
It will also present a final report to the committee summarising its conclusions. The other members...

EP 'blocks' ruling on MEPs expenses
2018.09.14 - Fuente :80% - News
The European Parliament's vice-presidents this week blocked an attempt to ensure more transparency o...

EU summit prevents 'rule of law' MEPs from meeting Muscat
2018.09.15 - Fuente :90% - News
The delegation – made up of chair Sophia in 't Veld, Nationalist Party MEP Roberta Metsola, and MEPs...

Dalli takes swipe at 'rule of law' MEPs over concerns on impartiality
2018.09.16 - Fuente :90% - News
The delegation – made up of chair Sophia in 't Veld, Nationalist Party MEP Roberta Metsola, and MEPs...

MEPs want to meet AG, police chief, chief justice
2018.09.15 - Fuente :80% - News
MEP Sven Giegold said in a statement the delegation was still awaiting confirmation from the Police...

Movers and Shakers | 17 September 2018
2018.09.17 - Fuente :95% - News
Special committee on terrorism (TERR):. Eva JOLY (Greens/EFA, FR) switched from substitute to member...

Sven Giegold spricht über Fair Trade
2018.09.17 - Fuente :80% - News
Rodenkirchen Fair Trade, der Gerechte Handel, ist an diesem Montag das Thema von Sven Giegold. Der E...

EU parliament will not budge on office expenses
2018.09.17 - Fuente :90% - News
Her colleagues from the Green group, German MEP Sven Giegold and Swedish MEP Max Andersson, are tryi...

'One-sided' claims: Rule of Law delegation's doors open to other groups, says MEP
2018.09.19 - Fuente :85% - News
The European Parliament's Rule of Law delegation is leaving its door open for meetings with other NG...

EU says McDonald's, Luxembourg tax deal not illegal
2018.09.19 - Fuente :95% - News
Sven Giegold, a Greens lawmaker at the European Parliament who has been pushing for more action to t...

MEP rule of law delegation back in Malta to assess situation
2018.09.19 - Fuente :85% - News
The delegation - made up of chair Sophia in 't Veld, Nationalist Party MEP Roberta Metsola, and MEPs...

Corrected: EU says McDonald's, Luxembourg tax deal not illegal
2018.09.20 - Fuente :75% - News
Sven Giegold, a Greens lawmaker at the European Parliament who has been pushing for more action to t...

EP rule of law delegation had 'rather disappointing' meeting with MFSA MEP
2018.09.20 - Fuente :95% - News
The EP delegation on the rule of law had a “rather disappointing” exchange with the financial servic...

"Bürger können ruhiger schlafen"
2018.09.19 - Fuente :95% - News
Sven Giegold: Das Ziel ist absolut richtig, vor allem, dass alle Unternehmen ab einer bestimmten Grö...

MEPs urge ministers to condemn hate speech towards Daphne Caruana Galizia
2018.09.20 - Fuente :90% - News
Green MEP Sven Giegold expressed his disappointment following the two-day visit. "On the major accus...

UK Finance Dealt Another Brexit Blow by Brussels Lawmakers
2018.09.25 - Fuente :75% - News
“Large asset managers such as BlackRock Inc. are a worrying and growing factor in the corporate gove...

'Biased' is as 'biased' does...
2018.09.25 - Fuente :95% - News
But Sven Giegold and Roberta Metsola are considered 'politically neutral'... even though they have b...

MEP candidate says suggestion he 'controls' EP office in Malta is nonsense
2018.09.25 - Fuente :75% - News
The last delegation – made up of chair Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Nationalist Party MEP Roberta Metso...

EU FARCE: European judges BLOCK bid to reveal MEPs' €50000-a-year expenses
2018.09.26 - Fuente :75% - News
EU spends THOUSANDS of tax payers money on 43-inch NEW TVs for MEPs. Sven Giegold said: “The Europea...

May criticised for 'unlimited tax dumping'
2018.09.28 - Fuente :85% - News
Mr Giegold, who is the financial and economics spokesperson for the Greens/European Free Alliance in...

HSBC to face calls to 'quit Malta' as MEPs threaten campaign against UK's biggest lender
2018.09.30 - Fuente :75% - News
Sven Giegold, a German MEP with a reputation for fierce campaigning on financial transparency issues...

'Extreme And Out Of Line': MFSA Boss Reacts To Audacious HSBC Threat
2018.10.01 - Fuente :80% - News
MFSA CEO Jospeh Cuschieri (top right) has criticised the threat issued by German MEP Sven Giegold (b...

TMID Editorial Politics: Sven Giegold went a step too far The ...
2018.10.03 - Fuente :95% - News
German MEP Sven Giegold managed to achieve something that very few people can boast about. As a nati...

Malta To Be Bound By EU To Strengthen Their Anti-Money Laundering Efforts
2018.10.03 - Fuente :75% - News
The Commission's decision also comes the same week Sven Giegold vowed to campaign for HSBC to leave...

Nationalist MEP David Casa Dismisses Flak From Malta Critics: 'I Am Not The Fire'
2018.10.03 - Fuente :75% - News
As for German MEP Sven Giegold's recent threat to campaign for HSBC to leave Malta unless the FIAU u...

Miriam Dalli lashes out at Sven Giegold after 'damaging' comments
2018.10.04 - Fuente :90% - News
Labour MEP Miriam Dalli today lashed out at Greens MP Sven Giegold following his “damaging” remarks...

Giegold takes on HSBC. Drat and double drat
2018.10.04 - Fuente :75% - News
So, while they all applauded and supported Sven Giegold in his tirades against this country to date....

Emissions and Giegold
2018.10.04 - Fuente :90% - News
Miriam Dalli Thursday, 4 October 2018, 13:41 Last update: about 33 minutes ago. In her blog today, L...

More harm than good
2018.10.04 - Fuente :80% - News
Sven Giegold's recent threat to launch a damaging publicity campaign against HSBC's presence in Malt...

Commission mounts unprecedented pressure on Malta on financial transparency
2018.10.04 - Fuente :85% - News
The Green Party MEP and member of the Law Monitoring Group, Sven Giegold, told the Sunday Telegraph...

European elections: German government wants threshold for fringe parties
2018.10.05 - Fuente :85% - News
For Sven Giegold, spokesperson for the European Greens, there is no need “to curtail the right of vo...

The week at a glance October 7, 2018
2018.10.07 - Fuente :95% - News
German Green MEP's HSBC remarks cause outrage: German Green MEP Sven Giegold sparked controversy whe...

Germany Condemns Rape, Murder of Bulgarian Investigative Journalist
2018.10.08 - Fuente :95% - News
Sven Giegold, a German member of the Greens in the European Parliament, said all of Europe should wo...

Do not punish the people
2018.10.09 - Fuente :95% - News
MEP Sven Giegold made a controversial commitment to try and instil some sense of urgency in nudging...

EBA Chief Unconvinced By Currency Conversion Price Caps
2018.10.09 - Fuente :90% - News
At a European Parliament committee meeting on Monday, the EBA chairperson was challenged by MEP Sven...

EU to Act on Visa-For-Sale Schemes After Warnings of Money Laundering Risks
2018.10.10 - Fuente :75% - News
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Wednesday it will provide guidance to EU states...

The Hazardous Mission of Journalists
2018.10.11 - Fuente :75% - News
Sven Giegold, a German member of the Green Party in the European Parliament has said all of Europe s...

Concern and theatrics Angelo Micallef
2018.10.13 - Fuente :90% - News
Over the last couple of days, German MEP Sven Giegold managed to do something quite rare in Maltese...

2018.10.14 - Fuente :75% - News
Sinċerament nistqarr li ma nistax insib mod ieħor kien niddeskrivi lill-Membru Parlamentari Ewropew...

Offshore wealth: loopholes found in EU anti-tax evasion rules
2018.10.15 - Fuente :80% - News
Sven Giegold, a German MEP and member of the European Green party, said: “The automatic exchange of...

4 EU Countries Could Create Secrecy Risk, Green Party Says
2018.10.16 - Fuente :95% - News
Law360 (October 15, 2018, 3:58 PM EDT) -- The European Union isn't doing enough to encourage financi...

Malta financial institutions reporting less than other EU member states – study
2018.10.16 - Fuente :85% - News
Commenting on the findings, MEP Sven Giegold, who forms part of the political group and who has repe...

OECD Flags Risks From 'Golden Visa' Plans In 21 Jurisdictions
2018.10.17 - Fuente :90% - News
Law360 (October 16, 2018, 2:02 PM EDT) -- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development...

OECD Says 21 'Golden Visa' Plans Present Potential Risks
2018.10.16 - Fuente :85% - News
Law360 (October 16, 2018, 2:02 PM EDT) -- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development...

Switzerland Looks Ahead To A Topsy-Turvy Tax Referendum
2018.10.18 - Fuente :95% - News
Law360 (October 17, 2018, 7:40 PM EDT) -- Swiss voters could soon once again nix a reform aiming to...

"Die Ablehnung dieses Haushalts ist groß"
2018.10.23 - Fuente :80% - News
Die Furcht, dass die Deutschen in so einem Fall als Zahlmeister der EU herhalten müssten, schwächt G...

Rights group slams Parliament President Tajani over Roma comments
2018.10.25 - Fuente :80% - News
In a statement, Green MEPs Romeo Franz and Sven Giegold demanded “a public apology and correction fr...

Sven Giegold über den Rechtsstaat in Malta
2018.10.30 - Fuente :75% - News
Der deutsche Europa-Abgeordnete Sven Giegold, wirtschafts- und finanzpolitischer Sprecher der Grünen...

Lead MEP on economics committee to head banking lobby
2018.11.06 - Fuente :85% - News
Irish MEP Brian Hayes, vice-chair of the parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee, annou...

BlackRock Offices Raided in German Tax Probe
2018.11.07 - Fuente :75% - News
“We need a European investigation into the scandal by the financial supervisory authorities,” said S...

Top EU MP slams colleagues for seeking to influence ECB appointment
2018.11.07 - Fuente :85% - News
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A top European Union Parliamentarian slammed three of his colleagues on Wednes...

Just how important are sustainable investments?
2018.11.06 - Fuente :90% - News
But most of all, it's about the stability of the financial system, argued Sven Giegold, a finance ex...

In for the long haul
2018.11.07 - Fuente :95% - News
Green MEP Sven Giegold said this in the light of Malta's efforts to become a hub for crypto currenci...

EU nimmt hormonschädigende Chemikalien unter die Lupe
2018.11.07 - Fuente :90% - News
BRÜSSEL. Die EU-Kommission will die Auswirkungen von hormonschädigenden Chemikalien in Europa näher...

Donnery eyes domestic victory after failure to land big ECB job
2018.11.08 - Fuente :80% - News
The trio – Markus Feber of the European People's Party, Green member Sven Giegold and the UK Conserv...

CSU-Vize Manfred Weber wird EU-Spitzenkandidat
2018.11.09 - Fuente :80% - News
Der Grünen-Europapolitiker Sven Giegold nannte als eine Bedingung für die Wahl eines Kandidaten von...

Grüne wählen Ska Keller und Sven Giegold zu Spitzenkandidaten
2018.11.10 - Fuente :95% - News
Auf den Listenplatz zwei wählten die Delegierten Sven Giegold. Mit 738 von abgegebenen 745 Stimmen e...

Das Grünen-Spitzenduo für die Europawahl steht
2018.11.10 - Fuente :95% - News
Ska Keller und Sven Giegold führen die Öko-Partei im Mai 2019 in die europäischen Parlamentswahlen....

Giegold fordert von Merz Klarheit zu Aktiendeals
2018.11.10 - Fuente :75% - News
Der Grünen-Europaabgeordnete Sven Giegold hat den CDU-Politiker Friedrich Merz zu Transparenz über d...

Germany's Greens pick two EU-election main candidates
2018.11.10 - Fuente :95% - News
Ska Keller won 87.6 percent support to be the leftist party's main candidate, while Sven Giegold pic...

Die Partei steht vor einem Lackmustest
2018.11.10 - Fuente :80% - News
Und auch die frisch gewählten Spitzenkandidaten Ska Keller und Sven Giegold, die beide zum linken Pa...

German Greens make EU election pledges on asylum, climate change
2018.11.11 - Fuente :95% - News
MEPs Ska Keller and Sven Giegold will lead the party into the election campaign. Police, meanwhile,...

Gewagtes Experiment
2018.11.11 - Fuente :90% - News
Zwar haben sich die Spitzenkandidaten Ska Keller und Sven Giegold in Brüssel viel Respekt als engagi...

EU Ups Bank Supervision To Stem Money Laundering
2018.11.14 - Fuente :90% - News
“Money must not be the criterion for citizens' and residents' rights in the EU,” said EU lawmaker Sv...

Warum wir Apple zum Steuernzahlen zwingen sollten
2018.11.15 - Fuente :90% - News
Sven Giegold, der Politiker ist neben Ska Keller Spitzenkandidat der Grünen bei der Europawahl. Er g...

„Wir brauchen jetzt ein Europa der sozialen Sicherheit“
2018.11.17 - Fuente :90% - News
Der Europa-Abgeordnete der Grünen, Sven Giegold, hat eine Stärkung der europäischen Sozialpolitik ge...

Hezbollah money laundering has a 'safe home in Germany'
2018.11.17 - Fuente :85% - News
"Germany is an ideal location for organized money laundering, Sven Giegold, a Green Party member of...

Sven Giegold, Grüne: Defizitverfahren gegen Italien unumgänglich
2018.11.21 - Fuente :85% - News
Der finanzpolitische Sprecher der Grünen im EU-Parlament, Sven Giegold, hält das Defizitverfahren ge...

Sven Gielgold says that the rule of law and freedom of the press are 'massively threatened' in Romania
2018.11.22 - Fuente :80% - News
Giegold was also speaking in the wake of the European Parliament adopting a resolution on the rule o...

Italy Digs In Its Heels on Its Budget as Europe Reaches for the Stick
2018.11.21 - Fuente :95% - News
Sven Giegold, a German member of the European Parliament from the Green Party, said that, while the...

Europawahl 2019: Sven Giegold kritisiert Europäische Volkspartei
2018.11.22 - Fuente :80% - News
Sven Giegold: Das haben auch andere Spötter schon gesagt. Die 100-Prozent-Wahl von Martin Schulz zum...

European elections in 2019 : Ska Keller elected top candidate of the Greens
2018.11.24 - Fuente :75% - News
Together with the MEPs, Sven Giegold, the German Duo of the Greens for the European elections. Ska K...

The Week Ahead in the European Parliament – November 23, 2018
2018.11.26 - Fuente :80% - News
Next week will be a mini-plenary and a committee week in the European Parliament. On Tuesday, the Pa...

Europäische Finanzaufsicht vor Gericht
2018.11.25 - Fuente :90% - News
Die Europäische Bankenunion ist noch im Aufbau – doch schon jetzt steht sie vor Gericht: Am 27. Nove...

EU Lawmakers Call For Probe Of $63B Securities Fraud
2018.11.29 - Fuente :85% - News
“It's abhorrent that these criminals have stolen €55 billion from European taxpayers through these d...

Leading MEP defends expenses secrecy
2018.12.03 - Fuente :75% - News
German Green deputy Sven Giegold had tabled a compromise on the rules, demanding that MEPs be allowe...

„Deutschland verhindert mehr Demokratie in Europa“
2018.12.04 - Fuente :85% - News
Die Bundesregierung habe Frankreichs Präsidenten bei der Eurozonen-Reform wie schon bei der Digitalb...

„Reform der Eurozone völlig unzureichend“
2018.12.04 - Fuente :85% - News
Der Europaabgeordnete der Grünen, Giegold, hält die geplante Reform der Eurozone für völlig unzureic...

'Hide-and-seek' must end parliament should be transparent on lobbying
2018.12.05 - Fuente :95% - News
In order to make the negotiating process move again, Richard Corbett, rapporteur for the reform of p...

Albania-Ue: avvio negoziati adesione, a Tirana missione parlamentari dei Paesi Bassi (3)
2018.05.07 - Fuente :75% - News
Da parte sua Jorida Tabaku, parlamentare dell'opposizione di centro destra ha dichiarato che "ai dep...