Compare Ramzan Kadyrov and Andrey Vorobyov to find out who to vote.
Ramzan Kadyrov![]() |
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Andrey Vorobyov![]() |
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Unknown |
Position | Unknown |
Moscow Russian Federation
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Moscow Russian Federation
Birthday |
Wealth |
Salary |
United Russia
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Activity |
Defying U.S. sanctions, Chechnya has created its own version of ...
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The U.S. government banished the leader of the Russian republic late last year from Instagram, as pa...
Chechnya's leader uses World Cup to extend his outreach to Middle East
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While no matches will be played in the region, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov's invitation, and the a...
Chechen Leader Orders 'DNA Harvesting" to Identify Kids Who Ended up in Middle East Terror Circles
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At present, in order secure the return to Russia of children who were born in Middle Eastern countri...
Gunmen Attack Church in Russia's Chechnya Region, Killing 3
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The gunmen initially took hostages, the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said, adding that the as...
How Chechnya's strongman leader is using the World Cup to strengthen his hand in the Muslim world
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“Staggering international pressure made President Putin raise the issue of the anti-gay purge with R...
Russian Commandos Debut Arctic Combat Buggy That Looks Right Out Of Fast And Furious
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Stil, the Northern M-3 might ultimately be most attractive to the National Guard or other Russian st...
Ramzan Kadyrov is Right: France Creates Terrorists
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Ramzan Kadyrov is Right: France Creates Terrorists. The Chechen leader says France is responsible fo...
Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov: We Should Use Force against Any Provocation
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In a recent Russia 24 interview, which aired on April 24, the President of the Chechen Republic Ramz...
Russian Journalist and Putin Critic Arkady Babchenko Shot Dead in Kiev
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According to the internet news site Meduza, the link referred to journalist and activist Marina Yude...
Will FIFA Force Russia to Make the World Cup Friendly to LGBT People?
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In 2017, the Russian republic of Chechnya carried out a horrific anti-gay purge. Chechen security fo...
Putin's Secret Services
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Tkachev even suggests that Andrey Vorobyov, governor of the Moscow region and former chair of the ru...
Kremlin approves possible re-election of Sobyanin, Vorobyev and heads of two more regions
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According to RBC sources close to the Kremlin, the candidacy of Head of the Moscow region Andrey Vor...
Gazprom unveils plan for huge new gas plant
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According to Gazprom's Andrey Vorobyov, the company had to boost its spending on the Sila Sibiri exp...
School ceiling worth $484.300 collapsed
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The ceiling collapsed during the classes in school number 2 in the city of Stupino, Moscow region. A...
Sanitation truck fired upon near Yadrovo landfill. Driver wounded
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Residents of the city organized a spontaneous rally and demanded that the authorities close the land...
Residents of Volokolamsk lodge complaint against Yadrovo landfill for $88.700
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More than 50 people sought medical attention with complaints of nausea and headaches. Governor of th...
Мы будем строить сильное, чистое и здоровое Подмосковье Андрей Воробьёв «Ступинская панорама»
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Губернатор Московской области Андрей Воробьев в эфире телеканала «360» назвал основные направления р...