Compara Kaja Kallas y Anne Sulling para saber por quién votar.
Kaja Kallas![]() |
VS |
Anne Sulling![]() |
Pulp mill has plus sides but must be done correctly says Reform leader
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Reform Party Leader Kaja Kallas has spoken out on the proposed pulp mill near Tartu, stating that th...
Kaja Kallas to partake in fireside chat at British Ambassador's residence
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Kaja Kallas was recently elected leader of the Reform Party (Reformierakond) the largest opposition...
Survey: Support for Kaja Kallas, Jüri Ratas as next prime minister tied
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Survey director Juhan Kivirähk noted that 13% percent of Reform Party voters would support Ratas as...
Estonia should claim Gazprom damages says Reform Party leader
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Margrethe Vestager, EU Commissioner in charge of competition policy, is quoted on Kaja Kallas' perso...
Reform Leader: Creating added value biggest challenge facing Estonia
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Kallas added that Estonia should also move forward with state reform, by discussing what kind of sta...
Kaja Kallas: puitu väärindavaid tehaseid oleks Eestile vaja
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Me peaksime leidma kõikvõimalikke võimalusi, kuidas teha nii, et meil on siin suurema lisandväärtuse...
Mass layoffs of state officials would cause problems, says Kallas
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"What needs to be considered with regard to all state officials is what is being done, whether it is...
Paper: Allocation of electoral spots in Reform likely to cause tension
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As he cannot run in Harju or Rapla Counties due to his daughter Kaja, it would be in the interests o...
Kaja Kallas: olen käinud üheksas protsendis Eesti koolidest
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Langenud on ka Kaja Kallase kui peaministrikandidaadi reiting, see on EPL-i tellitud küsitluses ühtl...
Kaja Kallas: Eesti Energia pakub eraettevõtjad üle. Vägisi tekib tunne, et raha ei loeta seal nii, nagu äris kombeks
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Avaldan, et 10 aastat tagasi oma varasemas karjääris advokaadina olen nõustanud nii Vardar Eurust ku...