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Ali Babacan vs Antti Rinne

Compara Ali Babacan y Antti Rinne para saber por quién votar.

Ali Babacan

Ali Babacan

Antti Rinne

Antti Rinne
Ali Babacan
score Antti Rinne
Former Deputy Prime Minister
Former Deputy Prime Minister
Ankara Turkey
Helsinki Finland
Justice and Development Party
Partido político
Social Democratic Party
Erdogan Is Failing Economics 101
2018.05.25 - Fuente :90% - News
Surrounded by figures like the technocrat Ali Babacan, a Kellogg School of Management graduate and f...

Babacan, Davutoğlu, Kahraman on way out
2018.05.03 - Fuente :90% - News
Former deputy prime minister and investors' favourite Ali Babacan had wanted to retire at the last e...

How to interpret Erdoğan's recent 'pledges' on the EU?
2018.05.12 - Fuente :75% - News
Journalists with a good understanding of what is happening in the close circle of former president a...

Ali Babacan bombası: Başkan yardımcısı...
2018.05.23 - Fuente :75% - News
Piyasalardaki hızlı hareketlenmeler karşısında Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın seçim sonrasında radikal önl...

İş dünyasına Ali Babacan müjdesi!
2018.05.22 - Fuente :85% - News
İŞ DÜNYASINA ALİ BABACAN MÜJDESİ! Anketler ortalığı sardı sarmasına ama durum AKP adına pek iç açıcı...

Ali Babacan geri mi dönüyor? Ekonomi için flaş gelişme
2018.05.23 - Fuente :95% - News
Hafta başında İstanbul'un önemli işadamlarından biriyle iftarda buluştuğunu belirten Ataklı, önemli...

A former trader accused of manipulating a multi-trillion-dollar market compares his alleged rigging to a 'rounding ...
2018.05.23 - Fuente :85% - News
Zarrab has said that Erdogan, when he was prime minister, and ex-Treasury Minister Ali Babacan signe...

Sıralı tam liste: AKP'de Ali Babacan, Beşir Atalay, Cemil Çiçek dahil 22 isim aday değil
2018.05.03 - Fuente :75% - News
AKP'den 22 isim 24 Haziran'daki seçimler için yeniden adaylık başvurusu yapmadı. Aday olmayanlar ara...

The Turkish lira is in 'complete freefall' amid concerns of Erdogan's influence on its central bank
2018.05.23 - Fuente :90% - News
Zarrab told the court he learned that Erdogan and then-treasury minister Ali Babacan had signed off...

What Analysts Say About Erdogan's Plan to Tighten Grip on Policy
2018.05.15 - Fuente :85% - News
... The key would be his selection of cabinet ministers; if he chooses people like Deputy Prime Mini...

Finnish poll leaders rule out working with nationalists after vote
2018.05.23 - Fuente :95% - News
Antti Rinne, the head of the main opposition party, the Social Democrats, said it was “very difficul...

Antti Marttinen: Onko Antti Rinne jo voittanut?
2018.05.29 - Fuente :85% - News
Sosialidemokraatit ovat taitavasti kohdistaneet avokätisiä lupauksia mahdollisimman laajoille äänest...

Orpo and Rinne rule out coalition co-operation with Finns Party
2018.05.24 - Fuente :75% - News
The chairpersons of the two most supported political parties in Finland, Petteri Orpo (NCP) and Antt...

Mikä mies on Antti Rinne
2018.05.26 - Fuente :80% - News
Kertokaa miksi perusSuomalaisena äänestän seuraavissa eduskuntavaaleissa SDP.tä. Sinisethän on kuole...

Antti Rinne vastasi eduskuntaa kuohuttaneeseen kysymykseen: Purkaako SDP soten?
2018.05.23 - Fuente :75% - News
SDP:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne on luvannut perua työttömyysturvan ”aktiivimallileikkurin”, jos puol...

Universal Basic Income Didn't Fail in Finland. Finland Failed It.
2018.05.02 - Fuente :90% - News
Antti Rinne, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, said last year, “I don't need any basic inco...

Antti Rinne: Perustuslakivaliokunta vuotaa kuin seula
2018.05.25 - Fuente :95% - News
Sdp:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinneäkee, että perustuslakival...

Antti Rinne hallituksen sote-mallista: Käsittämätöntä tunarointia
2018.05.22 - Fuente :85% - News
SDP:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne ei yllättynyt talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston sote-tyrmäyksestä....

SDP:n Rinne ei ole valmis luopumaan kotihoidon tuesta
2018.05.30 - Fuente :90% - News
SDP:n puheenjohtaja ja seuraavan hallituksen potentiaalinen pääministeriehdokas Antti Rinne ei lähti...

Justice Minister: Regional election timetable on a knife edge
2018.05.25 - Fuente :85% - News
Antti Rinne, who chairs the Social Democratic Party, said he was appalled to hear that documents rel...