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Igor šoltes Biografía & NOTICIAS

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Igor šoltes

Igor šoltes

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Igor šoltes

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Biografía & Reputation

There are not many informations about šoltes yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Igor.
He nacióa el 1964 y está activo(a) en Slovenia, Liubliana.
Igor šoltes has in total 7 news splited in 7 News, 0 Postivo, 0 Negativo, 0 Realizaciones, 0 Acusación and 0 Convicciones. The most active category is News. Igor šoltes is mostly active in News.


2018.06.01 - Fuente: 75% - News
Kot so sporočili iz Evropskega parlamenta, je od evropskih poslancev iz Slovenije v razpravi sodeloval Igor Šoltes (Zeleni/EFA), ki je dejal, da stopnja prekarnosti v Sloveniji med višjimi v Evropi in »žal postaja nova oblika sužnjelastniških razmeri...

2018.05.30 - Fuente: 85% - News
Na seznam smo uvrstili tudi turškega zvezdnika, za katerim je vzdihovalo in jokalo mlado in staro, Mojca Mavec se je v New Yorku družila s kranjskimi sivkami, predsednik se je ukvarjal z belim perilom, Jure Godler je občudoval bonsaje, Igor Šoltes je...

2018.05.25 - Fuente: 80% - News
Just as the health of the Roma community is a problem in Slovenia, so it is also a big problem in Europe, MEP Igor Šoltes (Greens) said. "The European statistics show the situation is frightening, as a third of Roma people in the EU say that they are...

2018.05.22 - Fuente: 90% - News
Evropski poslanec dr. Igor Šoltes je bil v Moravskih Toplicah gost posveta, ki ga je priredil s Pomursko pokrajinsko zvezo društev upokojencev. Na srečanju so sodelovale predsednica Pomurske PDZU Vijola Bertalanič, ki je posvet tudi moderirala, ...

2018.05.21 - Fuente: 90% - News
Tako pravi evropski poslanec Igor Šoltes o problematiki različnih kakovosti proizvodov na trgu v EU. "Nepoštene prakse je treba objavljati, to bo velika kazen za trgovce in za podjetja," pa je poudaril ekonomist Marko Hočevar. Igor Šoltes Foto: STA.

2018.05.16 - Fuente: 75% - News
During his visit to Brussels, Hoxhaj met the European commissioners Johannes Hahn, Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Igor Soltes, and EP Rapporteur on visas Tanja Fajon, as well as other senior officials of the EU ...

2018.05.13 - Fuente: 80% - News
... was represented in Strasbourg and Brussels by Milan Zver (EPP/SDS), Romana Tomc (EPP/SDS), Patricija Šulin (EPP/SDS), Franc Bogovič (EPP/SLS), Lojze Peterle (EPP/NSi), Tanja Fajon (S&D/SD), Ivo Vajgl (Alde/Desus) and Igor Šoltes (Greens).

More Info

Riqueza & Salario

The Riqueza for Igor will be added later. Try to find a biografía to get more infos about Igor's past. The Salario for Igor šoltes will be added later. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Igor šoltes has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Igor šoltes is Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa and Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance from Slovenia.
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