Ali Ahmeti Biografía & NOTICIAS
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Ali Ahmeti
04 ene 1959
Partido político:
Biografía & Reputation
Ali Ahmeti's Votrameter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Ali positive things done and find out if Ahmeti is worth leading. The Users of Votra thinks Ali is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Ahmeti. He is born on 04 ene 1959 and active in Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Skopie as dui. Ali Ahmeti has in total 87 news splited in 85 News, 1 Postivo, 1 Negativo, 0 Realizaciones, 0 Acusación and 0 Convicciones. The most active category is News. Ali Ahmeti is mostly active in News and Elecciones.Novedades
2018.09.27 - Fuente: 80% - News
“Time has come to bring Europe here. We cannot wait. Every vote in favour of the deal will be in the best interest of our children. We have the obligation of participating in the voting on Sunday”, said PM Zoran Zaev in his last meetings held with .....
2018.09.26 - Fuente: 95% - News
People propose “for peace and stability”, said Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the party “Democratic Union for integration”, which represents the interests of Albanians in the Macedonian government. “I don't want to go back. The experience was painful. Thi...
2018.09.26 - Fuente: 95% - News
Скопие. Етническата албанска партия Демократически съюз за интеграция (ДСИ) проведе във вторник вечерта централния си митинг за предстоящия референдум за името на 30 септември на площад „Скендербег“ в Скопие, пише македонският ...
2018.09.24 - Fuente: 90% - News
Leader of BDI, Ali Ahmeti said that on September 30, people should embrace the future of the country. “The agreement on the name offers stability, security, good relations between ethnic groups. Therefore, on September 30 it should be supported ...
2018.09.23 - Fuente: 80% - News
Куманово. На 30 септември колкото повече излезем, толкова по-силни ще бъдем,заяви лидерът на Демократичния съюз за интеграция Али Ахмети пред привърженици в Куманово, цитиран от Макфакс“. Демократичният съюз за интеграция ...
2018.09.19 - Fuente: 75% - News
Скопие. Евродепутатите, които в сряда са били на посещение в Скопие, са уверили лидера на Демократичен съюз за интеграция (ДСИ) Али Ахмети, че остават ангажирани с развитието на демокрацията и успеха на предстоящия референдум ...
2018.09.18 - Fuente: 90% - News
It "would produce a domino effect," of other efforts to redraw borders, Ali Ahmeti, a leading Albanian politician in Macedonia, also said, according to the Balkans news agency. It could "endanger security in the region," Croatian foreign ...
2018.09.13 - Fuente: 90% - News
Komentarišući inicijativu predstavnika Preševske doline da se Medveđa, Bujanovac i Preševo pripoje Kosovu, Ahmeti konstatuje da „treba da pričamo o pravima Albanaca u Preševskoj dolini, gde je stanje veoma teško“. – Vlada Srbije nije sprovela nijedan...
2018.09.11 - Fuente: 80% - News
The chairman of the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI), Ali Ahmeti last night from Tetovo called on opposition party VMRO-DPMNE to participate in the campaign. “Let us work together, regardless of our nationality. I call on VMRO-DPMNE to ...