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Thomas Oppermann Biografía & NOTICIAS

- Riqueza & Score

Thomas Oppermann

Thomas Oppermann

27 abr 1954
Partido político:
Social D...
Enlaces externos:
Rol del gobierno
Derechos civiles

Thomas Oppermann

27 abr 1954
Partido político:
Social D...
Enlaces externos:

Biografía & Reputation

Thomas Oppermann's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Thomas. Check anyway Oppermann news. The Users opinion about Thomas is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Thomas did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
He is born on 27 abr 1954 and active in Germany, Berlín as chairman.
Thomas Oppermann has in total 197 news splited in 196 News, 1 Postivo, 0 Negativo, 0 Realizaciones, 0 Acusación and 0 Convicciones. The most active category is News. Thomas Oppermann is mostly active in News and Rol del gobierno.


2018.10.15 - Fuente: 75% - News
Arrivederci Merkel, Schultz und Juncker." Italiens rechtspopulistischer Innenminister Matteo Salvini. *"Hauptursache für d.Debakel: die politische Geisterfahrt von Söder+Seehofer." Thomas Oppermann (SPD), Bundestagsvizepräsident, via Twitter. *"Die S...

2018.10.13 - Fuente: 75% - News
Vor dort aus ist der Nobelpreisträger direkt nach Göttingen gereist. Zur Eröffnung kamen außer Hell unter anderem auch Oberbürgermeister Rolf-Georg Köhler, Landtagspräsidentin Gabriele Andretta, Bundestagsabgeordneter Thomas Oppermann und Klaus

2018.10.09 - Fuente: 80% - News
Solche und andere Fragen diskutierten in lockerer Atmosphäre die knapp 150 Gäste aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien, die auf Einladung von StZ-Chefredakteur Joachim Dorfs/ StN-Chefredakteur Christoph Reisinger/BZ-Chefredakteur Thomas Fricker in die ....

2018.10.04 - Fuente: 75% - News
Businessman Andreas Ritzenhoff, 61, wants to run for the presidency at the CDU party conference in December against the German Chancellor, following her disastrous election results and mounting unrest over her controversial 'open-door' immigration .....

2018.09.27 - Fuente: 80% - News
(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) BERLIN, Sept 27 (KUNA) -- Vice President of the Bundestag, the German parliament, Thomas Oppermann lauded Thursday the unique democratic atmosphere in Kuwait, saying that the GCC country was known for ...

2018.09.26 - Fuente: 90% - News
SPD lawmaker Thomas Oppermann tweeted it was an "uprising against Merkel" and Free Democrat Alexander Graf Lambsdorff said it was "the beginning of the end of the grand coalition". In an unexpected vote that underscored growing discontent among ...

2018.09.26 - Fuente: 95% - News
Thomas Oppermann, the Social Democratic vice president of the Bundestag, even spoke of a "division of labor" between the party and far more radical elements. Though they were by no means in the majority, neo-Nazis were among many groups that took ...

2018.09.25 - Fuente: 80% - News
"That's a revolt against Merkel," wrote the centre-left SPD's parliamentary group leader Thomas Oppermann on Twitter minutes after the result was published. Earlier Tuesday, Spiegel Online had said that a win by Brinkhaus would mean that "Merkel shou...

2018.09.25 - Fuente: 80% - News
Berlin (AFP) Bundestagsvizepräsident Thomas Oppermann (SPD) sieht die Wahl von Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) zum neuen Chef der Unionsfraktion im Bundestag als Schlappe für Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU). "Das ist ein Aufstand gegen Merkel", ...

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Riqueza & Salario

The Riqueza for Thomas will be added later. Try to find a biografía to get more infos about Thomas's past. The Salario for Thomas Oppermann will be added later. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Thomas Oppermann has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Thomas Oppermann is Social Democratic Party from Germany. Thomas is active as Chairman.
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