Hans-olaf Henkel Biografía & NOTICIAS
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Hans-olaf Henkel
Biografía & Reputation
There are not many informations about Henkel yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Hans-olaf. He nacióa el 1940 y está activo(a) en Germany, Berlín. Hans-olaf Henkel has in total 6 news splited in 6 News, 0 Postivo, 0 Negativo, 0 Realizaciones, 0 Acusación and 0 Convicciones. The most active category is News. Hans-olaf Henkel is mostly active in News.Novedades
2018.06.03 - Fuente: 75% - News
Potom vystúpil nemecký europoslanec Hans-Olaf Henkel. Ten sa zostra pustil do spoločnej európskej meny. Mier v Európe podľa neho nemá nič spoločné s eurom, ale s demokraciou. „Chcel by som pripomenúť, že v Taliansku teraz politici slávia úspechy s .....
2018.06.01 - Fuente: 95% - News
Eine freiwillige Zerschlagung von #Facebook ist eine Illusion. Ebenso wird ein Manager niemals Firmengeheimnisse preisgeben. Das sind alles Ansprüche eines starken Staates. Zu viel soll von der EU kontrolliert werden, es gibt daher zu wenig solcher ....
2018.05.31 - Fuente: 95% - News
Italy's political turmoil has hit global financial markets this week and raised questions about the country's future as a member of Europe's shared currency, the euro. Some in Italy and other countries in the 19-member currency union have complained...
2018.05.30 - Fuente: 90% - News
Italy's ongoing political crisis, which has seen it without an elected government for seven years and faces the most recent coalition attempts by Five Star Movement and Lega being vetoed, is also a symptom of “too much Europe”, according to Mr Henkel...
2018.05.30 - Fuente: 95% - News
9.00am UPDATE: Hans-Olaf Henkel, German MEP, tears into the euro. He said: “While Italy suffers from what they believe to an overvalued currency, German industry is achieving record export surpluses due to what it considers an undervalued currency.an...
2018.05.23 - Fuente: 90% - News
Unter normalen Umständen wäre es unproblematisch, einer ausländischen Regierung die Bitte zu erfüllen, bei einer Gedenkveranstaltung in #Solingen teilzunehmen, bei der vor 25 Jahren Bürger ihres Landes gewaltsam ums Leben gekommen sind.