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Marine Le Pen Biografía & NOTICIAS

- Riqueza & Score

Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen

05 ago 1968
Partido político:
Enlaces externos:

Marine Le Pen

05 ago 1968
Partido político:
Enlaces externos:

Biografía & Reputation

Marine Le Pen's Votrameter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Marine positive things done and find out if Pen is worth leading. The Users of Votra thinks Marine is bad and you should not vote her. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Pen.
She is born on 05 ago 1968 and active in France, París as político.
Marine Le Pen has in total 311 news splited in 310 News, 0 Postivo, 1 Negativo, 0 Realizaciones, 0 Acusación and 0 Convicciones. The most active category is News. Marine Le Pen is mostly active in News and Inmigración.


2018.11.23 - Fuente: 85% - News
Opinion polls from last year's French presidential runoff showed that the single biggest reason voters backed Emmanuel Macron was to “stop Marine Le Pen.” Already then, the low turnout indicated a lack of enthusiasm for his campaign; and since his .....

2018.11.23 - Fuente: 85% - News
Marine Le Pen a suggéré vendredi que les Gilets jaunes puissent manifester sur les Champs-Élysées, après avoir contesté la veille la proposition du gouvernement de se réunir sur le Champ-de-Mars, un moyen, selon elle, de minimiser la

2018.11.22 - Fuente: 95% - News
A six mois du scrutin des européennes, la stratégie choisie par le Rassemblement national (ex-Front national) se précise. D'après nos informations, Marine Le Pen figurera sur la liste du parti, en dernière position. Son nom apparaîtra même sur le ...

2018.11.21 - Fuente: 90% - News
The French leader admitted that far-right leader Marine Le Pen's party could expand its power in Brussels after next May's vote. During a debate at a university in Brussels the 40-year-old centrist said the EU election will be “a battle between those...

2018.11.21 - Fuente: 95% - News
When Emmanuel Macron won a resounding victory over far-right nationalist Marine Le Pen in the 2017 French presidential elections – claiming 66 per cent of the vote – Matteo Salvini was a little known Italian politician largely scoffed at as a clown b...

2018.11.20 - Fuente: 95% - News
"C'est le plus grand patriote que je connaisse", dit de lui Marine Le Pen. A 48 ans, Jean Messiha n'est plus vraiment un inconnu. Mais pas encore une tête d'affiche du Rassemblement national non plus. Enarque, économiste et haut fonctionnaire au ...

2018.11.18 - Fuente: 85% - News
The Sofia District Court has released from custody a 22-year-old man charged with hooliganism for allegedly spray-painting on the Soviet Army Monument in the Bulgarian capital city a message against French far-right politician Marine Le Pen. The cour...

2018.11.16 - Fuente: 90% - News
Le Pen described Mareshki's Volya as "the party with which we share the most common views". She said that the party had been selected as a partner in Bulgaria after in-depth research, and that Mareshki had declared a renaissance of true

2018.11.16 - Fuente: 85% - News
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen is blaming the policies of the European Union for Britain's exit from the bloc. "If the EU wasn't what it is now, the United Kingdom would still have been a member of a structure that respects the nations, the .....

More Info

Riqueza & Salario

The Riqueza for Marine will be added later. Try to find a biografía to get more infos about Marine's past. The Salario for Marine Le Pen will be added later. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Marine Le Pen has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Marine Le Pen is National Front from France. Marine is active as Político.
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