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Terry Reintke vs Özcan Mutlu

Compare Terry Reintke and Özcan Mutlu to find out who to vote.

Terry Reintke

Terry Reintke

Özcan Mutlu

Özcan Mutlu
Terry Reintke
Özcan Mutlu
Berlin Germany
Berlin Germany
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
Alliance '90/The Greens
CNBC: 'When the Charm Offensive from Facebook Just Turns into Being Offensive'
2018.05.29 - Source :75% - News
CNBC published an article recently criticising Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's most recent hearing be...

When the charm offensive from Facebook just turns into being offensive
2018.05.28 - Source :85% - News
This prompted one MEP from the Greens party, Terry Reintke, to quip: "We urgently need stricter regu...

MEPs turn up for rap battle at European youth event
2018.06.02 - Source :95% - News
... Tiemo Wolken and Brando Benifei with London-based rapper Dekay. Liberals were represented by MEP...

MEPs to enter humiliating RAP BATTLE in desperate bid to appeal to youth
2018.05.30 - Source :80% - News
The bizarre event will see MEPs team up with a professional rapper who will help them come up with c...

Entsandte Arbeitnehmer erhalten Schutz vor Niedriglöhnen
2018.05.29 - Source :85% - News
„Mehr Geld am Ende des Monats kann das Vertrauen in die Europäische Union stärken“, erklärte die soz...

#metoo in Brüssel: "Mach' die Sache doch nicht größer als sie ist"
2018.05.23 - Source :75% - News
von Arnika Zinke 23.5.2018 16:17. Im Vorjahr wurde Terry Reintke im Zuge der #metoo Debatte vom TIME...

How Zuckerberg in Brussels went from coup to car crash
2018.05.23 - Source :95% - News
European Parliament officials were afraid Mark Zuckerberg would have “rotten fruit” lobbed at him by...

Irlands stille Revolution
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
Auch die grüne Europapolitikerin Terry Reintke würdigte den Ausgang des Referendums als «Meilenstein...

Wolves showing interest in Dutch international winger: 'Move could ...
2018.05.23 - Source :80% - News
According to Sabah journalist Mehmet Ozcan, Wolverhampton Wanderers are interested in signing Eljero...

Pazar akşamı baba olan Özcan Deniz'in mutluluğuna gölge düştü
2018.05.01 - Source :80% - News
ÖZCAN Deniz ve eşi Feyza Aktan, pazar akşamı ilk bebeklerini kucaklarına aldı. Maslak Acıbadem Hasta...

122 sanığa ağırlaştırılmış müebbet...
2018.05.23 - Source :95% - News
... Mustafa Özkardeşler, Mutlu Açıkgöz, Müslim Çağırıcı, Nuri Yüksel, Osman Çayır, Osman Ongun, Osma...

Özcan Deniz bebeğinin fotoğrafını paylaştı En Son Haber
2018.05.19 - Source :80% - News
Ünlü şarkıcı ve oyuncu Özcan Deniz, bebeği ile olan bir fotoğrafını kendi kişisel sayfasından anlaml...