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Rodney Slater vs Barbara Franklin

Compare Rodney Slater and Barbara Franklin to find out who to vote.

Rodney Slater

Rodney Slater

Barbara Franklin

Barbara Franklin
Rodney Slater
Barbara Franklin
Former U.S. Secretary
Former U.S. Secretary
San Marcos United States
Commerce United States
Squire Patton Boggs Foundation Selects U of A Law Student for Fellowship
2018.05.31 - Source :85% - News
Martin, who served as the 2017-18 student coordinator for the school's Pro Bono and Community Engage...

Ride Along as Bill Murray Chats With Kelly Slater
2018.05.22 - Source :80% - News
It remains a point of pain, the what-could-have-been-thinking, hanging with Bill Murray for a few ho...

Fiat Chrysler recalls 4.8 million US vehicles for cruise control defect
2018.05.25 - Source :85% - News
In July 2015, Fiat Chrysler agreed to a $105 million settlement for mishandling nearly two dozen rec...

2018 Future Leaders Development Conference (LDC) Recap
2018.05.31 - Source :95% - News
... Transportation Centers Award Designee). Paulina Urbanowicz, University of Texas at Austin. Ellie...

Hillary and Bill Clinton Go Separate Ways for 2018 Midterm Elections
2018.05.21 - Source :85% - News
This year, Mike Espy, Mr. Clinton's former agriculture secretary who is running for Senate in Missis...

Hormel recalls canned meat products which may contain pieces of metal
2018.05.27 - Source :85% - News
In July 2015, Fiat Chrysler agreed to a $105 million settlement for mishandling nearly two dozen rec...

Fiat Chrysler recalls 4.8m US vehicles for cruise control defect
2018.05.27 - Source :85% - News
It agreed to a three-year consent agreement and monitoring by former Transportation Secretary Rodney...

KCS Holds Annual Meeting of Stockholders, Elects Twelve Directors and Announces Preferred and Common Dividends
2018.05.18 - Source :95% - News
elected Lydia I. Beebe, Lu M. Córdova, Robert J. Druten, Terrence P. Dunn, Antonio O. Garza, Jr., Da...

Unemployment rates drop in every county across TN
2018.05.28 - Source :85% - News
In July 2015, Fiat Chrysler agreed to a $105 million settlement for mishandling nearly two dozen rec...

Death row inmates with Treasure Coast connections
2018.06.01 - Source :90% - News
Rodney Lowe. Age: 47. Offense date: July 3, 1990. Sentence date: May 1, 1991. Details of crime: Lowe...

A Rare Film About Gendered Oppression in African-American Family Life
2018.05.15 - Source :75% - News
They, too, have young children—they're Barbara Franklin's, from a previous marriage. Bill Franklin,...

Barbara Altmann named as new president of Franklin & Marshall College
2018.05.22 - Source :90% - News
Franklin & Marshall College will have a new leader but a familiar focus in the fall, when Barbara K....

Why a new office building in Taiwan is heightening US-China tensions
2018.05.29 - Source :90% - News
As long ago as 1992, the George H. W. Bush administration sent Secretary of Commerce Barbara Frankli...

Big Island: It's Nearly Impossible To Find A Place To Rent These Days
2018.05.18 - Source :90% - News
The governor or the mayor needs to proclaim a rent freeze like they did for the Pahoa flow a few yea...

The 1 Scary Thing the White House and Mar-a-Lago Have in Common (and How It Affects Donald Trump)
2018.05.28 - Source :95% - News
John F. Kennedy escaped to Rhode Island. Reagan loved Santa Barbara. Franklin Roosevelt had a resort...

The Conversation: Monday, May 7th, 2018
2018.05.07 - Source :80% - News
Barbara Franklin, a practicing attorney with an office in Honoka'a who works on Landlord/Tenant issu...

Soul-stirring revival at Taylor Church this week in Vallejo
2018.05.13 - Source :80% - News
The revival will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and is an attempt to bring new people into the...

San Diego County woman claims law firm used abusive, threatening practices to collect debt
2018.05.25 - Source :85% - News
... a California law firm alleging abusive debt collection practices that violate the Fair Debt Coll...

Influential Adirondack leader Barb Rice abruptly resigns
2018.05.22 - Source :90% - News
Barbara Rice of Saranac Lake, center, being sworn in as the first chairwoman of the Franklin County...

Transitions: Franklin & Marshall Chooses Its Next Leader, Longtime U. of Texas at El Paso President Will Retire
2018.05.24 - Source :85% - News
CHIEF EXECUTIVES. Appointments. Barbara K. Altmann, provost of Bucknell University, will become pres...