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Richard Shepherd vs Paul Verges

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Richard Shepherd

Richard Shepherd

Paul Verges

Paul Verges
Richard Shepherd
Paul Verges
London United Kingdom
Paris France
Communist Party of Réunion
Whangārei war veteran and kaumātua Richard Shepherd awarded Queen's Service Medal in 2018 Queen's Birthday ...
2018.06.03 - Source :95% - News
Richard Shepherd questioned whether he was worthy when he was told he had been awarded a Queen's Ser...

£4m deal for Lincoln fitness centre
2018.06.04 - Source :85% - News
Richard Shepherd-Cross, managing director of Custodian Capital, the company's discretionary investme...

Lincoln health and fitness centre acquired for £4.3m
2018.06.04 - Source :75% - News
Richard Shepherd-Cross, Managing Director of Custodian Capital Limited (the company's discretionary...

Queen's Birthday Honours 2018 full list
2018.06.03 - Source :95% - News
Richard Henry Shepherd, for services to Māori and the community. Allan Sheppard, for services to con...

New Chairman and Vice-Chairman at North Norfolk District Council
2018.06.01 - Source :80% - News
This year's Chairman is Nicholas Coppack and the Vice-Chairman is Brian Hannah. At the annual meetin...

Accidental death verdict in Sunk Island farm slurry pit drowning
2018.05.18 - Source :80% - News
An inquest into the death of two men who entered a farm's slurry tank to remove a blockage has retur...

Two men drowned in East Yorkshire farm slurry pit
2018.05.17 - Source :80% - News
Two men died after entering a farm's slurry tank to remove a blockage, an inquest has heard. Alexand...

Water park's visitors keep their cool in Las Vegas — PHOTOS
2018.06.04 - Source :80% - News
Las Vegas resident Javier Rosete holds his five-year-old daughter, Janet, under a water feature at t...

Best Movies 2017: Heartbreaking And Heartwarming, 'Last Flag Flying' Is A Must-Watch On Amazon Prime
2018.05.23 - Source :85% - News
The movie begins with Richard Shepherd finding Sal Nealon at a bar that he owns and runs. After spen...

Judge throws out police officer's attempt to bar man she Tasered from giving evidence against her
2018.05.16 - Source :90% - News
A police officer about to go on trial for assault after she Tasered one of the police's own race rel...

It's hot outside, but nothing compares to St. Paul classroom reaching 101 degrees
2018.05.30 - Source :80% - News
It's hot outside, but nothing compares to St. Paul classroom reaching 101 degrees. By Josh Verges /...

Movement would rename St. Paul school named for slave-owning president
2018.05.17 - Source :75% - News
Plans to scrub a slave-owning U.S. president's name from two St. Paul school buildings have rankled...

After these buyers fell through, McNally Smith building likely will sell in June
2018.05.16 - Source :90% - News
If Sullivan can't get a better offer by June 18, she intends to sell the downtown St. Paul building,...

The huge six figure cost of trimming verges just once in this Welsh county has been revealed
2018.05.15 - Source :90% - News
The county has more than 2,000 miles of road — the second highest of Wales's 22 authorities — many w...

One dead, one badly hurt after Memorial Day crash in Scott County ...
2018.05.29 - Source :85% - News
A three-car crash Monday in Scott County, MN, left one man dead and another with life-threatening in...

Inconsiderate lorry drivers facing fines over ongoing poor parking problems
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
Inconsiderate drivers parking along the side of The Manorway, causing damage to footpaths, cycle pat...

'Orton flowerlady' leaves 'beautiful' legacy
2018.05.11 - Source :85% - News
Paul Dunford said: “Judy was an enthusiastic photographer and in 2001, prevented by the foot and mou...

Kanyardages : Vergès jusque dans les séries télé
2018.05.10 - Source :95% - News
C'est ça, les monstres sacrés : même partis, ils hantent toujours l'espace médiatique. Dans le genre...

Columbia-Greene Community College announces the spring semester president's and dean's lists
2018.05.30 - Source :75% - News
... Zachary A. Johnson, Meghan J. Kelley, Brendan M. Mead, Jennifer L. Moore, Levis D. Morales Verge...

Mai 68 : Loin des barricades, autonomistes et départementalistes se disputent le statut de l'île
2018.05.21 - Source :90% - News
Dans son édition du 25 mai 1968, le Journal de l'Île, rapporte une conférence de presse de Paul Verg...