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Pat The Cope Gallagher vs Aindrias Moynihan

Vergleiche Pat The Cope Gallagher und Aindrias Moynihan um herauszufinden, für wenn du stimmen könntest.

Pat The Cope Gallagher

Pat The Cope Gallagher

Aindrias Moynihan

Aindrias Moynihan
Pat The Cope Gallagher
Aindrias Moynihan
Former European Parliament
Dublin Ireland
Dublin Ireland
Fianna Fáil
Fianna Fáil
Creed claims Opposition 'reckless' over fishing penalty points
2018.05.30 - Quelle :80% - News
The motion, proposed by Leas-Cheann Comhairle and Fianna Fáil marine spokesman Pat “The Cope” Gallag...

Politicians made nearly 5000 representations to the Passport Office on behalf of their constituents
2018.05.27 - Quelle :85% - News
Fianna Fáil's Pat the Cope Gallagher follows, having made 167 representations in the last two years...

Donegal TD's Dáil motion sinks Penalty Points System for fishing infringements
2018.05.29 - Quelle :80% - News
Donegal TD Pat 'the Cope' Gallagher has welcomed the support within the Dáil for his motion to resci...

Dail rejects Fisheries Penalty Points provision
2018.05.29 - Quelle :80% - News
The Dail has passed a motion calling on Fisheries Minister Michael Creed to replace the Statutory In...

Dáil rejects Penalty Points System for fishing infringements
2018.05.30 - Quelle :80% - News
Fisheries Minister Michael Creed is today considering his options after the Dail last evening reject...

Flood relief schemes and funding a washout for Donegal – Pat the Cope
2018.05.03 - Quelle :95% - News
Deputy Pat the Cope Gallagher Leas-Cheann Comhairle has labelled the Government's latest flood relie...

Video: Donegal TD forced to referee Kerry match in the Dáil warning histrionics should be kept for Croke Park
2018.05.10 - Quelle :75% - News
Donegal T.D. Pat 'The Cope' Gallagher was forced to referee a shouting match between Independent Ker...

Creed warns of large fines if fisheries offences plan is blocked
2018.05.22 - Quelle :90% - News
Fianna Fáíl marine spokesman Pat the Cope Gallagher, who has tabled the private members' motion, say...

Dáil adjourned in chaos after filibustering on Road Traffic Bill
2018.05.09 - Quelle :75% - News
A rarely used Dáil rule was invoked to end filibustering in a debate on drink driving and learner dr...

Entrepreneurial Donegal priest who achieved national celebrity in Korea
2018.05.04 - Quelle :75% - News
Knowledge gleaned from his father, Patrick's advice to Donegal farmers to become self-enterprising i...

Cork North West result: Yes 60.10% and No 39.90%
2018.05.26 - Quelle :85% - News
Speaking at the count centre in Ballincollig, Aindrias Moynihan of Fianna Fáil who was against the r...

Insurers cannot be forced to cover older cars, says Paschal Donohoe
2018.05.21 - Quelle :85% - News
In response to a parliamentary question from Aindrias Moynihan, a Fianna Fáil TD, the finance minist...

Three-year build target for Macroom bypass
2018.05.28 - Quelle :85% - News
Future progress updates will include updates under this heading.” Meanwhile, TII recently released f...

CORK ECONOMY: New dole office to open in Macroom
2018.05.29 - Quelle :85% - News
Cork North West TD, Aindrias Moynihan has welcomed confirmation from the Department of Social Protec...

Finance minister reiterates lack of control over insurers
2018.05.22 - Quelle :95% - News
Ireland's Aindrias Moynihan TD has asked Irish finance minister Paschal Donohoe about his views on t...

Cork's 'rich list' TDs are worth €8.8m
2018.05.18 - Quelle :80% - News
Finally in Cork North West, Aindrias Moynihan (FF) has a total TD value of €246,469 and is number 14...

'Time to move' on Macroom garda station
2018.05.01 - Quelle :90% - News
CORK North West Fianna Fáil TD Aindrias Moynihan has called for immediate progress on the constructi...

Former TD Aine Collins rules out contesting next general election
2018.05.04 - Quelle :90% - News
... power with 48% of votes in the three-seater. She was the first women to get elected there. But t...

Gardai in Gaeltacht must be able to speak Irish – says TD
2018.05.19 - Quelle :80% - News
North West Co Cork Fianna Fáil TD, Aindrias Moynihan has said that any members of An Garda Síochána...