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Othmar Karas vs Claudia Schmidt

Compare Othmar Karas et Claudia Schmidt pour savour pour qui voter.

Othmar Karas

Othmar Karas

Claudia Schmidt

Claudia Schmidt
Othmar Karas
Claudia Schmidt
Vienne Austria
Vienne Austria
Österreichische Volkspartei, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
Parti politique
Österreichische Volkspartei, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
EBS 2018: We need to overhaul the way interest representation is being conducted by business organisations
2018.05.23 - Source :85% - News
Written by Othmar Karas on 23 May 2018 in Opinion. Opinion. Businesses must work more closely with d...

Karas gegen Strache, das ist Brutalität
2018.06.01 - Source :90% - News
Besonders für ÖVP-Verhältnisse herrscht in der öffentlichen Kommunikation erstaunliche Eintracht. Al...

Othmar Karas: "So nicht, Herr Strache!"
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
Othmar Karas sagte im Gespräch mit der „Kleinen Zeitung“, es sei selbstverständlich in Ordnung, die...

Othmar Karas: „Idee Europa nicht auf dem Altar der Parteien opfern“
2018.05.18 - Source :95% - News
Othmar Karas: Der Vergleich ist leider nicht weit hergeholt. Die Entwicklungen in Polen, Ungarn, Mal...

EBS 2018: Digitising EU industry must go hand in hand with educating workers
2018.05.24 - Source :95% - News
Maria Grapini: Internal market rules must help SMEs · Othmar Karas: We need to overhaul the way inte...

EBS 2018: Internal market rules must help SMEs
2018.05.24 - Source :90% - News
Othmar Karas: We need to overhaul the way interest representation is being conducted by business org...

EBS 2018: Brexit must not hamper sustainable development efforts
2018.05.23 - Source :75% - News
Lívia Járóka: Economic growth requires concerted effort between businesses, governments and civil so...

EBS 2018: Economic growth requires concerted effort between businesses, governments and civil society
2018.05.23 - Source :80% - News
Elżbieta Bieńkowska: How the EU can help businesses across Europe · Seb Dance: Brexit must not hampe...

Croatia's contested commemoration
2018.05.17 - Source :95% - News
Othmar Karas, a member of the European Parliament from the governing center-right Austrian People's...

Thousands attend far-right commemoration in southern Austria
2018.05.12 - Source :90% - News
... the European Parliament, including some from the ruling Austrian People's Party (OVP), decried t...

Schmidt, Friedman at Northwind Arts Center tonight
2018.05.11 - Source :80% - News
PORT TOWNSEND — Northwind Arts Center will join Matt Miner Presents in welcoming Claudia Schmidt and...

Entertainment Update for May 9 edition
2018.05.08 - Source :80% - News
#Singer-songwriter Claudia Schmidt plays a Hood River House Concert on Thursday, May 10. “A regular...

Dulci-More's 24th annual festival begins Friday
2018.05.23 - Source :80% - News
Friday: Hickory Cathedral (David Mahler and Paul Friesen-Carper) from South Carolina and Michigan, a...

NHPR Folk Music and Dance Calendar 5.20.18
2018.05.21 - Source :95% - News
>>>Caroline Cotter at One Longfellow Square ~ Portland ME ~ 8pm ~ https://onelongfellowsquare.com/....

2018.05.23 - Source :90% - News
Scheduled to perform on May 25 are Hickory Cathedral (David Mahler and Paul Friesen-Carper of South...

Folk icon John Gorka to perform Thursday at Cafe Nine in New Haven
2018.05.27 - Source :95% - News
Before too long, he found himself living in the club's basement and acting as resident MC and sound...

'They killed my child': Border Patrol shooting of Guatemalan woman stirs protests
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
The young woman was a 19-year-old Guatemalan citizen named Claudia Patricia Gómez González, Guatemal...

Music will fill the air
2018.05.18 - Source :80% - News
Tickets and event details can be found on the Art Park website: michlegacyartpark.org/events or by c...

Kunst, die Kreise zieht
2018.06.03 - Source :80% - News
Bereits am Samstag installierte Claudia Schmidt den Labyrinthkreis aus Gegenständen wie Federbällen,...

Arts & Culture Calendar: May 31 to June 6, 2018
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
Gateway City Arts, 92 Race St., Holyoke. Watermelon Wednesdays Concert: Sally Rogers and Claudia Sch...