Primerjaj Milan Chovanec in Andrej Babiš ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Milan Chovanec![]() |
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Andrej Babiš![]() |
Innenministerium will mehr Geld für Kampf gegen Terrorismus
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- Državljanske pravice
Dies teilte der Innenminister Milan Chovanec am Montag mit. Das Geld soll demnach vor allem in die T...
Interior Ministry will get additional CZK 420m in 2017 ...
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- Državljanske pravice
Prague, Sept 21 (CTK) - The Interior Ministry will get 420 million crowns more next year, Interior M...
Government approves draft state budget for 2017 -
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- Državljanske pravice, Vloga vlade
... Interior Minister Milan Chovanec and Finance Minister Andrej Babiš reached a compromise agreemen...
Czech Republic to increase pensions by CZK 300 a month
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- Vloga vlade, Civil Rights
Furthermore, the ANO minister of finance Andrej Babiš revealed that he had located CZK 3.5bn in stat...