Compare Lieve Wierinck e Bedri Hoxha para saber em quem votar.
Lieve Wierinck![]() |
VS |
Bedri Hoxha![]() |
Nurses can play key role in supportive care for cancer patients – let's give them the means to do so
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Lieve Wierinck is a Flemish politician for the liberal Open VLD party. Mrs Wierinck holds a pharmace...
Time to address the EU's inequalities in breast cancer diagnosis and care
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With the aim of raising awareness about breast cancer and existing inequalities in Europe, I have re...
Maggie De Block duwt provinciale Open Vld-lijst regio Halle-Vilvoorde
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Andere bekende figuren op deze kandidatenlijst voor de provincieraadsverkiezingen zijn federaal volk...
Elections 2018: Maggie De Block poussera la liste Open Vld pour la région Hal-Vilvorde
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Les autres personnalités politiques de la liste sont le député fédéral Luc Van Biesen, la parlementa...