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Kenneth Mapp vs Asa Hutchinson

Compara Kenneth Mapp y Asa Hutchinson para saber por quién votar.

Kenneth Mapp

Kenneth Mapp

Asa Hutchinson

Asa Hutchinson
Kenneth Mapp
score Asa Hutchinson
Arkansas United States
Republican, Independent
Partido político
News, Rol del gobierno
USVI-BVI Friendship Day Celebrates 43rd Anniversary; Event ...
2016.09.19 - Fuente :80% - Rol del gobierno
ST. THOMAS — Governor Kenneth Mapp welcomed British Virgin Islands Premier D. Orlando Smith, center-...

Flags Ordered to Half Staff for Helen Sebastien Gabriel
2018.05.30 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp on Tuesday ordered flags in the U.S. Virgin Islands to be flown at half staff in h...

Governor satisfied with progress following hurricanes
2018.05.28 - Fuente :85% - News
CHRISTIANSTED, St Croix – Governor of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), Kenneth Mapp, says he...

Director of iconic Sebastien Majorettes dies
2018.05.30 - Fuente :90% - News
According to a press release issued Tuesday from Government House, Gov. Kenneth Mapp has directed th...

Status of mulch unclear as material is given away on St. John
2018.05.30 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp said initially he wanted to burn it all. The Senate passed legislation banning such bur...

Commissioner: VI cop acted appropriately in altercation on flight
2018.05.30 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp's security detail, was aware of Felix and his serial offenses on St. Croix, which inclu...

Mapp Says He's Ready To Drop 'Missiles And Bombs' On Opponents In Gubernatorial Race
2018.05.07 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. CROIX — When Governor Kenneth Mapp arrived at the Elections System of the Virgin Islands here on...

Mapp Vetoes Bill Rearranging Hospital Boards, OKs Limetree CZM Permit
2018.05.23 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp vetoed a bill rearranging the leadership structure of the territorial hospital boa...

Mapp Approves CZM Permit For Limetree Bay; Vetoes Measure That Sought To Change Leadership Structure Of ...
2018.05.22 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp has approved a coastal zone management permit to allow Limetree Ba...

GVI Launches USVI Hurricane Recovery Website Tracking $2 Billion in Disaster Funding
2018.05.25 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp's continued commitment to providing accountability and transparency. “Thankfully, we ha...

When 'The Ultimate Sacrifice' Hits Home
2018.05.29 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp, Sen. Novelle Francis, Office of Veterans Affairs Director Patrick Farrell, other gover...

Mapp Joins Governors and Trump at FEMA Hurricane Prep Video Conference
2018.06.07 - Fuente :95% - News
Ken Mapp joined governors from across the country for a video teleconference Wednesday as Federal Em...

Governor Mapp conferences with President Trump and FEMA on hurricane preparation
2018.06.08 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. THOMAS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Governor Kenneth E. Mapp joined Governors from across the country...

Report: USVI Recovery Threatened By VI Government's Lack Of Funds
2018.06.07 - Fuente :80% - News
A day later, Governor Kenneth Mapp told The Consortium in an interview that the territory would not...

Two Businesses Want Same Government Land in Subbase
2018.06.08 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp. It did not move forward on Wednesday. Committee chairman Kurt Vialet asked for documen...

Mapp names four to Horse Racing Commission | News ...
2018.06.09 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has nominated four people to the V.I. Horse Racing Commission, according to a Gove...

Mapp Nominates Four to Horse Racing Commission
2018.06.09 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp has nominated Dr. Laura Palminteri DVM, Henry E. Schjang, Ian Samuel and Ronald...

CAHS students storm Legislature over modular classrooms
2018.06.09 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp approved a contract with AECOM, a technical services company, for $107 million to provi...

A Tentative Deal With BP to Restart Refining at Former Hovensa Refinery Has Been Reached, Sources Say
2018.06.11 - Fuente :80% - News
June 11, 2018 [Viconsortium] - A grin was all that Governor Kenneth Mapp offered to The Consortium a...

Attorney General blocking access to public records in violation of the law
2018.06.12 - Fuente :85% - News
That information, when compared with current salaries listed on the Division of Personnel's employee...

Mapp Secures Release Of Some Federal Funding For Home Repairs Program Following Delay In Payments To ...
2018.06.12 - Fuente :80% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp has directed the Virgin Islands Department of Finance to release more than $30...

HUD Officials Visit to go over Mapp's Action Plan for $1.6 Billion in Aid
2018.06.13 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp and other senior V.I. leadership Tuesday at Government House on St. Croix. At the top o...

Mapp Says VI Will Soon Pay Overdue $30 Million For Emergency Home Repairs
2018.06.13 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp has directed the Virgin Islands Finance Department to release more than $30 million to...

Governor Mapp Appoints New Member To UVI Board Of Trustees
2018.06.12 - Fuente :85% - News
According to UVI, Dr. John A. Quelch, seen above, was appointed by Governor Kenneth Mapp to fill a v...

Mapp Travels Out Of Territory With Owners Of Limetree Bay Terminals As Announcement Of Deal With BP Draws Closer
2018.06.12 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp is traveling out of the U.S. Virgin Islands on Tuesday with ArcLig...

Governor Mapp Administration updates HUD officials on USVI's progress
2018.06.13 - Fuente :90% - News
The HUD team was on St. Croix this week to meet with Governor Kenneth E. Mapp and assess the progres...

New member joins UVI Board of Trustees
2018.06.14 - Fuente :80% - News
A new member has been appointed to the University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees. John Quel...

Senators should override governor's veto of curator
2018.06.14 - Fuente :85% - News
But Governor Mapp jumped ahead and hired someone for a job of “Conservator,” which he created out of...

Governor Appoints New Member to UVI's Board of Trustees
2018.06.13 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has appointed John A. Quelch, Ph.D., to fill the vacant position on the University...

Senators unanimously override Mapp's veto of historic preservation act
2018.06.15 - Fuente :80% - News
Senators, government officials and Mapp himself have been tight-lipped about what items, specificall...

Senate Overrides Mapp's Vetos of Territorial Curator, EDC Rules Change
2018.06.15 - Fuente :95% - News
The Legislature on Thursday voted unanimously to override Gov. Kenneth Mapp's veto of a bill that wo...

Senators vote to transfer ownership of Catherineberg
2018.06.15 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. THOMAS — One year ago, Gov. Kenneth Mapp vetoed a bill that would see the former governor's mans...

Legislators unified during first day of session
2018.06.15 - Fuente :75% - News
Alicia Hansen departed the session by the lunch break, and senators conducted business without serio...

Suit Filed Against Governor Mapp, OMB And DHS To Block Closure Of VI Behavioral Services
2018.06.16 - Fuente :90% - News
Defendants named in the case are Governor Kenneth Mapp, Department of Human Services Commissioner Fe...

In Win For Myron Jackson, Senate Overrides Mapp's Veto Of Curator Bill
2018.06.15 - Fuente :85% - News
But Mr. Mapp vetoed the measure in May, stating in his transmittal letter to Mr. Jackson that the bi...

Nearly Four Years And Two Ground Breaking Ceremonies Later, Construction On Paul E. Joseph Stadium Has Yet To ...
2018.06.18 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. CROIX — On July 6, 2017, Governor Kenneth Mapp and members of his administration, along with mem...

Government Vows in Court to Erase GERS Debt
2018.06.18 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp. The letter, written to Senate President Myron Jackson, lays out a proposal to increase...

Rally Kicks Off Summer Reading Challenge on St. Croix
2018.06.19 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp. Government House representative and ADA coordinator Jamila Russell also encouraged stu...

Senators break out ornaments for Christmas tree bill
2018.06.19 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp for his signature. Bill 32-0179 was moved up from the Committee on Workforce Developmen...

In Meeting With FEMA Leadership, Mapp Calls For Immediate Sheltering In Case Of Storms, Release Of Federal ...
2018.06.20 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp met with Federal Emergency Management Agency leadership on Tuesday to discuss...

Judge Prompts Talks Over Child-At-Risk Lawsuit
2018.06.20 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp. Since 1995 VIBS has operated four residential facilities on St. Croix for children cla...

Housing Finance Commits to Repairing 8000 Homes by August 15
2018.06.21 - Fuente :80% - News
In the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Gov. Kenneth Mapp appointed VIHFA the lead agency in admin...

Two more nominated for Racing Commission
2018.06.22 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has nominated Sheldon Turnbull and Jay Watson to the V.I. Horse Racing Commission....

Contract For Melvin Evans Highway Repairs Signed As Mapp ...
2018.06.22 - Fuente :80% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp met with V.I. Public Works Department personnel this week to prior...

Averil George Named Acting Labor Commissioner; Catherine ...
2018.06.23 - Fuente :80% - News
Governor Kenneth E. Mapp has named Averil E. George acting commissioner of the Virgin Islands Depart...

2 more nominated for Racing Commission
2018.06.22 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has nominated Sheldon Turnbull and Jay Watson to the V.I. Horse Racing Commission....

viNGN Board Decides in Private to Restock Inventory | St. John Source
2018.06.23 - Fuente :90% - News
Public access to a Thursday morning meeting of the V.I. Next Generation Network board was not availa...

UVI President Appeals for Funds to Rebuild and Expand Campuses
2018.06.25 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth E. Mapp includes a reduction of $1.7 million in the General Operating section when compared...

St. Thomas High Schools Award Over 300 Diplomas to Graduating ...
2018.06.25 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert E. Potter commended 329 graduating seniors of Charlotte Ama...

VIWMA Responds to Concerns about Overflowing Trash Bins on St. John
2018.06.26 - Fuente :80% - News
“Currently, we also have Ken's Trucking, United Resources, SD&C, J&M Waste Disposal, Big Lee Repairs...

Meaningful Preparedness is Key to Weathering Storms, Experts Say
2018.06.27 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp explained that regardless of the challenges, different perspectives about the governmen...

Filipino Educators, Community Celebrate 120th Philippines Independence Day
2018.06.27 - Fuente :95% - News
I am requesting all the fathers to please stand up, including the father of the Virgin Islands, (Gov...

Lee Vanterpool: Broadcaster, Performer, Spokesman Dies at 75 | St ...
2018.06.27 - Fuente :95% - News
A prominent face and voice of the Virgin Islands was lost over the weekend with the death of dancer,...

Foundation refuses to respond to questions about pay
2018.06.28 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — Dee Baecher-Brown, president of the nonprofit Community Foundation of the Virgin Island...

Virgin Islands cultural, historic resources identified as "endangered"
2018.06.28 - Fuente :80% - News
On May 2, Mapp vetoed Senate Bill No. 32-0024, proposed by Senate President Myron Jackson, which est...

St. John Festival Village opening offers night of stress relief
2018.06.29 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp told the crowd. “But the resiliency of the St. John people has shone through, the rebui...

viNGN Makes Moves to Harden Network
2018.06.29 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth E. Mapp, approved the ordering of a new inventory that includes fiber optic cable to replace...

Elections Releases Certified List of Candidates; Nelson DIsqualified
2018.06.28 - Fuente :85% - News
Supervisor of Elections Caroline F. Fawkes on Tuesday released the official, certified list of candi...

WAPA bills set to climb as oil prices rise
2018.06.30 - Fuente :75% - News
Officials have instituted a “no disconnections” policy for customers facing bills sometimes three or...

St. John Festival 2018's 'Sessionsville' Opens in Cruz Bay | St. John ...
2018.06.29 - Fuente :75% - News
Community members mingled with St. John Festival royalty and government officials at the official op...

Petrus Calls For Resignation Of David Mapp Following Black 'Allah' Flag Incident
2018.06.30 - Fuente :95% - News
Democratic candidate for governor Allison Petrus issued a statement Friday calling for the immediate...

Owners of idle St. Croix oil refinery plan 2019 restart: sources
2018.07.02 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp, the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, has scheduled a press conference for Monday m...

FAA seeks to fine Port Authority $1.5 million
2018.07.02 - Fuente :80% - News
David Mapp's brother, Gov. Kenneth Mapp, met with officials from the FAA, V.I. Waste Management Auth...

Governor's Radio News Conference Set
2018.07.02 - Fuente :90% - News
The public is encouraged to tune in for a news conference being held by Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp to disc...

USVI: Oil refinery to reopen under $1.4B deal with ArcLight
2018.07.03 - Fuente :95% - News
The U.S. Virgin Islands announced Monday that it reached a $1.4 billion deal to reopen one of the wo...

VI to invest $10 million in Yacht Haven Grande hotel
2018.07.03 - Fuente :90% - News
“In return for the investment, the government will receive a security interest in the hotel and land...

Corrections Bureau working to increase salaries, staffing
2018.07.03 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp “has committed to bringing the pay parity issue up” in the 2019 budget, increasing the...

UPDATE 4-St. Croix oil refinery gets $1.4 bln investment, plans to restart
2018.07.02 - Fuente :75% - News
(Adds analysts' comments on low-sulfur fuels demand). By Collin Eaton. HOUSTON, July 2 (Reuters) - O...

US Territories' June 25-July 1, 2018 news week in tweets
2018.07.02 - Fuente :95% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp created the Hurricane Recovery and Resilience Task Force in order to restore i...

AG: Art thieves are a danger to Gov. Mapp
2018.07.04 - Fuente :90% - News
The public is not allowed to see any information contained on a list of taxpayer-owned art and antiq...

Hotel Could Get $10 Million of Refinery Money
2018.07.04 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp's announcement Monday that a new St. Thomas hotel development was tied to the St. Croix...

Mapp, ArcLight, Announce Restart Of Refining At Limetree Bay With 1200 Immediate Jobs Followed By 700 Permanent ...
2018.07.03 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp announced a landmark agreement between the Government of the Virgi...

Business briefs: Stocks dip as market takes a holiday; Facebook probe widens
2018.07.03 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp said Monday that private equity firm ArcLight Capital Partners will restart a St. Croix...

St. John Emancipation Day: Ceremony Strikes Serious and Comic Notes
2018.07.04 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp to arrive, but the audience was soothed by music by many of St. John's finest musicians...

VI Vote Series Town Hall Meeting, “The Job Interview,” to Feature Senatorial Candidates
2018.07.04 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp's LimeTree Refinery Re-Start announcement will be a primary focus at the town hall. The...

Refinery Proposal Geared to Generate Happiness, But It Has Its Detractors
2018.07.05 - Fuente :90% - News
What could be better for an incumbent governor running for re-election than suddenly to have enough...

VI: FAA Seeks to Fine Port Authority $1.5M
2018.07.04 - Fuente :80% - News
David Mapp's brother, Gov. Kenneth Mapp, met with officials from the FAA, V.I. Waste Management Auth...

Mapp Vows To Hit Opponents Hard, Some 'Very Hard'
2018.07.05 - Fuente :80% - News
In response to a question posed by Consortium reporter Wyndi Ambrose, who asked Governor Kenneth Map...

US Virgin Islands Governor Announces $1.4 Billion Landmark Deal To Restart Refinery In St. Croix
2018.07.06 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. CROIX, U.S. Virgin Islands, Friday July 6, 2018 – U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth E. Mapp r...

Bills to reduce senators, ban straws, and save trees held in Government Affairs committee
2018.07.06 - Fuente :90% - News
“We have to work around the budget hearings,” he said. “As you know, they have precedence over every...

Semi-Final Election Lineup: 110 Candidates On the USVI Ballot This Year
2018.07.05 - Fuente :75% - News
At present, 110 individual candidates are on the official listing issued by the Supervisor of Electi...

Elections officials now say early voting to start July 14
2018.07.07 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp has not yet signed a bill appropriating $150,000 for the administration of the Aug. 4 p...

Member of local trucking family dies at Magens Bay in apparent ...
2018.07.07 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — A member of a family that owns a prominent local trucking company died Wednesday at Mag...

Beryl Downgrades To Tropical Storm And Is Expected Pass South Of USVI; Mapp Urges Residents To Take Precautions
2018.07.07 - Fuente :90% - News
In a release issued Saturday afternoon, Governor Kenneth Mapp urged residents to take precaution as...

Hurricane task force employee pay to stay private
2018.07.09 - Fuente :95% - News
Information about the amount of money being paid to contractors working on Gov. Kenneth Mapp's Hurri...

US Virgin Islands Governor announces landmark deal to restart refinery in St. Croix
2018.07.08 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. CROIX – U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth E. Mapp announced an agreement which would reopen o...

HUD Approves USVI's Plan for Initial $243 Million in Housing ...
2018.07.11 - Fuente :95% - News
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced Tuesday it has approved the territory...

St. Thomas debris removal to begin in August
2018.07.11 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp announced plans to incinerate some of the debris in the territory. The plan led to poli...

Justice officials grilled over inflated budget figures
2018.07.11 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp on St. Croix, according to Ponteen. Sen. Neville James took issue with this arrangement...

Ritz-Carlton operating as Great Bay Resort Virgin Islands Daily News
2018.07.11 - Fuente :75% - News
ST. THOMAS —The Ritz-Carlton, St. Thomas is operating under a different name while hurricane repairs...

Mapp details plans for first round of HUD grant funds | News ...
2018.07.12 - Fuente :80% - News
At a Government House press briefing on St. Croix, Gov. Kenneth Mapp detailed the government's plans...

AECOM, Contractor That Won Bid For VI Home Repairs Program, Is Moving Too Slow, Mapp Says
2018.07.12 - Fuente :80% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp said during a press conference on St. Croix Wednesday, that AECOM, the contrac...

Facing Budget Cuts, Public Works Updates Senators on Long List of ...
2018.07.12 - Fuente :75% - News
At a budget hearing Wednesday, Commissioner of Public Works Nelson Petty Jr. presented a list of ext...

WAPA Budget Hearing Postponed After Utility Fails to Submit ...
2018.07.12 - Fuente :85% - News
Officials from the V.I. Water and Power Authority were dismissed from a budget hearing Wednesday aft...

Not so fast, Mapp tells Legislature | News |
2018.07.13 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has vetoed three of the Legislature's recently approved bills in their entirety an...

Petrus and Sanes Question Mapp Administration's 'Congratulatory ...
2018.07.13 - Fuente :85% - News
Petrus and Sanes are questioning the Government House press release where Governor Kenneth Mapp atte...

Mapp Plans Modernization Of Senior Citizen Facilities Territory-Wide; First $32 Million For Road Construction Part ...
2018.07.13 - Fuente :80% - News
Mr. Mapp told The Consortium on Wednesday that another $847 million would soon become available, and...

Mapp Signs Into Law 14 Bills, Vetoes 3
2018.07.12 - Fuente :90% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp approved 14 bills brought forward by the 32nd Legislature, signing them into l...

Elections officials push early voting later ... again
2018.07.13 - Fuente :95% - News
“I only approve this measure because I do not wish to cause bedlam in the Democratic Party primary e...

Some GERS payments made by government
2018.07.14 - Fuente :90% - News
Some owed contributions to the Government Employees' Retirement System have been paid, government of...

Here's The GVI/Limetree Bay Oil Refining Agreement In Full
2018.07.14 - Fuente :80% - News
... company is Arc Light Partners, LLC, have entered into a landmark agreement for oil refining at t...

A Major New Hotel Project Is Coming to St Thomas
2018.07.15 - Fuente :80% - News
A major new hotel project is coming to St Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands. The government...

An open letter to the senators of the 32nd Legislature
2018.07.17 - Fuente :85% - News
The appearance of just “rubber stamping” what may look like “great news for the people of the Virgin...

Halos & Pitchforks
2018.07.17 - Fuente :85% - News
Pitchforks to Gov. Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter for leaving the territory this week in th...

Refinery's environmental legacy could ensnare the future
2018.07.17 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp has announced an agreement to reopen the former HOVENSA refinery on St. Croix with ArcL...

In Open Letter To Senate, Democratic Party Assails Mapp, Demands Transparency During Oil Refining Agreement ...
2018.07.17 - Fuente :90% - News
The Democratic Party of the Virgin Islands on Monday provided the media with an open letter that it...

Senators Question Increase for Governor's Office Budget in the Face of Cuts to Legislature, Courts
2018.07.18 - Fuente :95% - News
A recommended budget increase for the Office of the Governor was questioned by some senators at a Co...

Judiciary seeks $12.3M boost in 2019 budget | News ...
2018.07.19 - Fuente :80% - News
ST. THOMAS — The judiciary of the Virgin Islands is requesting a $12.3 million increase to its recom...

Public Works applies short-term fixes to notorious North Side road
2018.07.19 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp have pledged to bring all roads in the territory up to federal standards using federal...

Virgin Islands governor's gun-confiscation plan probed by ...
2018.07.19 - Fuente :75% - News
Republican lawmakers are inquiring into an order from U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp that the...

Congressional Republicans Question USVI State of Emergency
2018.07.20 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp, dated July 18. The two may be confusing Mapp's Sep. 4, 2017 order mobilizing the V.I....

GERS Administrator Says He's Skeptical of Mapp's Pension ...
2018.07.20 - Fuente :75% - News
Austin Nibbs, administrator of the Government Employees Retirement System, told senators Wednesday h...

Hurricane task force to release its draft report online today
2018.07.20 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp's Hurricane Recovery and Resilience Task Force is set to release a draft report on...

USVI, ArcLight float plan to restart St. Croix refining complex
2018.07.19 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp to a special session scheduled to begin on July 25 in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, leg...

$1.4B refinery restart plan draws questions
2018.07.21 - Fuente :95% - News
Mapp has already earmarked much of the revenue. About half of the money would go to the Government E...

Governor's task force releases hurricane report
2018.07.21 - Fuente :85% - News
Mapp created the task force following the storms, which included 20 volunteers and an unknown number...

Watch: On Tucker Carlson Show, Congressman Says Mapp's State Of Emergency Declaration Violates Second ...
2018.07.20 - Fuente :80% - News
Congressman Rob Bishop, the chairman U.S. House Natural Resources Committee, went on the Tucker Carl...

UN Sulfur Regs May Briefly Boost STX Refinery Profitability | St ...
2018.07.21 - Fuente :75% - News
Hopes for Limetree Bay restarting the St. Croix Hovensa refinery hinge on worldwide marine fuel sulf...

This Week's Senate Calendar
2018.07.22 - Fuente :90% - News
Pursuant to section 7(a) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended for the United States Virgin...

Public Has Until Friday to Comment on Hurricane Report
2018.07.24 - Fuente :80% - News
The public has until Friday, July 27, to weigh in on an extensive series of recommendations laid out...

VIPD Receiving Training to Help Reach Consent Decree Goals
2018.07.23 - Fuente :75% - News
The actions by Justice led to the creation of a consent decree. As Gov. Kenneth Mapp took charge of...

US Virgin Islands get ready to elect governor
2018.07.23 - Fuente :90% - News
The territory's current governor, Kenneth Mapp, is the eighth governor of the US Virgin Islands, and...

Committee votes to curb emergency powers
2018.07.25 - Fuente :85% - News
If approved, Bill 32-0185 would require Mapp — or any governor —to seek renewals of a declared State...

Senate Approves Refinery Deal, Severs Mapp's Hotel and GERS Plans
2018.07.26 - Fuente :75% - News
The Senate voted just after midnight Thursday morning to approve changes to Limetree Bay's operating...

VI Law Says Mapp Must Explain Unending State of Emergency
2018.07.25 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp has consistently declined to give any meaningful explanation as to why he keeps extendi...

Senators To Vote On Restart Of Oil Refining On St. Croix. Their Decision Will Have Huge Implications For St. Croix's ...
2018.07.25 - Fuente :90% - News
... will be closely monitoring how lawmakers vote during today's special session called by Governor...

Mapp Thanks Lawmakers For Approval Of Limetree Bay Oil Refining Deal, Urges Quick Action On GERS, Hotel ...
2018.07.26 - Fuente :75% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp in a release issued Thursday thanked the members of the 32nd Legis...

Photojournalist Hilary Hodge Dies at 74
2018.07.26 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp also took time to salute the Anguilla-born photographer, recalling his work in the offi...

Days Before Primary, Forde and Vialet Propose Government Employee Raises
2018.07.27 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp's FY 2019 budget proposal. That comes out to an average of $79,000 per employee, inclus...

Virgin Islands Senate passes $1.4 billion deal without pensions benefit
2018.07.27 - Fuente :75% - News
The Virgin Islands Senate approved a $1.4 billion oil refinery deal without directing any of the ben...

Governor Signs Contract For Repairs To Joseph Aubain Ballpark
2018.07.27 - Fuente :95% - News
The contract is valued at $24,875, according to the release. Mr. Mapp said he looks forward to worki...

Rules Committee OKs Two Nominees for Unified Horse Racing Commission
2018.07.27 - Fuente :80% - News
Members of the Senate Rules and Judiciary Committee voted favorably on two of Gov. Kenneth Mapp's no...

Pelosi: Tour of the Islands Helps House Democrats Make Informed Decisions
2018.07.30 - Fuente :75% - News
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi shares her observations after touring Puerto Rico, St. John and S...

Mapp: Government Base Salary Increase Will Be Fueled by Refinery
2018.07.31 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp announced Monday that a portion of the revenues from the agreement would be put toward...

State of emergency necessary for funding flexibility, Mapp says
2018.07.31 - Fuente :80% - News
On Monday, asked which of the governor's emergency powers he still needed — 327 days after Hurricane...

Mapp Slams Camp For Pipe Bomb Ordeal: 'Why Is A Day Camp For Children Teaching Children To Make Pipe Bombs?'
2018.07.31 - Fuente :80% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp assailed the leaders of the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) camp durin...

Millin Young Says Mapp's Salary Increase Announcement Promotes False Hope
2018.07.31 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp's press conference Monday morning played like a bad joke at the expense of the Vir...

Halos & Pitchforks
2018.07.31 - Fuente :95% - News
Pitchfork to Attorney General Claude Walker for his department's failure to finalize an agreement wi...

VIPD says 3 new cop classes could soon hit the streets
2018.07.31 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — As many as 100 new police officers could hit the streets within the next year, official...

VIPD Looking To Reinstate Bomb Squad
2018.07.31 - Fuente :85% - News
Following a bomb scare on Friday following the discovery of a device resembling a pipe bomb that sat...

Mapp Nominates Averil George for Labor Commissioner
2018.08.01 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has nominated acting Labor Commissioner Averil George to serve formally in that po...

Mapp Signs Off On Refinery Agreement Ratified By Senate
2018.07.31 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp has formally approved an agreement with Limetree Bay Terminals, LL...

Mapp Signs Legislation That Might Lead to STX Refinery Restart
2018.08.01 - Fuente :90% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp this week formally approved his proposal to change Limetree Bay's operating agr...

Mapp Extends State of Emergency Again | St. Thomas Source
2018.08.02 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp issued his 11th proclamation extending the territory's state of emergency Wednesda...

Governor Mapp Is Out Of Territory On 'Personal' Time, Government House Says
2018.08.02 - Fuente :85% - News
Though it did not say where, Government House did say that Mr. Mapp would be back on Friday. Until t...

Senators look to delay, eliminate property tax increases
2018.08.03 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp on March 8, 2017, sets a minimum tax on real property of $360 for those who qualify for...

USVI governor signs off on refinery agreement
2018.08.03 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. THOMAS, USVI--United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor Kenneth Mapp has formally approved an...

Still Waiting For Proof: Are Any VI Art Treasures Missing or Damaged?
2018.08.03 - Fuente :80% - News
After last year's hurricanes, Government House on St. Thomas stood unlocked indefinitely, calling in...

Heads of FEMA, Homeland Security to jointly visit St. Croix
2018.08.03 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp is out of the territory, according to a Government House press release. “It should be a...

Mapp meets with vice president
2018.08.07 - Fuente :80% - News
Mapp discussed with Pence ways in which the administration could facilitate a faster and stronger re...

Governor Mapp on US Mainland To Meet With Vice President Pence; AG Walker Serving As Acting Governor
2018.08.06 - Fuente :95% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp is on the U.S. mainland where Government House said he was scheduled to meet w...

VI: Two Members of King Airport Cocaine Ring Get Hefty Terms
2018.08.06 - Fuente :80% - News
Aug. 04--ST. THOMAS -- Two St. Thomas men have each been sentenced to more than 13 years in prison f...

Congress Shouldn't Reward the US Virgin Islands' Fiscal Profligacy
2018.08.06 - Fuente :90% - News
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump meet with U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth M...

Plessen Healthcare gets full support of Luis CEO
2018.08.08 - Fuente :95% - News
The CEO of Luis Hospital told the Economic Development Commission on Tuesday it's crucial for St. Cr...

USVI governor meets with VP seeking added support for hurricane ...
2018.08.09 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS, US Virgin Islands--US Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor Kenneth Mapp met with US Vice Presi...

Walker defends Mapp's use of executive order to give employees raises
2018.08.10 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — At a press conference on Thursday, V.I. Attorney General Claude Walker defended Gov. Ke...

Congress shouldn't reward the US Virgin islands' fiscal profligacy
2018.08.10 - Fuente :95% - News
... politics, current events, and culture and including analysis and commentary. The U.S. Virgin Isl...

Governor's Wage Increase Did Not Violate VI Law, AG Walker Contends As He Dismissed Legislature's Legal Opinion
2018.08.09 - Fuente :85% - News
... have formed in the minds of Virgin Islanders following an eight-page legal opinion issued by the...

AG Walker Disputes Legislature's Claim To Authority Over ...
2018.08.10 - Fuente :90% - News
Attorney General Claude Walker, speaking at a Thursday news conference, asserted the governor can mo...

Halos & Pitchforks
2018.08.14 - Fuente :90% - News
Pitchfork to Education Commissioner Sharon McCollum for wrongly claiming that there are no alternati...

Lawmakers Grill V.I. Negotiator Over Mapp's Wage Hikes | St. John ...
2018.08.15 - Fuente :75% - News
Lawmakers on Tuesday grilled Virgin Islands Chief Negotiator Natalie Nelson Tang How, asking her to...

Gaps narrow, field unchanged in final vote count
2018.08.15 - Fuente :80% - News
... Janette Millin Young and Edgar Bengoa; Adlah “Foncie” Donastorg and Alicia “Chucky” Hansen; Mole...

Legal opinion questions Mapp's executive pay raises
2018.08.20 - Fuente :95% - News
At a press conference announcing the raises, Mapp said he did not know the total cost, but said the...

Plaskett highlights disaster relief oversight, rejects criticism
2018.08.20 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp is hoping millions in federal disaster-relief money will essentially be a “get out of j...

Bill Clinton Helps Launch Solar Projects in St Thomas, St John
2018.08.20 - Fuente :80% - News
... President Clinton and the Clinton Global Initiatives Network and Tom Secunda and Bloomberg Phila...

Election System Tells Senate It Needs More Money | St. John Source
2018.08.20 - Fuente :75% - News
Caroline Fawkes, supervisor of elections, and Arturo Watlington, chairman of the Board of Elections,...

Halos & Pitchforks
2018.08.21 - Fuente :80% - News
Pitchfork to Attorney General Claude Walker and fellow Mapp Administration official, Personnel Direc...

Waste Management without executive director after interim head departs
2018.08.22 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp removed the last permanent chairman of the Waste Management governing board, Harith Wic...

WICO hoping berth expansion will boost cruise calls
2018.08.22 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp's proposal to purchase the property via a $25 million down payment, an infusion of cash...

New FEMA coordinating officer succeeds Vogel in VI
2018.08.23 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter. According to a press release from Government House, Vogel p...

Virgin Islands Says Goodbye, Thanks to FEMA Officer Bill Vogel
2018.08.22 - Fuente :75% - News
The general public, cabinet members, Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter were present at...

Emergency powers bill moves closer to Senate floor
2018.08.24 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — A bill to limit the power of the governor to proclaim states of emergency is a step clo...

Racing Commission Nominees Want Better Plan for Retired Horses
2018.08.24 - Fuente :85% - News
The sight of a horse, thin and sickly, at the side of the road with its ribs showing through its ski...

Mapp amends budget with $38 million in new revenues
2018.08.25 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp submitted an amended budget to the V.I. Legislature on Friday, addressing the more...

David Mapp Announces Retirement From Port Authority
2018.08.24 - Fuente :90% - News
David Mapp, the brother of Governor Kenneth Mapp and executive director of the Virgin Islands Port A...

Governor Submits Amended FY2019 Budget To Include $38 Million In New Revenues
2018.08.24 - Fuente :90% - News
According to the release, Governor Kenneth Mapp submitted an amended budget to the Virgin Islands Le...

ArcLight Capital Agreement to Bring V.I. New Revenue for Critical ...
2018.08.25 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp submitted an amended budget to the Legislature on Friday addressing the more th...

Fountain Valley killer pursuing civil rights lawsuit
2018.08.27 - Fuente :75% - News
Willocks wrote that “to clarify the record,” the Court took it upon itself to amend the caption of S...

Judge rejects government's efforts to vacate $4.6 million judgement
2018.08.27 - Fuente :80% - News
V.I. Volunteer Advocates for Children filed suit against V.I. Behavioral Services, Human Services Co...

Mapp Admin Says Pre-Election Raises Sustainable,' Although Deficit Is 'Around $200 Million'
2018.08.28 - Fuente :85% - News
While administration officials peg the structural deficit at $200 million per year, and government a...

Almost 800 Government Workers to See Pay Hike this Week
2018.08.28 - Fuente :80% - News
Almost 800 Virgin Islands government employees are expected to see salary increases in this week's p...

Elections System Casts Lots for Ballot Position
2018.08.29 - Fuente :75% - News
The V.I. Elections System on Tuesday held the casting of lots to determine ballot positions for the...

Senators question delay of $70M ArcLight payment
2018.08.29 - Fuente :85% - News
Despite the influx, some senators took issue with an outstanding $70 million closing payment owed to...

DeGraff says he'll special order tax relief bill
2018.08.29 - Fuente :95% - News
Act No. 7984, which was approved by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Kenneth Mapp on Marc...

Mapp decries tax contingency fund lawsuit as 'frivolous'
2018.08.30 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. CROIX — Gov. Kenneth Mapp dismissed as “frivolous” a lawsuit involving millions of dollars in ow...

Mapp says federal funding issues have been resolved
2018.08.30 - Fuente :95% - News
Mapp has publicly expressed frustration with the slow pace of home repairs, and officials announced...

Promised $70 Million Upon Closing Of Refinery Deal Has Not Been Received By Government
2018.08.29 - Fuente :90% - News
But during a Senate hearing on Tuesday where lawmakers heard testimony from Governor Kenneth Mapp's...

20 Of 33 Public Schools Will Open September 4; More Openings Announced For September 17
2018.08.30 - Fuente :95% - News
Of the 33 public schools the Mapp administration is preparing for the 2018-19 school year, 20 of the...

Mosler campaign submits a plan to save GERS
2018.08.31 - Fuente :75% - News
ST. CROIX — A conference on the crisis at the Government Employees' Retirement System on Thursday fo...

Pay hikes for veteran teachers still in negotiation
2018.08.31 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp's financial team appeared before the Senate Finance Committee on St. Thomas to provide...

Candidates Bryan and Roach Offer Plan to Save GERS
2018.08.31 - Fuente :85% - News
Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth Mapp and his team were not in attendance at the GERS Conference. In...

Mapp extends emergency declaration
2018.09.01 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — Within hours of Gov. Kenneth Mapp renewing the territory's state of emergency through O...

In Light Of Rapidly Changing Weather Patterns, Territory's Climate Change Program Moves Forward
2018.08.31 - Fuente :90% - News
The climate change adaptation program for the U.S. Virgin Islands, launched by Governor Kenneth Mapp...

Minimum wage government workers get pay hike
2018.09.01 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. THOMAS — Senators unanimously passed a bill Friday to raise the minimum wage of government emplo...

Quality of Life Improvements Highlight This Labor Day | St. Thomas ...
2018.09.02 - Fuente :95% - News
Rising public and private sector salaries and the rebuild of a more resilient infrastructure are som...

Governor Mapp Extends State Of Emergency Beyond One-Year Anniversary Of 2017 Storms
2018.09.01 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp has extended the state of emergency declaration through October 1 — past one y...

As Governor Re-Extends Emergency Again, Senate Votes to Limit Extensions
2018.09.03 - Fuente :85% - News
While Gov. Kenneth Mapp on Friday extended the territory's state of emergency for an 11th month, the...

Halos & Pitchforks
2018.09.04 - Fuente :75% - News
Pitchforks to Gov. Kenneth Mapp and Education Commissioner Sharon McCollum for their failure to have...

Public Works, WAPA coordinate road projects
2018.09.04 - Fuente :90% - News
“All of these new roads are going to have tube trunks for the hot lines of the WAPA and the secondar...

Mapp Expected To Veto Bill Limiting His Disaster Declaration Authority
2018.09.04 - Fuente :90% - News
More than a dozen bills are being forwarded to Governor Kenneth Mapp following an all-day Senate ses...

BIR: Income Tax Refunds Continue to Be Processed
2018.09.05 - Fuente :90% - News
Department of Finance Commissioner Valdamier O. Collens and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Dir...

Governor Sends Down Nominees for VIPA and VIPFA Boards
2018.09.05 - Fuente :90% - News
Governor Kenneth E. Mapp has nominated Lennox Joseph to the Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority...

Governor Ensures Non-profits to Receive Funding
2018.09.07 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp met Thursday with members of his cabinet to help facilitate payments to non-pro...

Golden rebukes Inspector General report
2018.09.07 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp's request for an audit by the Inspector General was also shocking, Golden said. Golden'...

Inspector General Eyes High Rolling at Casino Commission
2018.09.07 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp may prefer to have someone else in the post she holds and pressured Inspector General S...

Violet Ann Golden, Receiving Medical Care Away, Responds Sharply To IG Report, Deeming It Political Hit Job By Mapp
2018.09.07 - Fuente :80% - News
In a response also issued on Thursday, Ms. Golden forcefully refuted the report, and she condemned t...

Feds Award Disaster Recovery Grants to VI Health Centers
2018.09.08 - Fuente :85% - News
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded grants totaling more than $1.2 million...

Community Praise and Thanksgiving One Year After Hurricanes Set for Sept. 9
2018.09.08 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert E. Potter invite the community to participate in a Praise a...

Community Praise and Thanksgiving Event
2018.09.08 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert E. Potter invite the community to participate in a Praise a...

Big Week Of Interviews On VIPC Features Governor Mapp, Albert Bryan And More
2018.09.10 - Fuente :90% - News
Then on Tuesday through Saturday, only gubernatorial candidates are scheduled to be on the show, beg...

Governor's special assistant charged with domestic violence
2018.09.11 - Fuente :75% - News
A special assistant to Gov. Kenneth Mapp is on unpaid leave from that position after being arrested...

Hurricane Isaac Continues Westward Path; Governor Mapp Calls Tuesday Press Conference; WAPA Board Approves ...
2018.09.10 - Fuente :90% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp is taking no chances, and has called a press conference to address the people...

Governor Mapp, A 'Growing Christian,' Delivers Sermon-Like Speech During Praise And Thanksgiving Event
2018.09.10 - Fuente :95% - News
The atmosphere was filled with spirituality, and even Governor Kenneth Mapp — who declared himself a...

USVI Hurricane Recovery and Resilience Task Force Releases ...
2018.09.11 - Fuente :75% - News
The V.I. Hurricane Recovery and Resilience Task Force published its revised, final 273-page report T...

Hurricane Watch Issued For Multiple Islands As Isaac Closes In; Governor Mapp To Decide On Full State Of Emergency ...
2018.09.11 - Fuente :75% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp said during a press conference today that he would make a decision on whether...

Mapp, Roach offer competing free-tuition plans
2018.09.12 - Fuente :85% - News
Meet the new scholarship offer, same as the old scholarship offer. Gov. Kenneth Mapp announced Tuesd...

Mapp to make call on TS Isaac today
2018.09.12 - Fuente :95% - News
If Isaac poses a threat to the territory, Mapp said he would reinstate the full emergency declaratio...

Senators Largely Favorable to Mapp Hotel Loan Plan
2018.09.12 - Fuente :95% - News
Senators gave a mixed, but largely favorable reception Tuesday to Gov. Kenneth Mapp's proposal to le...

Isaac Degrades To Tropical Storm; Helene's Forecast Sends It Away From Caribbean
2018.09.11 - Fuente :95% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp has called a 10:00 a.m. press conference for Tuesday at Government House on St...

Governor Mapp To Be Interviewed On VIPC Tonight
2018.09.12 - Fuente :80% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp will be interviewed by Ernice Gilbert this evening beginning at 7:00 p.m. as p...

Police: Mapp assistant called boss's bodyguards after beating woman
2018.09.13 - Fuente :90% - News
A special assistant to Gov. Kenneth Mapp called Mapp's bodyguards for help after beating and choking...

Senators Hear Testimony From Mapp Administration Team On Hotel Development At Yacht Haven Grande
2018.09.12 - Fuente :85% - News
When announcing the agreement, Governor Kenneth Mapp said the idea behind this was to diversify the...

Finance Sends On FY19 Budget Bills Amid Mixed Good and Bad Fiscal Conditions
2018.09.13 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp presented the budget in late May and agencies and departments have been appearing befor...

Education revises schedule of when schools will reopen
2018.09.13 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp expressed dissatisfaction with the performance of AECOM, the chief contractor for the m...

Hurricane Thanksgiving Services On St. Croix September 23
2018.09.13 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. CROIX — On the one-year anniversary of Hurricanes Irma and Maria's devastation in the U.S. Virgi...

Court records: Governor's assistant drove by victim's home after arrest
2018.09.14 - Fuente :90% - News
Naar did not call 911 but instead contacted Mapp's bodyguards. The victim said she heard Naar on the...

Thousands Of Students To Stay Home Longer As Dept. Of Education Announces Further Delays Of School Reopening
2018.09.13 - Fuente :80% - News
But days before the scheduled September 4 date, D.O.E. and Governor Kenneth Mapp announced that some...

Governor Mapp Says He Refused New Rum Companies Because They Wanted Similar Deal To Diageo, Cruzan Rum
2018.09.14 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp said on Wednesday night that he refused to do business with two ru...

Plaskett slams Trump, media for ignoring VI after storms
2018.09.17 - Fuente :95% - News
V.I. Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett admonished the Trump administration and the national media...

Teachers Reject New Contract
2018.09.18 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp suspended salary negotiations in February. The unions object to Mapp's recent unilatera...

Revised School Opening Dates Highlights Concerns With Modular Contractor
2018.09.18 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth E. Mapp has been open about his concerns over contractor AECOM, which include getting all mo...

Wage Agreement For AFT Teachers Proposed By Mapp Administration Rejected
2018.09.18 - Fuente :90% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp's July executive order that raised the base salary of teachers to $44,000 — wh...

Op-Ed: Pie-in-the-Sky Giveaways Serve Politicians, Not the People ...
2018.09.20 - Fuente :95% - News
As election day draws near, Gov. Kenneth Mapp has given out pay raises, promised free college tuitio...

Watch: As Elena Christian Jr. High Teachers Protest, Mapp Stops To Explain Situation
2018.09.20 - Fuente :95% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp — coming from a press conference held at the National Guard Armory moments ear...

Contract Signed For New Phase Of Melvin Evans Highway Repairs; 20 Road Projects Now Underway
2018.09.20 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp has announced his approval of a contract for more major improvemen...

Final Budget: Cuts Hit Police, Hospitals, Education, Waste Management See Increases
2018.09.21 - Fuente :95% - News
Amid pre-election pay raises and promises of free tuition from Gov. Kenneth Mapp, some agencies saw...

VIPA Director's No-Show Lays Bare Senate Divisions
2018.09.21 - Fuente :90% - News
The no-show of Virgin Islands Port Authority Director David Mapp at a Senate committee hearing Thurs...

Mapp makes case for GERS proposal to St. Thomas retirees
2018.09.22 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — Gov. Kenneth Mapp told a gathering of government retirees Friday that his plan to exten...

Crisis In Government As Teachers Continue To Protest; Mapp Administration Halts Negotiations
2018.09.21 - Fuente :75% - News
ST. CROIX — It was only Thursday afternoon that Governor Kenneth Mapp himself stopped near the Gas C...

As Education Crisis Grows, Mapp Calls Press Conference
2018.09.21 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — In the face of a number of job actions organized by educators from various schools — Jo...

Watch: Educational Complex Teachers Take Job Action. The Protests Have Become A Growing Problem For Mapp ...
2018.09.22 - Fuente :75% - News
The St. Croix Educational Complex was dismissed early today, following an all-day job action organiz...

Mapp Signs Contract to Continue Melvin Evans Highway Repairs ...
2018.09.22 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp has approved a contract for more major improvements to St. Croix's Melvin Evans...

Mapp Announces Partnership with Public Safety Support ...
2018.09.24 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp (File photo) The new law enforcement recruit class will be the first beneficiar...

Finish line remains distant for territorial horse racing restart
2018.09.24 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp to grow to a full mile and potentially include veterinary facilities. Meanwhile, progre...

Mapp: Government Ready to Reopen Negotiations if School Opening Goes Well
2018.09.25 - Fuente :80% - News
If this week of school openings and classes go smoothly, the government is ready to sit back down at...

CAHS, Woodson Issues Are Part of Reconstruction Process, Mapp Says
2018.09.25 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Department of Education officials reported updates of plans for school openings ove...

Final Budget: Cuts Hit Police, Hospitals, Increases at Education, Waste Management *Correction*
2018.09.24 - Fuente :80% - News
Amid pre-election pay raises and promises of free tuition from Gov. Kenneth Mapp, some agencies saw...

Did President Trump Say 'I Met with the President of the Virgin Islands?'
2018.09.25 - Fuente :95% - News
The president was referring to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Kenneth Mapp, with whom he m...

Contracts to repair Government House, Battery awarded
2018.09.26 - Fuente :90% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has approved contracts to reconstruct and rehabilitate Government House on St. Tho...

Mapp Vetoes Accountability for His Emergency Powers | St. John ...
2018.09.27 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp vetoed recent legislation that would have required him to eventually justify confe...

Mapp Travels To Washington For Meetings With US Dept. Of Energy And HUD Officials
2018.09.26 - Fuente :90% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp on Wednesday traveled out of the territory for meetings in Washington with U.S...

Taxes pay for care of Mapp's mother
2018.09.28 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has hired and employed for years at taxpayer expense a special assistant whose sol...

Mapp vetoes bill that aimed to justify state of emergency extensions
2018.09.28 - Fuente :80% - News
“The Virgin Islands' state of emergency exists so we can expedite the procurement process and respon...

Mapp: HUD Grant Will Repair Roads, Homes, Power Infrastructure ...
2018.09.27 - Fuente :90% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp said in Washington, D.C. Thursday V.I. roads will be brought up to federal Departm...

Mapp Vetoes Bill Seeking To Curtail His State Of Emergency Declaration Power
2018.09.27 - Fuente :80% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp has vetoed a bill that sought to drastically limit the amount of times a gover...

Territory officially collects first $243 million of HUD funding
2018.09.28 - Fuente :90% - News
Officials are in the process of collecting feedback on plans for the second tranche, which is expect...

Halos and Pitchforks
2018.10.02 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp for putting Archibald on the government payroll as one of four “special assistants.” Wh...

Days after veto, Mapp extends emergency declaration again
2018.10.03 - Fuente :90% - News
“The Virgin Islands' state of emergency exists so we can expedite the procurement process and respon...

Mapp Extends Emergency for 13th Time After Vetoing Restriction
2018.10.04 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp on Tuesday issued his 13th monthly extension of the territory's post-hurricane sta...

Frenchman's Reef to reopen in 2020
2018.10.04 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — Gov. Kenneth Mapp announced Wednesday that the Marriott's Frenchman's Reef and Morning...

Mapp Extends State Of Emergency Declaration To Nov.1
2018.10.03 - Fuente :80% - News
Mr. Mapp said the need for a state of emergency continues to exist in the territory as a result of t...

Watch Now: Mapp, Marriot Resort Executives, Hold Press Conference
2018.10.03 - Fuente :80% - News
ST. THOMAS — Governor Kenneth Mapp, Department of Finance Commissioner Valdamier Collens, along with...

Campaign Events
2018.10.04 - Fuente :80% - News
There will be a general meeting at the St. Thomas headquarters of Gov. Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Governor...

$4 Million Approved For Waste Haulers, Other Vendors
2018.10.03 - Fuente :80% - News
32-0290 appropriates $25.4 million from the General Fund to the Virgin Islands Waste Management Auth...

Lt. Gov. Potter Defends Lodging Allowance
2018.10.04 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp's appointment of a special advisor, paid by the government, to care for his mother. In...

Mapp Touts $4 Million Toward $16 Million-Plus WMA Owes Contractors
2018.10.04 - Fuente :85% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp touted funding for unpaid vendors as he announced he approved the Fiscal Year 2019...

Agreement Promises Restoration of Major VI Hotel
2018.10.04 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp and executives representing the Marriott Frenchman's Reef Resort signed an agreement on...

GERS Administrator Says New Retirees Won't be Processed Until Government Pays its Share
2018.10.05 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp concerning payments from the V.I. Lottery Commission. Mapp wrote that he was arranging...

Daily News candidate interview: Gov. Kenneth Mapp
2018.10.06 - Fuente :85% - News
While many of his most ardent supporters have praised Mapp's brash speaking style and take-no-prison...

Mapp announces $9.3M flood project in La Grange
2018.10.06 - Fuente :90% - News
In addition, officials discussed planned maintenance dredges at both the West Indian Co. pier and Cr...

Daily News candidate interview: Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter
2018.10.06 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — As second-in-command under Gov. Kenneth Mapp, Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter said he's been act...

Watch: Mapp Announces $9.3 Million In Federal Funding For La Grande Mitigation Project
2018.10.06 - Fuente :95% - News
During a press conference at Government House on Friday morning, Governor Kenneth Mapp announced fed...

United States Virgin Islands Governor Mapp approves FY 2019 budget
2018.10.08 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Mapp announced this week that both Herbert Grigg and Seaview will be redesigned and hardene...

Is governor's hiring of assistant for his mom legal? Ask the governor if it is, says VI attorney general
2018.10.08 - Fuente :75% - News
Archibald — a former V.I. Human Services Department employee with years of experience — was hired in...

'Bridge to Somewhere' still a work in progress
2018.10.09 - Fuente :75% - News
ST. THOMAS — While motorists — including Gov. Kenneth Mapp — crept over an Estate Nadir bridge on Mo...

Mapp a Lightning Rod for Criticism at St. Croix Forum
2018.10.09 - Fuente :90% - News
The gubernatorial challengers took aim Saturday at incumbent Gov. Kenneth Mapp Saturday at the AARP...

Group launches lawsuit over health aide for Mapp's mother
2018.10.09 - Fuente :75% - News
“But for Mapp's position and authority as governor, the government would not provide full-time care...

Mapp Signs Government Budget for FY 2019
2018.10.09 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp has signed the main budget bills comprising the territorial government's Fiscal...

Record Numbers? 1.75 Million Cruise Ship Visitors To Touch Down In VI During Winter Season; St. Croix To See 140 ...
2018.10.09 - Fuente :85% - News
According to Governor Kenneth Mapp, citing recently published cruise ship visitor schedules, the ter...

Mapp cheerleads on tourism at St. Croix event
2018.10.10 - Fuente :85% - News
Government officials are looking to establish two additional cruise ship berths on St. Thomas, Gov....

Mapp Signs Off on Nine Road Projects; Bridge to Somewhere Opens to Traffic
2018.10.10 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Kenneth E. Mapp has approved nine more contracts for the repair and improvement of St. Croi...

Watch Live: Governor Mapp & DOT Officials Hold Press Conference With Florida-Based Cruise Ship Officials
2018.10.09 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. CROIX — Governor Kenneth Mapp and Department of Tourism officials host Florida Caribbean Cruise...

Tax Refund Advocates Sue Over Mapp's Elder Care
2018.10.11 - Fuente :80% - News
A taxpayer advocacy group recently filed a lawsuit against Gov. Kenneth Mapp and the Human Services...

Governor Touts His is Efforts to Increase VI Tourism
2018.10.11 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp touted increased tourism revenues, additional cruise ships to the territory, an...

Senate Panel Tables Mapp's Cousin's Nomination to VIPA Board
2018.10.11 - Fuente :85% - News
Lawmakers on Thursday held in committee the renomination of Laurel Hewitt-Sewer, cousin of Gov. Kenn...

UVI Poll Shows Close Race for Governor
2018.10.12 - Fuente :90% - News
The poll shows Albert Bryan Jr. besting Governor Kenneth E. Mapp in the St. Thomas/St. John district...

Education Invites Public to Town Hall; Mapp to Address School Construction
2018.10.12 - Fuente :75% - News
The Department of Education (DOE) invites the public to attend a Town Hall hosted by Gov. Kenneth E....

Lawmakers override veto of bill that checks state of emergency powers
2018.10.13 - Fuente :85% - News
ST. THOMAS — Gov. Kenneth Mapp is now required by law to justify any further extensions to the terri...

Mapp at Town Hall on School Construction
2018.10.13 - Fuente :85% - News
The Department of Education invites the public to attend a Town Hall hosted by Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp...

Campaign Events
2018.10.13 - Fuente :90% - News
The Board of Elections will conduct a voting machine demonstration of the Express Vote and DS200 fro...

Paradise Jam Is Back In Charlotte Amalie November
2018.10.13 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp met with Executive Director of the Basketball Travelers, Nels Hawkinson, yeste...

Mapp at Town Hall on School Construction
2018.10.14 - Fuente :75% - News
The Department of Education invites the public to attend a Town Hall hosted by Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp...

Campaign Events
2018.10.15 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Governor Osbert Potter will host “Two for Tuesday” from 5:30 to 10 p.m. every T...

Mapp Shares Flood Mitigation Plans For Estate Nadir Community Members
2018.10.15 - Fuente :75% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp has shared flood mitigation plans for various communities and is urging reside...

Campaign Events
2018.10.16 - Fuente :90% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Governor Osbert Potter will host “Two for Tuesday” from 5:30 to 10 p.m. every T...

Halos & Pitchforks
2018.10.16 - Fuente :80% - News
Pitchfork to Attorney General Claude Walker for even considering — less actually promising — a “robu...

Should taxpayers be funding Mapp's mother's care?
2018.10.17 - Fuente :95% - News
Mapp hired Sylvia Archibald to the position of special assistant to the governor — where she earns $...

CAHS Among Four Public Schools That Qualify for Reconstruction
2018.10.17 - Fuente :90% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp found little public opposition to having Charlotte Amalie High School torn down an...

Senate Approves Plastic Straw Ban, Raising WAPA Debt Ceiling | St ...
2018.10.17 - Fuente :75% - News
The territory will join the state of California and several U.S. cities in banning most plastic drin...

Campaign Events
2018.10.17 - Fuente :75% - News
The campaign committee for Gov. Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter will host “Two for Tuesday”...

Modular Cancryn Jr. HS Opens; All Public Schools Now Providing Full Day of Instruction
2018.10.17 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp, who toured the campus the day before, expressed his general satisfaction with the scho...

USVI governor Kenneth Mapp says his territory received more help ...
2018.10.18 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp, governor of the United States Virgin Islands, said during a visit Tuesday that hurrica...

Campaign Events
2018.10.19 - Fuente :95% - News
TeamGITTENS, supporting senatorial candidate Kenneth “Kenny” Gittens, is having happy hour at 5:30 p...

VIPA Head Says Senate Absences Were 'Not Intentional' | St. John ...
2018.10.19 - Fuente :85% - News
Facing a subpoena and sustained criticism by members of the Legislature, Virgin Islands Port Authori...

As Election Nears, Mapp Calls Special Session For UVI Tuition ...
2018.10.20 - Fuente :90% - News
With three weeks until the general election, Gov. Kenneth Mapp has called a special session of the L...

Cost Of Living Increase Announced For Government Exempt Employees
2018.10.19 - Fuente :75% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp authorized the salary increases via executive order on Thursday evening. Execu...

Senator Roach Will Reintroduce His Free College Tuition Bill Next Week
2018.10.19 - Fuente :75% - News
Senator Tregenza Roach will reintroduce his free college tuition legislation next week, even as Gove...

In Closing Days Before Election, Mapp Doles More Government Pay Increases
2018.10.23 - Fuente :95% - News
With just over two weeks until the general election, Gov. Kenneth Mapp announced another round of go...

Millin Young/ Bengoa Team Raises Questions About Finances of the Territory
2018.10.23 - Fuente :85% - News
Sen. Janette Millin Young repeated her charge Monday that Gov. Kenneth Mapp is being grossly dishone...

Campaign Events
2018.10.23 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter will host “Two for Tuesday” from 5:30 to 10 p.m. every Tuesd...

Governor Mapp expresses concern for Trinidadians impacted by severe flooding
2018.10.22 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. THOMAS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Governor Kenneth E. Mapp has expressed solidarity with the people...

What the Candidates Say: Kenneth Mapp
2018.10.24 - Fuente :85% - News
This story covers the views and planned initiatives of candidate Kenneth Mapp, the current governor,...

Top St Thomas Hotel to Reopen in 2020
2018.10.23 - Fuente :80% - News
“Its importance to our economy cannot be overemphasized,” said US Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth Ma...

Mapp: National Park Land Swap for St. John School is Back on the Table
2018.10.25 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp told attendees of a St. John town hall Tuesday that the V.I. government and the De...

Campaign Events
2018.10.25 - Fuente :95% - News
The Albert Bryan and Sen. Tregenza Roach gubernatorial team will host “The Bryan/Roach Headquarters...

Mapp, VITEMA to publicize little-known 911 alternative
2018.10.25 - Fuente :95% - News
An alternate landline number for the Virgin Islands 911 call center could prove lifesaving for St. J...

Campaign Events
2018.10.26 - Fuente :80% - News
The Albert Bryan and Sen. Tregenza Roach gubernatorial team will host a Fish Fry Friday and Breast C...

Government House silent on adviser who is accused of domestic violence
2018.10.26 - Fuente :90% - News
The questions included inquiries about whether Naar is receiving any form of compensation while camp...

Editorial: Free Tuition: An Overhyped, Unaffordable Campaign Gimmick The Senate Should Pass
2018.10.25 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has called a special legislative session Friday to vote on legislation he claims w...

Mapp pushes economic recovery fee, hotel shelters
2018.10.27 - Fuente :95% - News
FEMA funding could be provided to hotels willing to make the necessary improvements to serve as emer...

Mapp Calls On Senators To Appropriate More Funds For Tax Refunds; Requests $10 million To Help Manage The ...
2018.10.26 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp is calling on the 32nd Legislature to appropriate an additional $5 million for...

Campaign Events
2018.10.27 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Governor Osbert Potter will have a community rally at Hull Bay on St. Thomas fr...

USVI Recovery Anniversary Report Available Online Publication
2018.10.26 - Fuente :75% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp announced today that a first-year progress report has been published online ab...

Second Major Resort Signs Onto Restoration Deal
2018.10.29 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp said. “I've signed a letter of intent with the owners of Sugar Bay to work with them, t...

What the Candidates Say: How Can the Territory Avoid Brain Drain? What Will You Do About GERS?
2018.10.29 - Fuente :90% - News
Experts say the refinery revenues alone would extend the life of GERS by five years and that the Map...

Campaign Events
2018.10.30 - Fuente :80% - News
The Albert Bryan and Sen. Tregenza Roach gubernatorial team will have a general meeting at 6 p.m. to...

St. Croix police union declares no confidence in Mapp administration
2018.10.31 - Fuente :90% - News
The resolution declares that the St. Croix police union's members “have no confidence in the current...

Campaign Events
2018.10.31 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter will host a meet and greet with the candidates at Rossie's R...

Police unions pledge to take Mapp to court
2018.11.01 - Fuente :95% - News
Police unions representing officers throughout the territory have said they intend to take legal act...

Unions, Mapp administration avoid court
2018.11.02 - Fuente :95% - News
Members of the St. Croix union had voted on and issued a public resolution criticizing the Mapp admi...

Government to take weeks to respond to lawsuit
2018.11.02 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp hired Archibald in February 2015 to serve — according to his own explanation — as Vasht...

Mapp Administration Defends Its Record On VIPD Improvements, Says Negotiations Continue With Police Benevolent ...
2018.11.01 - Fuente :95% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp, who began his career in public service as a police officer, has made providin...

Campaign Events
2018.11.03 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Governor Osbert Potter will have a motorcade starting at noon Sunday at Mapp-Po...

Mapp Holding More Self-Praising Government-Funded Events as ...
2018.11.05 - Fuente :90% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp appears to be making the most of the bully pulpit of the governorship to help his...

Editorial: Mapp's History of Questionable Financial Dealings Should Not Be Rewarded
2018.11.05 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth Mapp has worked hard, is highly knowledgeable and has some accomplishments as the eight...

Police union contract talks to begin today
2018.11.05 - Fuente :95% - News
Members of the St. Croix union had voted on and issued a public resolution criticizing the Mapp admi...

Limetree Bay Refining Reaches Agreement in Principle on Restart of St. Croix Refinery
2018.11.04 - Fuente :95% - News
Over the ensuing two years, the company advanced the project with strong support from the administra...

Watch Live Broadcast Election Coverage On VI Consortium Beginning At 6:30 PM
2018.11.06 - Fuente :80% - News
A bigger mystery is who will come out atop in what many expect to be a three-way contest between the...

Unofficial Results Show Runoff Between Mapp and Bryan
2018.11.07 - Fuente :80% - News
After hours of waiting and speculation, the unofficial general election results point toward a guber...

Democrats Win Super Majority In Senate, With Women Leading The Charge
2018.11.07 - Fuente :80% - News
9,265 37.81 Kenneth E. Mapp . . . . . . . . 8,271 33.76 Adlah "Foncie" Donastorg . . . . . 4,014 16....

Vote totals
2018.11.08 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp and Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter will now face challenger Albert Bryan Jr. and running mate S...

Bryan's Lead Over Mapp Grows Slightly With Absentee Ballots
2018.11.09 - Fuente :75% - News
Democrat challenger Albert Bryan's lead over independent incumbent Ken Mapp increased a little as th...

Early voting for runoff scheduled, absentee ballots counted
2018.11.09 - Fuente :95% - News
ST. THOMAS — Voters will now have two days of early voting prior to the Nov. 20 runoff election betw...

Governor Mapp Pays Tribute to Veterans; Government Offices to Close on Nov. 12
2018.11.10 - Fuente :95% - News
Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp joins American citizens throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands and across the globe...

Spirit Adds New Nonstop Flights Between Orlando And St. Thomas
2018.11.09 - Fuente :85% - News
U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth E. Mapp and Lieutenant Governor Osbert E. Potter, members of th...

Early Voting Set For Nov. 17 And 18 From 8:00 am To 8:00 pm; Election Numbers Updated
2018.11.09 - Fuente :75% - News
Supervisor of Elections Caroline Fawkes on Thursday announced that early voting for the runoff elect...

Veterans Day: VI Honors Those Who Served
2018.11.12 - Fuente :90% - News
Virgin Islanders took to the streets Sunday to mark Veterans Day, honoring the citizen soldiers who...

Spirit Airlines begins new nonstop flights between Orlando and St. Thomas
2018.11.12 - Fuente :75% - News
THOMAS - U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Kenneth E. Mapp and Lieutenant Governor Obsert E. Potter, memb...

Debate before runoff? That's debatable Virgin Islands Daily News
2018.11.13 - Fuente :95% - News
Both remaining camps in the gubernatorial election claim they are ready and willing to debate.and mo...

Mosler Says 'No' to Mapp; Running Mate Fonseca Says 'Yes'
2018.11.14 - Fuente :95% - News
Fourth-place gubernatorial candidate Warren Mosler came out strongly against Gov. Kenneth Mapp in a...

Mosler Says 'No' to Mapp; Running Mate Fonseca Says 'Yes' | St ...
2018.11.14 - Fuente :75% - News
Fourth-place gubernatorial candidate Warren Mosler came out strongly against Gov. Kenneth Mapp in a...

Police Union Vote Opens Door to More Pay Raises Before the Runoff Election
2018.11.14 - Fuente :85% - News
The St. Thomas and St. Croix Policeman's Benevolent Association's voted Nov. 7 to approve proposed w...

Unusual $100k payment to GERS questioned
2018.11.15 - Fuente :90% - News
ST. THOMAS — Government officials used taxpayer money to pay off tens of thousands of dollars in pen...

Historic Veterans Drive Improvement Project Is Ahead Of Schedule, Government House Says
2018.11.14 - Fuente :80% - News
Department of Public Works Commissioner Nelson Petty and the department's Design Program Manager Jom...

Provisional votes have no impact on results | News ...
2018.11.15 - Fuente :80% - News
ST. THOMAS — A total of 159 provisional ballots were counted Wednesday as part of the General Electi...

Report to shed light on pension double-dipping
2018.11.16 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp. Documents obtained by The Daily News show the PFA paid about $107,000 on behalf of Jue...

Free tuition bill puts low graduation rate in spotlight
2018.11.16 - Fuente :95% - News
The University of The Virgin Islands is hoping tuition-free scholarships will curb its staggeringly...

Limetree Bay and BP Reach Agreement On Oil Refinery Restart On St. Croix
2018.11.17 - Fuente :75% - News
“This agreement marks a significant milestone for the refinery restart effort,” said Governor Kennet...

Tuesday Announced As Legal Holiday For Runoff Election
2018.11.16 - Fuente :95% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp is in the battle of his political life as he attempts to fend off the Bryan-Ro...

Plaskett, Hansen Endorse Bryan for Governor
2018.11.17 - Fuente :80% - News
In the St. Thomas-St. John district, the Donastorg/Hansen ticket came in second to Bryan-Roach, with...

Senator Alicia Hansen Endorses Bryan, Adding Momentum To The Campaign
2018.11.16 - Fuente :95% - News
The backing from Mrs. Hansen, who has a loyal base of supporters on St. Croix, is expected to help M...

Bryan Makes Final Pitch for Changing Course as Early Voting Opens
2018.11.17 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp, in spite of the incumbent's efforts to push back. As Bryan campaigned on forward-looki...

7334 Virgin Islanders Voted Early Ahead Of Tuesday's Runoff Election
2018.11.19 - Fuente :90% - News
The runoff election is a hotly contested battle to the end between Governor Kenneth Mapp and candida...

Recovery Report Looks Over $11 Billion in Damages, Future Solutions
2018.11.19 - Fuente :80% - News
Kenneth Mapp said in an introduction to the nearly 40 page document, which was released this weekend...

VI Consortium's Ernice Gilbert To Interview Governor Mapp (Update: Interview Pushed Back To Friday)
2018.11.18 - Fuente :75% - News
Original Story: VI Consortium Founder Ernice Gilbert will hold an all-encompassing interview with Go...

More than 7000 VI voters cast early ballots
2018.11.19 - Fuente :85% - News
The V.I. Elections System issued a press release Sunday announcing a “magnificent turnout” for the w...

Limetree, BP reach agreement on St. Croix refinery
2018.11.19 - Fuente :75% - News
Limetree Bay Refining LLC and BP have reached an agreement about refining oil on St. Croix, accordin...

4495 Fewer Early Votes for Gubernatorial Runoff than General
2018.11.20 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp, an independent, and challenger Albert Bryan, a Democrat. St. Thomas saw 3,646 early vo...

Bryan Defeats Mapp for Governor
2018.11.21 - Fuente :80% - News
According to unofficial territory-wide results, the team of Albert Bryan, Jr. and Tregenza Roach won...

Mapp Thanks Voters, Campaign Workers; He Wishes Incoming Administration Well
2018.11.21 - Fuente :95% - News
Calling for unity after Tuesday's run-off election, Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp urged all Virgin Islanders...

St. John Community Gets a Modest but Heartfelt Feast
2018.11.23 - Fuente :80% - News
The newly elected governor, Albert Bryan also showed up, fresh from Tuesday's runoff election where...

The USVI Will Choose Its Next Governor Today; Watch Live Coverage On Consortium Tonight
2018.11.27 - Fuente :95% - News
Voters will go to the polls today one last time this year to decide the fate of Governor Kenneth Map...

Project Promise Student Releases Children's Book; Copies Now Available Locally And Online
2018.11.28 - Fuente :90% - News
Vianca was honored during her sixth grade promotional ceremony in 2016 for the book and was asked to...

Bryan says official residence will be Government House | News ...
2018.11.29 - Fuente :95% - News
One issue hit particularly close to home among the announcements at governor-elect Albert Bryan's pr...

Bryan Has Recommended Some Mapp Administration Cabinet Members As Possible Holdovers
2018.11.28 - Fuente :90% - News
He also thanked Governor Kenneth Mapp and Lieutenant Governor Osbert Potter for their service to the...

Runoff ballot count concludes today
2018.11.30 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp, with unofficial results showing Bryan at 12,491 to Mapp's 10,170 votes. Unofficial res...

Editorial: Managing Expectations – What We Expect from the New Governor
2018.11.29 - Fuente :85% - News
Continuity: If officials are doing well, please keep them where they are. Gov. Kenneth Mapp's last m...

Runoff election results to be certified Monday
2018.12.01 - Fuente :95% - News
Kenneth Mapp, with 12,677 to 10,288 votes. Unofficial results immediately following the Nov. 20 runo...

2018 Runoff Election Ballots Unofficial Results Given
2018.12.01 - Fuente :75% - News
The Virgin Islands Board of Elections completed the Mail-In Absentee ballot counting on Friday, Nov....

Caribbean News Roundup – Dec. 3, 2018 Caribbean and Latin America News
2018.12.03 - Fuente :95% - News
Mapp, in extending condolences Saturday morning on the passing of the US President at age 94, rememb...

Senate Panel Votes to Spend $5 Million that May Not Exist for Projects of Unknown Cost
2018.12.03 - Fuente :95% - News
Craigwell-Syms said Thursday she did not want to take the funding if Grigg Home needed it. But Gov....

Refinery Deal Done, Smaller-than-Contracted Immediate Payout Completed
2018.12.05 - Fuente :85% - News
Kenneth Mapp unveiled a deal with Limetree Bay in July, it involved an “immediate” payment of $70 mi...

Mapp mum on retirement payment for adviser
2018.12.06 - Fuente :85% - News
Government House officials have for weeks not returned calls on the subject of Juel Molloy, a former...

Bryan's First State of the Territory Address Will Most Likely Take Place January 28
2018.12.06 - Fuente :85% - News
Governor Kenneth Mapp delivered his first SoTA on January 27, 2015. Mr. Mapp had also lost time to e...

Julio Rhymer resigns after just 244 days
2018.12.06 - Fuente :85% - News
Julio Rhymer Sr. no longer serves as director of the V.I. Office of Management and Budget, Gov. Kenn...

Dawn of a new season
2018.12.06 - Fuente :75% - News
I have appreciated the service Gov. Kenneth Mapp has given during his tenure. I think he exhibited c...

Climate Change in Virgin Islands Gets Renewed Focus
2018.12.06 - Fuente :75% - News
Kenneth Mapp's administration at one point had a climate change coordinator, and said, “We trust the...

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson's son arrested on DWI charge
2018.05.28 - Fuente :90% - News
Asa William Hutchinson III, the son of Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, was arrested in West Fork early...

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson wins primary
2018.05.23 - Fuente :90% - News
Asa Hutchinson, the governor of Arkansas, held off a challenge from the right on Monday. The Associa...

Meet the candidate: Asa Hutchinson
2018.05.18 - Fuente :90% - News
ARKADELPHIA (KATV) -. Another vote has been cast for governor Asa Hutchinson. We are confident in sa...

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson wins Republican primary, defeating gun range owner who declared her ...
2018.05.23 - Fuente :80% - News
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson wins Republican primary, d...

Governor Honors Trade Excellence Among Arkansas Firms
2018.05.30 - Fuente :80% - News
Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday hosted the ninth annual Governor's Awards for Excellence in Global...

16 sheriffs endorse Asa Hutchinson
2018.05.23 - Fuente :75% - News
Gov. Asa Hutchinson had a campaign event todasy to announce an endorsement by 16 of the state's 75 s...

Populism and pigs: Jan Morgan slams Asa Hutchinson over hog farm permit
2018.05.10 - Fuente :90% - News
It would probably be entertaining if Jan Morgan and Gov. Asa Hutchinson debated, but instead we got...

DWI charge filed on Arkansas governor's son
2018.05.29 - Fuente :75% - News
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson's son was arrested early Monday on a driving while intoxicated charge....

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson wins Republican primary, defeating gun range owner who declared her business ...
2018.05.23 - Fuente :90% - News
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson wins Republican primary, defeating gun range o...

AP: Gov. Asa Hutchinson Wins GOP Primary
2018.05.23 - Fuente :90% - News
ARKANSAS (AP) -- Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson wins Republican primary, defeating gun range owner Jan...