Compare Federica Mogherini and Alessia Morani to find out who to vote.
Federica Mogherini![]() |
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Alessia Morani![]() |
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High Representative |
Position | Unknown |
Rome Italy
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Rome Italy
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Democratic Party
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Articles by: "Federica Mogherini"
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Articles by: "Federica Mogherini". Europe and Asia—together for a more secure world. 31 May 2018 | F...
An Open Letter to Federica Mogherini and the European imperative to save the Iran nuclear deal
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Failure is not an option. The alternative path is simply too costly, not only for the present genera...
Mogherini's spokesperson: EU awaiting details on Babchenko case
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Maja Kocijancic, the spokesperson for High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs...
EU HR Mogherini and President Santos on Colombia: opening remarks (extracts)
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Extracts from the opening remarks by Federica MOGHERINI, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs...
EU HR Mogherini meets the Syrian Negotiation Commission
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Federica MOGHERINI, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, meets the delega...
Federica Mogherini: Iran nuclear deal will hold
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FLORENCE, Italy — The Iran nuclear deal can survive without the United States' support, Federica Mog...
Declaration by the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the European Union on the situation in ...
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The Burundian authorities have launched the final preparatory phase for the constitutional referendu...
Declaration by the High Representative, Federica Mogherini on ...
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The European Union reaffirms its commitment to combat all forms of discrimination and hate crime, on...
Mogherini to Pompeo: No alternative to Iran deal
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The EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, responded on to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pomp...
Declaration by the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the EU on the occasion of the World Press ...
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On this day we celebrate the World Press Freedom Day in a difficult context for journalism. Freedom...
La situazione politica dopo l'incarico a Carlo Cottarelli: intervista ad Alessia Morani
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Giustizia e giustizialismo. Intervista ad Alessia Morani sui temi affrontati durante l'Assemblea di...
L'incarico per formare il governo ad Alessia Morani
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Gentilissima Alessia Morani, ieri noi di una Associazione “Pro Nato” abbiamo telefonato al president...
Governo, Morani (Pd) vs Giordano: “Film horror. Conte? Curriculm gonfiato”. “La Fedeli disse bugie su sua laurea”
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“Questo governo è un film horror e resta tale anche se cambiano i personaggi e gli interpreti. Che c...
Matteo Renzi swings wrecking ball at tie-up with Five Star
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Matteo Renzi had remained conspicuously silent in the immediate aftermath of the bruising election d...
Vince la Partita del cuore davanti alla Sciarelli. Tra i talk ok Vespa, Merlino, Gruber e Mannoni
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'Otto e mezzo' ha prodotto 2,177 milioni di spettatori e il 9,36% con Massimo Cacciari, Alessandro S...
Alessia Morani, la pasdaran di Renzi: avanzano Lega e M5s? Colpa dei giornalisti
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Alessia Morani, deputata del Pd e membro della segreteria nazionale del partito, non è nuova alle ga...
Renzi steps in to thwart Italian coalition deal
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Matteo Renzi had remained conspicuously silent in the immediate aftermath of the bruising election d...
Alessia Morani (Pd): da Di Battista intimidazioni fasciste
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Governo, Alessia Morani contro i Di Battista – Non procede nel migliore dei modi il cammino verso la...
Spread continua a salire. Di Maio: “Problema non eravamo noi”, Pd: “Si chiama #SalviniTax”
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”La borsa e la credibilità internazionale dell'Italia precipitano, insieme alla fiducia di cittadini...
#TheCube: i tweet su Giuseppe Conte
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La vicenda del curriculum del Presidente del Consiglio in pectore fa discutere. Luca Colantoni e Gio...