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Emil Constantinescu vs Traian Băsescu

Compare Emil Constantinescu and Traian Băsescu to find out who to vote.

Emil Constantinescu

Emil Constantinescu

Traian Băsescu

Traian Băsescu
Emil Constantinescu
Traian Băsescu
Former President
Former President
Bucharest Romania
Bucharest Romania
National Liberal Party
People's Movement Party
News, Labor, Elections
News, Role of Government, Civil Rights, Elections, Justice System, Housing, Economy
2016.09.09 - Source :100% - Civil Rights
Traian Băsescu, aflat la cumpărături împreună cu soția sa, într-un centru comercial din București, a...

Romanian Parliament Suspends President
2007.04.19 - Source :75% - Role of Government
Romanian Parliament Suspends President

Boy hit by Basescu feared for his life and his mother's
2009.11.27 - Source :85% - Civil Rights
Boy hit by Basescu feared for his life and his mother's

Basescu chided for gypsy.
2007.05.23 - Source :75% - Civil Rights
Basescu chided for gypsy.

Ex-President Traian Basescu prosecuted for money laundering
2016.04.20 - Source :90% - Economy
Ex-President Traian Basescu prosecuted for money laundering

Ion Iliescu attacks him again on Traian Basescu
2016.09.22 - Source :80% - Elections
The honorary leader of the PSD has described as 'the infamy' Basescu's statements.

Traian Basescu – Member PCR, and Linkages with Security
2016.09.22 - Source :95% - Role of Government
Traian Basescu – Member PCR, and Linkages with Security

Traian Basescu – punch in the face. 18 seconds video presents the head of the state hitting a child. How...
2016.09.22 - Source :90% - Elections
A video with Traian Basescu hitting across the face of a boy appeared, yesterday, less than 24 hours...

Traian Basescu has made him "asshole" on a journalist
2016.09.22 - Source :85% - Role of Government
Traian Basescu has made him "asshole" on a journalist

Basescu reveals the content biletelului sent by Tariceanu
2016.09.22 - Source :95% - Role of Government, Justice System
In a press statement held on Wednesday evening, at the Cotroceni Palace, president Traian Basescu co...