Compare Dick Thornburgh and William Barr to find out who to vote.
Dick Thornburgh![]() |
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William Barr![]() |
Comeback Capitals walking trail blazed by '91 Penguins
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... Stanley Cup by the team owner during a Rose Garden ceremony honoring the NHL champions, June 24,...
LOWMAN S. HENRY: A Pennsylvania shotgun wedding
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In 1978, tough-on-crime former federal prosecutor Dick Thornburgh teamed with the son of a former go...
We've already bailed out Three Mile Island twice. The third time isn't a charm | Opinion
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Dick Thornburgh's plan, TMI-2 received $987 million to defuel the melted core from 1981 to 1993. How...
Obituary: Nancy Holman / Longtime GOP committeewoman, Elsie Hillman's executive assistant
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She worked in human resources at Westinghouse for 16 years before going to work for Ms. Hillman, who...
Group aims to preserve and share Western Pa. disability history
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Dick Thornburgh to records for the Pittsburgh chapter of advocacy group Open Doors for the Handicapp...
Nuclear plants hope not to close
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Dick Thornburgh to announce that women and children within five miles of the nuclear power plant sho...
Pennsylvania governors from 1907 to the present
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In addition to Tom Wolf, five of Pennsylvania's governors are still living - Tom Corbett, Ed Rendell...
NASA's findings on water should scare Floridians: Letters
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NASA's findings on global water redistribution should be a serious concern to Florida's citizens. Fl...
Congressional and legislative redistricting students and voters to draw the lines
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Draw the Lines project manager is The Committee of Seventy, a 113-year-old nonpartisan, nonprofit ad...
Grove City College president co-chairs statewide election security committee
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The commission and its advisors are distinguished, comprised of former Pennsylvania governor Dick Th...
Roseanne Barr isn't new to incendiary tweets. Here's why ABC decided to act
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ABC canceled rebooted sitcom "Roseanne" on Tuesday over an offensive outburst by its creator and sta...
Roseanne Barr and Samantha Bee are symptoms of a society that is losing its manners
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... calling former FBI Director James Comey a “slime ball,” or go further back to the campaign trail...
The Show Trial of Roseanne Barr
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Liberals refused to extend to Roseanne Barr the compassion they did not spare Damian Williams and MS...
Roseanne Barr and the NFL: What Counts as Free Speech?
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Yesterday, after Roseanne Barr tweeted a racist statement about former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett...
Roseanne Barr Is Convenient Scapegoat for Right-wing Racism and anti-Semitism
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Once Barr underwent her “transformation,” “discovered her Jewish identity” and enlisted in the fight...
Barr the Bigot: How Racism Exposes the Authoritarian Strain
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Six years before Disney's ABC network decided to give her another shot at television glory, Roseanne...
Roseanne Barr Claims She 'Begged' ABC Not to Dump Her Show
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Before we begin, let's get this out of the way: Samantha Bee calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt"...
Pedestrians injured in CBD car crash
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The incident - involving a share car and an RACV vehicle - occurred at the corner of William and La...
Universal Windows Direct Ranks #8 on 550 Remodeling List
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It was founded in 2002 by William Barr and Michael Strmac, who had a mission to provide the highest...
Rosanne Barr Gets Dumped By ABC for Disparaging Tweet
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This is the one I wanna go to Q. And missile set the stage for our discussion and to your comments a...