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Dan Coats vs Angus King

Compare Dan Coats and Angus King to find out who to vote.

Dan Coats

Dan Coats

Angus King

Angus King
Dan Coats
Angus King
Washington United States
Washington United States
Mild-Mannered Spy Chief Dan Coats Gives Trump the Facts, Gently
2018.05.23 - Source :95% - News
Dan Coats is not exactly Central Casting's version of a spymaster. Sitting down for an interview in...

At CIA, Gina Haspel will make sure 'we never have to relearn lessons of the past': Coats
2018.05.15 - Source :95% - News
At CIA, Gina Haspel will make sure 'we never have to relearn lessons of the past': Coats. Dan Coats...

In extraordinary meeting, Trump gets involved in congressional oversight of Russia probe
2018.05.21 - Source :95% - News
In the Oval Office Monday, Trump met with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director Chris...

Fred Fleitz, John Bolton recruit, in SPLC 'smear campaign'
2018.06.03 - Source :80% - News
National Security Adviser John R. Bolton (right), with White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly (lef...

US Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats in New Zealand for meeting
2018.05.10 - Source :95% - News
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats met with New Zealand and Australian intelligence officia...

America is safe because Coast Guard is 'strong,' Trump says at ceremony
2018.06.01 - Source :80% - News
White House chief of staff John Kelly, left, sits with Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats,...

Homeland Security Chief Backtracks After Saying Russia Didn't Try to Help Trump
2018.05.22 - Source :90% - News
Ms. Nielsen was on Capitol Hill with Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, and Dan Coats, the di...

White House: GOP lawmakers meeting Justice officials Thursday about intelligence source documents
2018.05.22 - Source :90% - News
Sanders said that Nunes and Gowdy, both Republicans, would attend the meeting with FBI Director Chri...

Observations about Mike Pence from 'Vanity Fair' article
2018.05.31 - Source :85% - News
Karen Pence (left), her husband Mike Pence, and Dan Coats greet each other, as about 150 well-wisher...

Trump's 'Syraqistan' strategy is a success — and a failure
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats was pointedly pessimistic in his recent testimony before...

Citing unfinished work, Angus King launches re-election bid for US Senate
2018.05.31 - Source :80% - News
BRUNSWICK — U.S. Sen. Angus King officially launched his re-election campaign Thursday, saying “this...

King kicks off re-election campaign
2018.06.01 - Source :80% - News
King said he has worked to create a good relationship with both sides of the political isle. "I have...

Sen. Angus King to Forest Hills grads: 'Regret the things you did, not the things you didn't do'
2018.06.02 - Source :95% - News
JACKMAN — The 11 graduates of Forest Hills High School received advice Saturday afternoon about how...

Senator Angus King kicks off re-election campaign
2018.05.31 - Source :85% - News
BRUNSWICK (WGME) -- Senator Angus King announced his re-election campaign for US Senate Thursday. Th...

Angus King urges Spruce Mountain Adult Ed graduates to take risks
2018.06.01 - Source :95% - News
JAY — U.S. Sen. Angus King implored graduates of Spruce Mountain Adult & Community Education on Thur...

King voting no on Trump's CIA director nominee
2018.05.09 - Source :85% - News
Washington (CNN) Independent Sen. Angus King of Maine, who caucuses with Democrats, announced Wednes...

Angus King reacts to Trump
2018.05.22 - Source :90% - News
Maine Senator Angus King is reacting to President Trump's demand for the Department of Justice to in...

Sen. Angus King: There should only be one briefing with lawmakers, DOJ officials
2018.05.24 - Source :85% - News
Sen. Angus King said Thursday that there should only be one meeting for lawmakers with Department of...

Sen. King Says He Can't Support Haspel's Nomination To Lead The CIA
2018.05.10 - Source :90% - News
Gina Haspel testified at a Senate panel hearing on her nomination. Rachel Martin talks to Independen...

Sen. Angus King
2018.05.14 - Source :85% - News
U.S. Sens. Mike Rounds, R-SD, and Angus King, I-ME, have introduced the New Markets for State-Inspec...