Compare Anja Hazekamp and André Bosman to find out who to vote.
Anja Hazekamp![]() |
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André Bosman![]() |
European Commission urged to deliver on new EDCs strategy
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... health from endocrine disruptors. It is necessary that we act soon,” urged GUE/NGL MEP Anja Haze...
#GNvdD: EP wil stop op subsidiegeld voor stierenvechten
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Een meerderheid van het Europees Parlement heeft een voorstel van de Partij voor de Dieren gesteund...
La Commission à nouveau houspillée sur les perturbateurs endocriniens
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Il est nécessaire que nous agissions rapidement », a jugé l'eurodéputée Anja Hazekamp, du GUE/NGL. L...
Au Parlement européen, les impasses de la commission pesticides
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Le 2 mai, la députée néerlandaise Anja Hazekamp (Gauche unitaire européenne, GUE) a claqué la porte,...
Voedselbank wil armoede hard aanpakken
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Op donderdag 17 mei 2018 wordt het platform verbreed met onder meer de burgemeester de Marne, Koos W...
Laura Cannell: Modern Ritual Interview
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The 'Modern Ritual' tour which she is currently headlining – along with Charles Hayward, Hoofus (And...
Dutch MP not satisfied with the answer from Undersecretary Knops
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THE HAGUE - Member of the Dutch Parliament André Bosman (VVD) is not satisfied with the answer of Un...
St. Maarten law enforcement can't do without outside help
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The Daily Herald asked Members of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament André Bosman of the lib...
Landfill in St. Maarten has Dutch Parliament's attention
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Noting that the landfill had not become a problem since the hurricane, but had been a problem long b...
Ferrier's availability of funds remark surprises The Hague
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Members of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament Joba van den Berg of the Christian Democratic...
Gnod And More For Supersonic
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Currently touring the UK, this sees Turner reading about sexuality and our ideas of nature, as well...
Public entities must play role in agriculture development
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This would have to take place in consultation with the island governments. The motion was submitted...
'Protest van mariniers tegen verhuizing van kazerne is chantage'
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Het Zeeuwse Tweede Kamerlid André Bosman heeft zich de woede op de hals gehaald van mariniers en hun...
'We zijn gekke henkie'
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„Schandalig”, reageert PVV-Kamerlid Emiel van Dijk op de kwestie. „De minister laat de Nederlandse d...
Parlamentario holandés insatisfecho con respuesta de Knops sobre flujo de venezolanos
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LA HAYA – El parlamentario holandés André Bosman (VVD) expresó su poca satisfacción con la respuesta...