Compare Angela Merkel and Özcan Mutlu to find out who to vote.
Angela Merkel![]() |
VS |
Özcan Mutlu![]() |
Federal cross of merit for Merkel
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- Civil Rights
Federal cross of merit for Merkel
President Peres awards Germanys Merkel Medal of Distinction
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- Foreign Affairs
President Peres awards Germanys Merkel Medal of Distinction
Merkel Dott.ssa Angela
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- Civil Rights
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
Chancellor of the Federal Republic...
Russell among 15 Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees
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- Civil Rights
President Barack Obama will present the awards to the 15 honorees early next year, the White House a...
Honorary Doctorates
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- Civil Rights
Honorary Doctorates
Doctor honoris causa for Merkel
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- Education
Doctor honoris causa FOR Merkel - Technical University of Wroclaw
Angela Merkel received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Babes-Bolyai University
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- Education
Angela Merkel received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Babes-Bolyai University
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the babeș-BOLYAI university Cluj
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- Education
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the babeș-BOLYAI uni...
Angela Merkel awarded the Charlemagne Prize
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- Civil Rights
Angela Merkel awarded the Charlemagne Prize
Bnai Brith Europe grants Award of Merit to Dr. Angela Merkel
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- Civil Rights
Bnai Brith Europe grants Award of Merit to Dr. Angela Merkel
The 100 Most Powerful Women: #1 Angela Merkel
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- Health Care
The 100 Most Powerful Women: #1 Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel – 50 People Who Matter 2010
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- Health Care
Angela Merkel – 50 People Who Matter 2010
Chancellor Angela Merkel Receives Global Leadership Award
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- Role of Government
Chancellor Angela Merkel Receives Global Leadership Award
LBI Presents Leo Baeck Medal to Chancellor Angela Merkel
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- Civil Rights
LBI Presents Leo Baeck Medal to Chancellor Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel Receives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
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- Civil Rights
Angela Merkel Receives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award
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- Civil Rights
Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award
Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning
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- Civil Rights
Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning
Klitschko, Merkel discuss prospects for signing EU-Ukraine association agreement
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- Foreign Affairs
Germany wants to see Ukraine in the European family and hopes that the Ukrainian government will ful...
Angela Merkel Isn't Backing Down - Bloomberg View
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- Role of Government
Angela Merkel Isn't Backing Down. Leonid Bershidsky is a Bloomberg View columnist. He was the foundi...
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel braces for populist ...
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- Role of Government
BERLIN (AFP) - Berlin residents voted in state elections on Sunday (Sept 18) in which German Chancel...
A Trans-Atlantic Show of Friendship: Obama Praises His Friend Chancellor Merkel
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- Foreign Affairs, Role of Government
During German Chancellor Angela Merkel's White House visit on Friday, one thing topped the agenda: a...
Angela Merkel’s refugee policy must succeed — for Europe’s ...
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- Role of Government, Civil Rights
Angela Merkel’s refugee policy must succeed — for Europe’s sake. The German chancellor may be changi...
After Disastrous Berlin Election, Angela Merkel Admits ...
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- Immigration
After Disastrous Berlin Election, Angela Merkel Admits "Mistakes Were Made" With Refugees: George So...
Allah's Willing Executioners: Angela Merkel’s Party Has ...
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- Role of Government
The Christian Democratic Union, the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have had their worst e...
Business: Washington Post Business Page, Business News
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- Elections, Foreign Affairs
(Bloomberg) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel told her parliamentary caucus that a damaging coaliti...
Angela Merkel's party suffers slump in Berlin election ...
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- Role of Government
Berlin is likely to get the first leftwing triple-coalition government in its history, after Angela...
German opposition hits 11-year high in polls
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- Role of Government
Chancellor Angela Merkel is the head of government for Germany. Research and learn about Germany on...
Angela Merkel Sort of Apologized for Her Refugee Policy ...
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- Role of Government
Hence a speech that sounded conciliatory, but which ultimately gave nothing away in terms of policy....
Angela Merkel’s party suffers major loss in Berlin ...
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- Role of Government
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats party has suffered its worst-ever result in lo...
German elections: Angela Merkel’s party suffers 25-year ...
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- Role of Government
The Social Democrats and chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party have emerged from Ber...
Angela Merkel faces another electoral blow in Berlin due ...
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- Role of Government
Angela Merkel. (Source: Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives look set to suffer...
Angela Merkel faces another electoral blow in Berlin due ...
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- Role of Government
Angela Merkel. (Source: Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives look set to suffer...
Angela Merkel's European influence wanes as domestic woes ...
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- Role of Government
It is hard to think of what more Angela Merkel could have done over the past weeks to nudge fellow E...
Defeat for Angela Merkel as far-right sees big gains ...
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- Immigration, Role of Government
Defeat for Angela Merkel as far-right sees big gains Berlin turns to far-right after immigration pol...
Press: Berlin Election About Defeat for Merkel - And More ...
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- Role of Government
Many newspapers see Chancellor Angela Merkel and her conservatives as the big losers in Sunday's Ber...
PM, Merkel disagree openly on settlements
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- Role of Government
Citing ‘PaliLeaks,’ Netanyahu says PA stirred crisis over Jerusalem neighborhood it had conceded to...
TIME Person of the Year 2015: Angela Merkel
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- Role of Government
TIME Person of the Year 2015: Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel admits she regrets open-door migrant policy ...
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- Role of Government
Angela Merkel. Commenting on a recent poll showing 82 percent of voters wanted a change in her migra...
Voters shun Merkel as migrant policy goes awry
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- Immigration, Role of Government
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party was hit by a second electoral blow in two weeks in the B...
Angela Merkel Accepts Responsibility for Party’s Losses in ...
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- Role of Government
Chancellor Angela Merkel at a meeting of her Christian Democrats in Berlin on Monday, a day after th...
Angela Merkel pronunciation: how to pronounce Angela Merkel in German, English
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- Role of Government
Pronunciation guide: learn how to pronounce Angela Merkel in German, English with native pronunciati...
The discrete Gluck
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- Role of Government
The Registry Office Berlin-Mitte, 30. December 1998: In secret, the CDU General Secretary Angela Mer...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel without ready-made answers in Templin
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- Role of Government
German Chancellor Angela Merkel without ready-made answers in Templin
Angela Merkel's party slumps as far-right surges in Berlin ...
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- Immigration, Role of Government
Angela Merkel's CDU knocked out of ruling Berlin coalition; Big gains for anti-immigrant party AfD ;...
Angela Merkel: We were unprepared for refugee influx in ...
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- Immigration, Role of Government
Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Monday that there would be no repeat of last year's "chaotic" borde...
Angela Merkel sets off for China to forge new economic ties
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- Foreign Affairs, Role of Government
Angela Merkel will be travelling to China with an entourage of German business leaders seeking great...
Photo Gallery: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th
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- Role of Government
Photo Gallery: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th
Angela Merkel’s Approval Rating Plummets After Terror Attacks
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- Role of Government
Chancellor Merkel plummeted in the polls following terror attacks in Germany, with two-thirds of Ger...
Angela Merkel’s party suffers humiliating losses in ...
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- Immigration, Role of Government
ANGELA Merkel’s party has suffered a raft of humiliating losses in Germany’s regional elections as v...
Angela Merkel Not Slowing Immigration ... -
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- Role of Government
Sunday was not a happy day for the Chancellor of Germany’s political party. Angela Merkel’s Christia...
Berlin election: Merkel links migrant crisis to CDU defeat ...
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- Role of Government
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has accepted responsibility for her Christian Democratic party's "bi...
German Chancellor Merkel's party suffers losses in Berlin ...
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- Immigration, Role of Government
(Vatican Radio) The party of Chancellor Angela Merkel has suffered historic losses in Berlin state e...
GERMANY'S SCREWED: Look At What Angela Merkel NOW 'Regrets ...
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- Role of Government
GERMANY’S SCREWED: Look At What Angela Merkel NOW ‘Regrets’ – Send This To HILLARY Voters
Angela Merkel, After Defeat in Berlin: “We Have ...
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- Role of Government
The following remarks by German Chancellor Angela Merkel were referred to here yesterday. Mrs. Merke...
Drug delusion on the duration of the construction site
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- Role of Government
Angela Merkel as a rubble woman: 35 years Ago students began in Leipzig with a spectacular construct...
Angela Merkel's party suffers big losses in Berlin | Radio ...
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- Role of Government
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats party has suffered a historic defeat in state...
Angela Merkel's party suffers big losses in state election ...
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- Role of Government
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party has suffered big losses in Berlin state elections, exit...
Why Netanyahu Is No Angela Merkel -
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- Role of Government
I AM not the envious type, but I envy the Germans. I envy them for Angela Merkel. Merkel did somethi...