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Alexander Karlin vs Sergey Sobyanin

Compare Alexander Karlin and Sergey Sobyanin to find out who to vote.

Alexander Karlin

Alexander Karlin

Sergey Sobyanin

Sergey Sobyanin
Alexander Karlin
Sergey Sobyanin
Moscow Russian Federation
Moscow Russian Federation
United Russia
Communist Party of the Soviet Union , United Russia
Russia's Latest Governor Reshuffle: What You Need to Know
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
Two more governors handed in their resignations on Wednesday — Alexander Kozlov from the Amur region...

New president new governors
2018.05.08 - Source :80% - News
... Communications (APEС) Mikhail Neizhmakov, some federal politicians have long been interested in...

Buchanan: What is America's cause in the world today?
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
And when Vladimir Putin and Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko are standing up for traditional values aga...

2018.05.31 - Source :75% - News
Report submitted by Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County. Eucha: May 25. Elevat...

Northeast Oklahoma Fishing Report May 30, 2018
2018.05.30 - Source :80% - News
Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, shad, stinkbait and worms along channels,...

Pat Buchanan What is America's cause in the world today?
2018.05.29 - Source :75% - News
And when Vladimir Putin and Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko are standing up for traditional values aga...

What is America Fighting For?
2018.05.29 - Source :75% - News
After being sworn in for a fourth term, Vladimir Putin departed the Kremlin for Annunciation Cathedr...

1601 students named to Fort Hays State's Deans Honor Roll
2018.05.30 - Source :75% - News
FHSU University Relations. Deans at Fort Hays State University have named 1,601 students to the Dean...

Missing 'Hamilton'? Here are 15 books about America's most popular Founding Father
2018.05.21 - Source :80% - News
SALT LAKE CITY — Although Lin Manuel Miranda's Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical "Hamilt...

Swampscott Middle School announces second-trimester honor roll
2018.05.14 - Source :80% - News
... Noelle Diehl, Lauryn Fahey, Mia Flavin, Jolie Frary, Ella Friedman, Matthew Fukuda, Kira Garipov...

Moscow Mayor Announces He Will Seek Reelection
2018.05.27 - Source :80% - News
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has announced he will seek another term in the Russian capital's electi...

“Sergey Semyonovich, thank you so much”: transcript of a Moscow park opening, October 2017
2018.05.23 - Source :85% - News
On top of this, as Alexey Kovalev writes on NoodleRemover, a cult of personality has developed aroun...

Kremlin approves possible re-election of Sobyanin, Vorobyev and heads of two more regions
2018.05.28 - Source :90% - News
Only Sergey Sobyanin has publicly announced his intention to run for a new term. During the celebrat...

News From Russia: What You Missed Over the Weekend
2018.05.28 - Source :75% - News
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has declared that he will seek re-election this fall. Following in Puti...

Sberbank reveals new innovation projects
2018.05.24 - Source :80% - News
He is certain these technologies will have demand in the airports, places of mass gathering, for sea...

Moscow Mayor Promises 100% Shift to Electric Buses by 2021 in bid for Re-election
2018.05.18 - Source :80% - News
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has pledged a fleet of all-electric passenger buses by 2021 as he campa...

Popular Putin prepares for Cold War 2.0
2018.05.04 - Source :95% - News
Sergey Sobyanin, currently the mayor of Moscow, stands a pretty good chance of being the next prime...

Number of Foreign Tourists in Moscow to Grow by At Least 10% After World Cup Mayor
2018.05.28 - Source :80% - News
On the whole, in my opinion, the World Cup will increase the flow of tourists in Moscow by at least...

Russian gay rights activist announces Moscow mayor bid
2018.05.21 - Source :95% - News
Incumbent mayor Sergey Sobyanin is expected to take part in the race, but have not made any announce...

The Real Russia. Today. Criminalizing the sanctions, unseating the president, skipping the protest, and rescuing the ...
2018.05.15 - Source :85% - News
Since the early 1990s, Bunin acted as the president of the Center for Political Technologies, advisi...