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Agus Martowardojo vs Irwan Prayitno

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Agus Martowardojo

Agus Martowardojo

Irwan Prayitno

Irwan Prayitno
Agus Martowardojo
Irwan Prayitno
Jakarta Indonesia
Jakarta Indonesia
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera
Agus Martowardojo: Current Financial System Better Than in 1998
2018.05.22 - Source :75% - News
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo considers the current state of the fin...

Indonesian Central Bank Governor's Exit Is a Deja Vu
2018.05.15 - Source :85% - News
Agus Martowardojo, 62, is set to chair his final policy meeting on Thursday and odds of a rate hike...

Indonesia's Central Bank Signals Rate Hike to Stem Market Rout
2018.05.09 - Source :85% - News
... in the middle of preparing firm monetary policy measures, including through the adjustment of 7-...

Rupiah won't weaken to Rp 17000 per US dollar: BI governor
2018.05.23 - Source :75% - News
Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo has assured that the rupiah will not weaken to 17,000 per...

William Pesek: Argentina's debt woes are a warning for others
2018.05.31 - Source :95% - News
Agus Martowardojo put long-term stability over short-term growth. Though Indonesia's 5% growth rate...

Bank Indonesia raises interest rates for second time in a month
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
The latest decision comes as the initial rate hike, decided under the previous Governor Agus Martowa...

Retired, Agus Martowardojo Leaves Rupiah Exchange Rate of IDR14,200
2018.05.22 - Source :75% - News
JAKARTA, NNC -- Member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives Mukhammad Misbakhun said tha...

Bank Indonesia hikes key interest rate to boost fragile rupiah
2018.05.17 - Source :90% - News
BI Governor Agus Martowardojo, who later this month will be succeeded by Perry Warjiyo, a current de...

Bank Indonesia Schedules Additional Meeting; New Rate Hike Expected
2018.05.28 - Source :95% - News
The ad hoc meeting is a sign that newly inaugurated Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo is more wi...

Rupiah weakening is reaction to FOMC decision: BI
2018.05.03 - Source :95% - News
Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo has said that the further depreciation of the rupiah on Th...

KMS: Laporan Irwan Prayitno Terhadap Redpel Haluan Bentuk 'Serangan' Terhadap Kebebasan Pers
2018.05.31 - Source :95% - News – Redaktur Pelaksana Harian Haluan, Benni Okva, yang dilaporkan Gubernur Sumbar Irwan Pr...

Jokowi launches airport train in West Sumatra
2018.05.21 - Source :85% - News
... entourage included Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, P...

Irwan Prayitno dan Opini Antigerakan Lawan Korupsi
2018.05.08 - Source :90% - News
Hampir 7,5 tahun Prof Irwan Prayitno (IP) menjadi gubernur Sumatra Barat. Suka dan duka silih bergan...

Gubernur Irwan Prayitno Ajak Masyarakat Dukung Pengembangan Geothermal
2018.05.17 - Source :80% - News
TRIBUNPADANG.COM, PADANG - Gubernur Sumbar Irwan Prayitno menyebut bahwa potensi panas bumi (geother...

Pernyataan Sikap AJI Padang: Ingatkan Polda Sumbar Patuhi MoU ...
2018.05.31 - Source :85% - News
PADANG, HARIANHALUAN.COM--Jurnalis Harian Haluan, Benni Okva Dela atau Bhenz Maharadjo, memenuhi pan...

Gubernur Sumbar Resmikan Telkomsel Smart Office Branch Padang. Ini Dia Kelebihannya
2018.05.31 - Source :80% - News
Direktur Utama Telkomsel Ririek Adriansyah bersama Gubernur Provinsi Sumatera Barat Irwan Prayitno m...

Minangkabau Airport train connection operated
2018.05.19 - Source :95% - News
"The president will inaugurate the operation of Minangkabau Airport express train," West Sumatra Gov...

Dituding Terima Uang Haram, Gubernur Sumbar Polisikan Ketua PPP
2018.05.01 - Source :90% - News - Usai mendatangi Mapolda Sumbar, Gubernur Irwan Prayitno membeberkan maksud kedatangann...

Gubernur Sumbar Irwan Prayitno Tegaskan Harga Sembako di Bulan Ramadhan Aman
2018.05.29 - Source :95% - News, PADANG – Gubernur Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) Irwan Prayitno Selasa siang (29/5/2018), me...

President Makes Work Visit to West Sumatera
2018.05.21 - Source :95% - News
Arriving at Minangkabau International Airport, Padang Pariaman Regency at 09.15 am, President and Ms...