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Kathleen Sebelius Biography & News

- Corruption & Score

Kathleen Sebelius

Kathleen Sebelius

Former U.S. Secr...
15 May 1948
External Links:
Role of Government

Kathleen Sebelius

Former U.S. Secr...
15 May 1948
Democratic, Democrat...
External Links:

Biography & Reputation

Kathleen Sebelius's Ducmeter is positive so Ductum thinks you could vote Kathleen. Check anyway Sebelius news. The Users opinion about Kathleen is positive so most people think you can vote her. Read anyway what and if Kathleen did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
She is born on 15 May 1948 and active in United States, Lansing as former u.s. secretary.
Kathleen Sebelius has in total 7 news splited in 6 News, 1 Positive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizations, 0 Accuses and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Kathleen Sebelius is mostly active in News and Elections.


2018.05.30 - Source: 90% - News
Sam Brownback took office. Things have changed a lot in the last eight years. Kelly? Four terms in the Senate, starting under Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and later Parkinson. And she's been there in the eight-year Brownback/Gov. Jeff Colyer reg...

2018.05.29 - Source: 80% - News
Kathleen Sebelius, Valerie Jarrett In this file photo, President Obama's White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, left, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius applaud Obama as he speaks about the new health care law, Tuesday, De...

2018.05.18 - Source: 95% - News
Kathleen Sebelius to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Some conservative Catholics objected to the nomination because of Sebelius' pro-choice stance on abortion, but many of us defended her, noting Sebelius' successful tenure as ...

2018.05.11 - Source: 85% - News
Former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who said she spoke with Azar on Thursday about the drug-pricing plan, also took issue with Trump's plan to raise prices on foreign countries. She told "Power Lunch" that U.S. drug prices aren't a foreign issue.

2018.05.11 - Source: 80% - News
American consumers pay the highest prices in the world for RX drugs: Sebelius. 1:26 PM ET Fri, 11 May 2018. Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius on bringing down the high cost of prescription drugs. Watch CNBC Live TV ...

2018.05.09 - Source: 85% - News
Kathleen Sebelius upon entering the race in December. Svaty has the backing of former two-term Democratic Gov. John Carlin. "Obviously, when Laura Kelly entered the race with Kathleen Sebelius' support, that did not bode well for the eventual Ward .....

2009.01.05 - Source: 85% - Elections, Role of Government
Sebelius is qualified and more women are needed in the Cabinet.

More Info

Wealth & Salary

The wealth for Kathleen is at the moment unknown. Try to find a Biography to get more info about Kathleen's wealth and complete it here. Kathleen Sebelius salary is not exactly listed yet here. Maybe you find in a CV the salaray of Kathleen Sebelius.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Kathleen Sebelius has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Kathleen Sebelius is Democratic from United States. Kathleen is active as Former U.S. Secretary.
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