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Eva Kjer Hansen Biography & News

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Eva Kjer Hansen

Eva Kjer Hansen

26 Aug 1964
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Foreign Affairs
Health Care
Role of Government

Eva Kjer Hansen

26 Aug 1964
Unknown, Unknown
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Biography & Reputation

Eva Kjer Hansen's Ducmeter is positive so Ductum thinks you could vote Eva. Check anyway Hansen news. The Users opinion about Eva is positive so most people think you can vote her. Read anyway what and if Eva did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
She is born on 26 Aug 1964 and active in Denmark, Copenhagen.
Eva Kjer Hansen has in total 211 news splited in 209 News, 2 Positive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizations, 0 Accuses and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Eva Kjer Hansen is mostly active in News and Foreign Affairs.


2018.10.30 - Source: 95% - News
... freedom of movement, the future of democracy and better co-operation over legislation. Among those representing Denmark at the three-day conference, which concludes on November 1, were Anders Samuelsen, the foreign minister, and Eva Kjer Hansen, ...

2018.10.23 - Source: 90% - News
Last Sunday, the Danish minister for Nordic co-operation, Eva Kjer Hansen, and Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, the Icelandic chairman of the Progressive Party Framsóknarflokkurinn, rode Icelandic horses from Copenhagen's Christiansborg Ridebaneand to ...

2018.10.19 - Source: 75% - News
It will prevent the overfishing and pollution practiced in oceans across the globefrom spreading to the already critically-threatened Arctic oceans. Indeed, Eva Kjer Hansen, Denmark's minister for fisheries, notes that the gathering and agreement to...

2018.10.16 - Source: 80% - News
Quotas for Baltic Sea fishing were agreed by fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen with counterparts from EU countries. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), an NGO that promotes sustainable use of the oceans through scientifi...

2018.10.16 - Source: 90% - News
Minister Creed met the Danish minister for fisheries Eva Kjer Hansen on Brexit, with both ministers agreeing to continue to work together over the upcoming critical period to deliver on the EU guidelines for a future relationship in respect of ...

2018.10.16 - Source: 85% - News
Creed and his Danish Counterpart, Eva Kjer Hansen, spoke about Brexit and agreed to continue their cooperation in respect of fisheries through the upcoming period of uncertainty. Speaking to the Spanish Minister, Luis Planas, he reiterated the ...

2018.10.12 - Source: 95% - News
In 2013, when Eva Kjer Hansen was last Denmark's Minister for Fisheries, she and the other EU ministers agreed to end decades of overfishing by signing up to an ambitious reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). This committed EU countries to end...

2018.10.08 - Source: 85% - News
Denmark's minister for fisheries, Eva Kjer Hansen said in a statement that this was the first time a fisheries agreement was in place for such a large area even before fishing had begun. “This is historical,” Hansen said. “Amongst other things, it is...

2018.10.07 - Source: 85% - News
In a joint article published in Berlingske, Kim Baroudy, director of McKinsey & Company, Eva Kjer Hansen, the Danish minister for fisheries and equal opportunities, and Peter Høngaard Andersen, managing director of the Innovation Fund Denmark, said t...

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Wealth & Salary

The wealth for Eva is at the moment unknown. Try to find a Biography to get more info about Eva's wealth and complete it here. Eva Kjer Hansen salary is not exactly listed yet here. Maybe you find in a CV the salaray of Eva Kjer Hansen.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Eva Kjer Hansen has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Eva Kjer Hansen is unknown or there is no related information.
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