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Werner Hoyer vs Clemens Binninger

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Werner Hoyer

Werner Hoyer

Clemens Binninger

Clemens Binninger
Werner Hoyer
Clemens Binninger
Berlin Germany
Berlin Germany
Free Democratic Party
News, Economy, Role of Government
Brexit will be tough for European Investment Bank says its ...
2016.09.10 - Source :95% - Economy
Brexit will be tough for European Investment Bank says its chief Werner Hoyer Britain's exit from th...

One year on, Dieselgate is a disturbing warning sign about ...
2016.09.19 - Source :95% - Economy
... EIB President Werner Hoyer announced that the bank would conduct its own thorough investigation...

EIB to support second phase of West Metro extension in ...
2016.08.29 - Source :85% - Economy
During an official EIB visit to Finland, President Werner Hoyer signed the first EUR 100m tranche of...

Brexit will be tough for European Investment Bank says chief
2016.09.10 - Source :75% - Role of Government
Werner Hoyer, president of the European Investment Bank. Photo: Bloomberg. When asked what will happ...

600 “Green Mosques” to be created in Morocco - Climate ...
2016.09.07 - Source :90% - Role of Government, Economy
During an official EIB visit to Finland, President Werner Hoyer signed the first EUR 100m tranche of...

How the EU Bank is Tackling the Migration and Refugee ...
2016.09.19 - Source :75% - Role of Government
How the EU can respond to the plight of people like Youssra will be a key focus for EIB President We...

France's Macron says Alstom's Belfort shutdown was never ...
2016.09.10 - Source :95% - Role of Government
... will create difficulties for the European Investment Bank (EIB), a lender owned by EU government...

EIB Confirms Support for Western Balkans on the Path towards EU Integration
2018.05.17 - Source :95% - News
A Bank delegation led by President Werner Hoyer participated in the Western Balkans Summit in Sofia;...

Luxembourg – Visit by Nathalie Loiseau (May 7)
2018.05.07 - Source :85% - News
She will meet with Jean Asselborn to discuss key current European issues and the development of our...

CALENDRIER du 21 mai au 27 mai 2018
2018.05.18 - Source :90% - News
Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB). Mr Jyrk...

EIB approves EUR 4.3 billion of new support for business, education
2018.05.16 - Source :75% - News
said Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank. EUR 3 billion new financing to strengt...

European Investment Bank launches new bond to support sustainable development
2018.04.30 - Source :80% - News
The EIB's President, Werner Hoyer, said he hoped the bond will “launch a new dialogue on sustainable...

Tuesday May 22, 2018
2018.05.22 - Source :75% - News
Other speakers include Suma Chakrabarti, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Devel...

EIB approves EUR 4.3 bn of new support for business, education, energy, health and transport schemes
2018.05.15 - Source :95% - News
The impressive range of schemes approved today demonstrates the EU Bank's unique global engagement a...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1
2018.06.07 - Source :85% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

Jede Menge Oldtimer in Peißenberg
2018.06.10 - Source :80% - News
... Leute mal aus sich herausgehen können“, meinte Werner Hoyer, als er von seinem Stammplatz vor de...

"Wenn wir Projekte im Iran unterstützen, sind wir pleite"
2018.06.11 - Source :90% - News
Hoyer: Dass man an uns denkt, ehrt uns. Wir sind aber die falsche Adresse, das weiß die EU-Kommissio...

"Deutschland ist eine digitale Wüste"
2018.06.12 - Source :85% - News
Er ist, gelinde gesagt, verärgert über US-Präsident Donald Trump. Mit einer "Rücksichtslosigkeit son...

Trupa Scorpions aduce "Crazy World Tour", astăzi, la Bucureşti
2018.06.12 - Source :85% - News
Istoria trupei Scorpions a început în 1965, când Rudolf Schenker (chitară), Karl-Heinz Vollmer (chit...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1
2018.06.11 - Source :80% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1 | Agricultural Commodities ...
2018.06.11 - Source :80% - News
June 12 (Reuters) -For other diaries, please see:Top Economic EventsEmerging Markets Economic Events...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1
2018.06.12 - Source :75% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

#EIB approves €4.4 billion for small businesses, social housing, transport and energy investment
2018.06.14 - Source :85% - News
New projects endorsed today by the EU Bank will contribute to address these gaps. They also take us...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1
2018.06.13 - Source :95% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

EIB appoints new vice-president
2018.06.15 - Source :95% - News
Under the authority of Werner Hoyer, president of the EIB, the management committee collectively ove...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1
2018.06.15 - Source :85% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1
2018.06.17 - Source :75% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 16
2018.06.18 - Source :90% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

Le torchon brûle entre la BEI et la Commission
2018.06.19 - Source :90% - News
Derrière le soutien unanime à la rationalisation des outils d'investissements regroupés sous la bann...

German stocks Factors to watch on June 20
2018.06.20 - Source :95% - News
Other speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld and...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 16 | Reuters
2018.06.19 - Source :95% - News
June 20 (Reuters) -. For other diaries, please see: Top Economic Events. Emerging Markets Economic E...

Europe Roundup: Sterling eases amid increasing Brexit negotiation concerns, euro slumps on ECB policymaker Ewald ...
2018.06.20 - Source :95% - News
Frankfurt N/A Bundesbank's Joachim Wuermeling, BaFin's Felix Hufeld, European Investment Bank's Wern...

Asia Roundup: Antipodeans rebound from recent lows, dollar index at 11-month peak as risk aversion ebbs, Asian ...
2018.06.20 - Source :95% - News
Frankfurt N/A Bundesbank's Joachim Wuermeling, BaFin's Felix Hufeld, European Investment Bank's Wern...

America's Roundup: Dollar rise on latest US tariff threat, Wall Street ends lower, Gold down, Oil slips on US/China ...
2018.06.19 - Source :75% - News
Speakers include Bundesbank board member Joachim Wuermeling, Bafin President Felix Hufeld, European...

Υπογραφή συμφωνίας μεταξύ του δημάρχου Αθηναίων Γιώργου Καμίνη και του Προέδρου Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας ...
2018.06.21 - Source :90% - News
Η σύμβαση χρηματοδότησης για το δάνειο της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων συμφωνήθηκε επισήμως μεταξ...

Crowley's loss divides stunned Democrats about the future of party leadership
2018.06.27 - Source :95% - News
Steny H. Hoyer (Md.) and James E. Clyburn (S.C.), the No. 2 and 3 ranking Democrats since the early...

Houston developer starts long-awaited Midtown apartment project
2018.07.02 - Source :95% - News
Projects pre-financed by the EIB will be guaranteed by the new fund, something EIB President Werner...

ইরানের সঙ্গে কাজ করবে ইআইবি
2018.07.05 - Source :95% - News
The European Investment Bank has put on hold lending to the German carmaker Volkswagen, amid concern...

Nuclear pact powers seek to shield Iranian oil
2018.07.06 - Source :80% - News
When proposal was met, EIB's president, Werner Hoyer, told press that to expose Iran could deteriora...

Brnabic at Summit on Western Balkans in London
2018.07.09 - Source :80% - News
... European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, Presi...

EIB comments on possibility of co-op with Iran
2018.07.09 - Source :75% - News
This enabling measure does not however commit the EIB to actually support projects in Iran. The same...

«Dix ans de soutien aux PME»
2018.07.09 - Source :75% - News
Le consortium «Enterprise Europe Network» fête ses dix ans cette année. Pour l'occasion, une table r...

Macron, Sánchez e Juncker em Lisboa no próximo dia 27 a convite de Costa
2018.07.10 - Source :95% - News
Na cimeira, que terá lugar no centro de Lisboa, está também prevista a presença do presidente do Ban...

Costa convida Macron, Sánchez e Juncker para cimeira em Portugal
2018.07.10 - Source :85% - News
O chefe de Estado francês, o líder do Governo espanhol e o presidente da Comissão Europeia estarão e...

European Investment Bank wants UK to remain a member
2018.07.11 - Source :85% - News
The head of the European Investment Bank said he could still see the possibility of Britain remainin...

Prezident EIB chce, aby Británie zůstala členem banky |
2018.07.11 - Source :90% - News
Prezident Evropské investiční banky (EIB) Werner Hoyer stále vidí možnost, že Británie zůstane i po...

DIARY-Political and General News Events from July 17
2018.07.17 - Source :95% - News
WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 ** BRUSSELS - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker holds a news conf...

EIB cannot do business with Iran, bank chief warns
2018.07.18 - Source :80% - News
“There is no European bank which is presently able to do businesses in or with Iran,” Werner Hoyer t...

EU's Juncker demands 'respect' after drink question on health
2018.07.18 - Source :90% - News
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker speaks during a joint news conference with Europea...

Juncker Plan surpasses investment target of €315B
2018.07.18 - Source :75% - News
European Investment Bank (EIB) Group President Werner Hoyer said many people consider the Juncker Pl...

Iran Announces New Nuclear Centrifuge Factory As Tensions Persist With Washington
2018.07.18 - Source :75% - News
“There is no European bank which is presently able to do business in and with Iran,” Werner Hoyer, t...

Romania received EUR 430 mln through the Junker Plan, to mobilise EUR 1.8 bln investment
2018.07.18 - Source :75% - News
European Investment Bank Group President Werner Hoyer said: “I like to call the EIB the good news in...

DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 29
2018.07.17 - Source :85% - News
BRUSSELS - The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker holds a news conference in B...

European Investment Bank faces call for overhaul after UK exits ...
2018.07.18 - Source :90% - News
Seven EU governments are demanding an overhaul of the European Investment Bank's operations and gove...

European Bank Throws Doubt On EU Plan To Salvage Iran Nuclear Deal
2018.07.19 - Source :80% - News
The head of the European Investment Bank has thrown into doubt whether the European Union can delive...

Iran Says Trump Sought Meeting With President 8 Times at U.N. ...
2018.07.18 - Source :75% - News
The claim, if confirmed, suggests that President Trump was far more interested in talking with Iran'...

Juncker investment plan expected to reach €350bn by 2020
2018.07.19 - Source :75% - News
European Investment Bank (EIB) President Werner Hoyer tipped his hat to Juncker's decision to go ahe...

EU mulls coal, pharma, chemicals tariffs if U.S. hits cars: Wiwo ...
2018.07.19 - Source :95% - News
FILE PHOTO: European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker gestures during a joint news conferenc...

EU tells EIB it can lend in Iran but bank's head says move would risk global operations
2018.07.20 - Source :80% - News
... the European Union has agreed to add Iran to the list of countries that its lending arm, the Lux...

EIB Casts Doubt on European Plan to Salvage Nuclear Deal
2018.07.20 - Source :95% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer said that while he supported EU efforts to keep alive the 2015 deal, Iran...

Zarif "Unhappy" With Europe's Attempts To Save Nuclear Deal
2018.07.21 - Source :95% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer said that Iran is “where we cannot play an active role.” The main concern...

EU's Juncker will not bring trade offer to Trump talks Commission
2018.07.23 - Source :85% - News
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker speaks during a joint news conference with Europea...

EIB Provides Funding to Jennewein PR Newswire
2018.07.24 - Source :75% - News
RHEINBREITBACH, Germany, July 24, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --. The European Investment Bank (EIB) provides...

EU Struggles to Counter US Sanctions on Iran: Report
2018.07.25 - Source :85% - News
Other EU proposals to insulate companies by offering them non-dollar denominated finance lines throu...

Austria's Oesterreichische Kontrollbank to facilitate trade with Iran despite US sanctions
2018.07.26 - Source :75% - News
Austria's Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OeKB) is prepared to facilitate trade between Austrian comp...

EIB and Rabobank launch impact loan to support environment-conscious SMEs
2018.07.27 - Source :80% - News
“This initiative rewards those businesses that have made a real effort to become greener”, added the...

Instead of Crafting a Strategy on Iran, Trump Plays With the Lion's Tail
2018.07.27 - Source :75% - News
This announcement still has no practical application because the president of the European Investmen...

Instead of Crafting a Strategy on Iran, Trump Plays With the Lion's Tail
2018.07.29 - Source :85% - News
This announcement still has no practical application because the president of the European Investmen...

On Iran, Trump Plays With the Lion's Tail Instead of Crafting a Strategy
2018.07.31 - Source :95% - News
This announcement still has no practical application because the president of the European Investmen...

EU to support Spain, Morocco on migration, but funds limited
2018.08.01 - Source :90% - News
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker gestures during a joint news conference with Europ...

Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde gegen Bürgermeisterin Vanni
2018.08.06 - Source :75% - News
Werner Hoyer (fraktionslos) spricht gegenüber der Heimatzeitung von einer „glatten Lüge“. „Das ist n...

Wary of repercussions, EU unlikely to defy US sanctions on Iran
2018.08.07 - Source :85% - News
This effort was torpedoed by the EIB, which said it might be blacklisted by the U.S. Treasury of it...

European Investment Bank bows to calls for reform
2018.08.07 - Source :85% - News
In June Werner Hoyer, EIB president, wrote to EU member states asking them to fill the Brexit gap by...

If the UK stays in the EIB, both will be winners
2018.08.09 - Source :90% - News
In fact EIB president Werner Hoyer has already suggested that the UK could remain a full member (“ E...

EU companies 'most likely to leave' Iran after US sanctions, business organisations warn
2018.08.13 - Source :95% - News
“If you don't have the banks financing your operations, it will be extremely difficult for companies...

European Investment Bank Group halves emissions intensity as staff numbers increase
2018.08.16 - Source :80% - News
In the 60 years since then, the EIB has contributed significantly to making Europe more open, innova...

An unstable Iran would actually be very bad for the US
2018.08.16 - Source :90% - News
Even the EU plan urging its financial arm to help keep money flowing to Tehran is proving a failed e...

Defying US sanctions, EU unveils a €18 million aid package to Iran
2018.08.23 - Source :75% - News
The EU executive paved the way for the European Investment Bank (EIB) to enter the Iranian market an...

L'UE tente de dépasser les sanctions américaines avec un plan de soutien à l'Iran
2018.08.24 - Source :80% - News
... préparé l'entrée de la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI) sur le marché iranien, afin d'ad...

Ministerin Köstinger kehrt diese Woche aus Babypause zurück
2018.08.27 - Source :95% - News
Sonntagabend diskutierte Köstinger mit Werner Hoyer, dem Präsidenten der Europäischen Investitionsba...

Defying US Sanctions: EU Signs Off on €18-Million Grant for Iran
2018.08.27 - Source :95% - News
The European Commission approved an 18-million-euro plan to help Iran weather the new wave of US san...

Nella Bei post-Brexit il rischio di minori risorse per Italia e Spagna
2018.08.27 - Source :90% - News
La mossa resta subdola. Due lettere inviate questa estate al presidente della Bei, il tedesco e memb...

Greater Manchester racing to close EIB loan before Brexit
2018.08.29 - Source :80% - News
However, in July, Werner Hoyer, head of the European Investment Bank, said in an interview that he c...

The EU backs the Iran nuclear deal
2018.08.29 - Source :90% - News
Shortly after the announcement, the EIB President Werner Hoyer declared that Iran is a place “where...

Versammelter Sachverstand
2018.08.31 - Source :80% - News
... kommt er ins Spiel: Werner Hoyer, Präsident der Europäischen Investitionsbank in Luxemburg. Der...

Werner Hoyer: "Das verschlägt einem schon die Sprache ...
2018.09.02 - Source :75% - News
Der Präsident der Europäischen Investitionsbank Werner Hoyer über die Frage, wie Europa seinen Platz...

EIB pioneers sustainably-labelled debt in €500m deal
2018.09.06 - Source :90% - News
Werner Hoyer, EIB president, said that sustainability awareness bonds “build on the global success o...

Packed agenda for EU finance ministers
2018.09.06 - Source :85% - News
EIB president Werner Hoyer has asked member states to increase their capital contributions to fill t...

Development bank EIB sells first "sustainability" bond
2018.09.06 - Source :85% - News
By Marc Jones. LONDON, Sept 6 (Reuters) - The European Investment Bank sold its first "sustainabilit...

European Investment Bank issues €500m Sustainability Awareness Bond
2018.09.07 - Source :90% - News
According to Werner Hoyer, president of the European Investment Bank, the newly announced Sustainabi...

Jean Claude Juncker, preşedinţi din nouă ţări, secretarul american al energiei, printre participanţii la Summitul celor ...
2018.09.07 - Source :75% - News
De asemenea, în calitate de invitaţi la Summitul celor Trei Mări vor participa preşedintele Comisiei...

Debatte um künftige Aufsicht der EU-Investitionsbank
2018.09.08 - Source :95% - News
... Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) künftig unter die Aufsicht der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB)...

EIB-Chef warnt: Europa investiert zu wenig «
2018.09.09 - Source :85% - News
Der Brückeneinsturz von Genua sei ein Weckruf, meint der Chef der Europäischen Investitionsbank. Eur...

Nagyon keveset költ Európa kutatás-fejlesztésre
2018.09.09 - Source :90% - News
Az európai országok egyre nagyobb lemaradásban vannak versenyképességben Észak-Amerika és az ázsiai...

EIB incentivise bioeconomy investments
2018.09.10 - Source :80% - News
“We have selected the water sector as a starting point,” said Werner Hoyer, President of the EIB. “W...

Three Seas Initiative Summit to be held in Bucharest, September 17 and 18
2018.09.10 - Source :85% - News
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction...

EIB incentivises bioeconomy investments
2018.09.11 - Source :85% - News
“We have selected the water sector as a starting point,” said Werner Hoyer, President of the EIB. “W...

Werner Hoyer en Casa de Gobierno
2018.09.10 - Source :80% - News
Participaron de la audiencia el secretario de Asuntos Estratégicos, Fulvio Pompeo; el presidente del...

EIB to support SME & mid-cap companies in Belgium and Netherlands via DLL
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
“Investing in the circular economy means changing people's point of view on how the world uses its r...

EIB to Provide $117MM Facility to DLL Monitordaily
2018.09.14 - Source :85% - News
The European Investment Bank (EIB) agreed to provide DLL with a €100 million ($116.922 million) cred...

Werner Hoyer: "En mediode una crisis, es muy importante mantener el equilibrio social"
2018.09.16 - Source :75% - News
De visita en el país para participar el martes pasado de la reunión de bancos de desarrollo organiza...

Three Seas Initiative summit kicks off in Romania's capital
2018.09.17 - Source :95% - News
... Jean-Claude Juncker, US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, German Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko...

EIB lends EUR 450 mln to support Romania's Rural Development Programme
2018.09.17 - Source :75% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer commented: “The EU bank continues to support rural development in Romania...

EIB lends Romania EUR 450 mln for the Rural Development Program
2018.09.18 - Source :75% - News
This will help boost the rural economy, generate new jobs and develop local enterprises, infrastruct...

EIB approves EUR 5 bln to support projects across EU, Asia, MEA & Latin America
2018.09.19 - Source :90% - News
Ahead of the board meeting EIB President Werner Hoyer and Vice President Andrew McDowell, responsibl...

Bloomberg Announces Program for the Second Annual Bloomberg ...
2018.09.20 - Source :90% - News
More than 70 Heads of State and Delegation expected including new participants Prime Minister Erna S...

Bloomberg Announces Program for the Second Annual Bloomberg Global Business Forum Centered On Strengthening ...
2018.09.20 - Source :95% - News
... Larry Fink, BlackRock Chairman and CEO; Kenneth Griffin, Citadel Founder and CEO; Werner Hoyer,...

EU institutions cross swords over future of development finance
2018.09.20 - Source :85% - News
After the EC's announcement last week, Dowgielewicz said EIB President Werner Hoyer raised the issue...

Green Bond Issuance Surpasses $100bn
2018.09.21 - Source :95% - News
Werner Hoyer, president of the European Investment Bank, said in a statement: “Sustainability Awaren...

EIB approves €5 billion financing for innovation, renewables and housing
2018.09.21 - Source :75% - News
Ahead of the board meeting EIB President Werner Hoyer and Vice President Andrew McDowell, responsibl...

Radhi Meddeb Deauville on Arab nations-G7 cooperation
2018.09.21 - Source :90% - News
In the closing meeting of the Deauville Partnership, Radhi Meddeb CEO of Comete Engineering and foun...

Surveillance: Gurria Says Trade is Crucial For Growth (Podcast)
2018.09.26 - Source :80% - News
Jeff Currie, Goldman Sachs Global Head of Commodities Research & Partner, says they are bullish on o...

Europe Challenges America's Middle East Policy
2018.09.26 - Source :90% - News
Continuing business operations with Iran violates U.S. sanctions and will bring about secondary sanc...

India's solar industry wins global funding, gets support to tackle climate change
2018.09.27 - Source :85% - News
In a major push to India's International Solar Alliance (ISA), European Investment Bank (EIB) Presid...

International Solar Alliance boosted by EIB funds
2018.09.28 - Source :90% - News
The International Solar Alliance (ISA) received a significant boost at the New York One Planet Summi...

Q&A: EIB President Werner Hoyer
2018.10.02 - Source :95% - News
NEW YORK — European Investment Bank President Werner Hoyer is happy to defend his institution's cent...

Exclusive: Report praises EIB development tool amid budget row
2018.10.05 - Source :95% - News
EIB has its own plans for an EU development platform, and wants to keep control of the ELM and ACP I...

EIB approves EUR 6.6 billion support for innovation, clean energy and affordable housing
2018.10.10 - Source :90% - News
“Yesterday the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in no uncertain terms that we must acc...

EIB approves EUR 6.6 bln for developmental projects across Europe & Africa
2018.10.09 - Source :75% - News
The projects we approved today are a testimony to our commitment to sustaining and scaling up climat...

Govt of Indonesia and EIB ink MoU on green infrastructure development
2018.10.13 - Source :90% - News
The MoU, signed by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Bambang Brodjonego...

EIB supports Egypt's Kitchener Drain by €214M
2018.10.17 - Source :85% - News
This project will have a great impact, as it will make sanitation services more available and improv...

European Investment Bank gives EUR 214m to improve access to sanitation services in Egypt
2018.10.18 - Source :80% - News
Our finance for the project comes under the Economic Resilience Initiative that seeks to improve the...

Egypt's first investment increment in Africa over H1 2018: UNCTAD
2018.10.18 - Source :95% - News
Moreover, the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Sahar Nasr, signed an agreement...

EGYPT: EIB contributes €214 million for sanitation in the Nile Delta
2018.10.23 - Source :90% - News
The Egyptian Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Sahar Nasr, recently signed an ag...

Avrupa Yatırım Bankası Başkanı Werner Hoyer: İngiltere'nin AB'den ayrılmasıyla EIB'nin 100 milyar avroluk kredi verme ...
2018.10.22 - Source :95% - News
Avrupa Yatırım Bankası (EIB) Başkanı Werner Hoyer, Avrupa Birliği'nin (AB) hedeflerini gerçekleştirm...

The European Investment Bank is becoming increasingly politicised EUROPP
2018.10.23 - Source :90% - News
As the European Parliament's Research Service explains, adding Iran to the list of 'potentially elig...

'Financing problems' limit EU aid to Syrian refugees in Kurdistan Region
2018.10.24 - Source :95% - News
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The President of the European Investment Bank, Werner Hoyer, on Monday spoke...

European Investment Bank, Government Partners Launch Initiative to Clean up Oceans
2018.10.23 - Source :95% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer said the three partners have previously collaborated on projects to reduc...

EU investment bank 'furious' at being duped by Volkswagen
2018.10.25 - Source :85% - News
President Werner Hoyer of the European Investment Bank (EIB) told reporters he was furious about bei...

EU Confidential Episode 70, presented by Thai Union: Oceans special with Karmenu Vella and Werner Hoyer
2018.10.25 - Source :75% - News
Werner Hoyer, president of the European Investment Bank, is the third guest. He's the man Europe tur...

Long Story Short #33: The battle over European aid
2018.10.25 - Source :90% - News
Q&A: EIB President Werner Hoyer on European aid turf war, Iran, and more. Get development's most imp...

The European Investment Bank is becoming increasingly politicised
2018.10.27 - Source :95% - News
As the European Parliament's Research Service explains, adding Iran to the list of 'potentially elig...

Gas industry can bank on EIB loans in the future
2018.10.29 - Source :85% - News
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is financing more and more projects in Europe and elsewhere that...

Waterford research to be showcased at European Parliament
2018.11.09 - Source :75% - News
Professor John Nolan will present on the impact of the European Research Council-funded CREST projec...

Brussels Edition: Trade-War Tragedy
2018.11.09 - Source :80% - News
... Director Klaus Regling, Deputy Bank of France Governor Sylvie Goulard, EIB President Werner Hoye...

EIB, UNIDO join to boost sustainable and industrialisation across Africa
2018.11.15 - Source :90% - News
Ahead of the EIB Africa Day, EIB President Werner Hoyer – who will be signing new agreements and loa...

#EIB approves new #ComplaintsMechanism
2018.11.16 - Source :75% - News
Over the coming months the European Investment Bank will increase awareness of the improved complain...

#EIB approves €6 billion backing for business, transport, health and housing investment
2018.11.16 - Source :95% - News
We will discuss how to bundle our resources and expertise to tackle global challenges like climate c...

EU, Iran Push for Non-Dollar Trade, Defy US Sanctions
2018.11.16 - Source :75% - News
Bank's “global operations would be put at risk if it were to invest in Iran,” EIB President Werner H...

Ivorian provider wins European Microfinance Award
2018.11.19 - Source :75% - News
Commenting on the award, EIB President Werner Hoyer said that financial technology has tremendous po...

Italy And The Bad Management Of Euro Funds
2018.11.21 - Source :75% - News
Before a group of journalists in Luxemburg, Werner Hoyer, President of the EIB, explains that “if we...

Egypt cabinet approves 214 mln euro deal with EIB to improve sanitation services in Nile Delta
2018.11.21 - Source :85% - News
"The project will contribute to raising the living standards of Egyptians in many governorates," sai...

News: European Investment Bank provides €30 million loan for ...
2018.11.22 - Source :80% - News
Earlier today, EIB delegation led by Werner Hoyer met with PM Abiy Ahmed. Addis Abeba, November 22/2...

News: European Investment Bank provides €30 million loan for women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
2018.11.22 - Source :85% - News
Werner Hoyer, EIB President who is in Ethiopia, said: “To fight poverty and accelerate development w...

Ethiopia, European Investment Bank Sign Loan Agreement to Support Female Businesses
2018.11.23 - Source :85% - News
The agreement was inked by Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and EIB President Werner Hoyer in Addis Abab...

European Investment Bank and UNIDO co-host Africa Day 2018
2018.11.23 - Source :80% - News
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO...

EU Sign US$34 Million Loan for Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
2018.11.23 - Source :95% - News
... and Economic Cooperation have signed a $34… Read more ». Ethiopia: PM Abiy Receives EIB Presiden...

European Investment Bank provides loan for women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
2018.11.22 - Source :95% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer said: “To fight poverty and accelerate development we must tackle the obs...

EIB signs 200m Euro loan pact with Afreximbank
2018.11.22 - Source :85% - News
Speaking from the Africa Day event, jointly hosted by the EIB and the United Nations Industrial Deve...

EIB supports jobs and climate action across Africa with new EUR 200 million loan to Afreximbank
2018.11.24 - Source :85% - News
Speaking from the Africa Day event, jointly hosted by the EIB and the United Nations Industrial Deve...

30mn EUR loan for women entrepreneurs
2018.11.24 - Source :75% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer said: “To fight poverty and accelerate development we must tackle the obs...

No mandate for Iraq to give assistance to Kurdistan: President of European Investment Bank
2018.11.26 - Source :95% - News
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The President of the European Investment Bank, Werner Hoyer, praised the hosp...

European Investment Bank supports Afreximbank with US$227mn loan
2018.11.26 - Source :80% - News
Speaking from the Africa Day event, jointly hosted by the EIB and the United Nations Industrial Deve...

EIB To Boost Female Economic Inclusion And Empowerment Across Ethiopia
2018.11.27 - Source :95% - News
EIB President Werner Hoyer said: “To fight poverty and accelerate development we must tackle the obs...

BEI. Portugal é o terceiro melhor do plano Juncker
2018.11.27 - Source :95% - News
O bom desempenho de Portugal na capacidade de captar os fundos do plano Juncker para investir em pro...

AFREXIM Bank Signs EUR200million Loan Agreement with EIB
2018.11.27 - Source :75% - News
Speaking at the Africa Day event, jointly hosted by the EIB and the United Nations Industrial Develo...

Concern Grows over Failure to Tackle Global Threats to Cybersecurity
2018.11.27 - Source :95% - News
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO...

EIB advances €200 million loan to Afreximbank
2018.11.27 - Source :80% - News
Speaking from the Africa Day event, jointly hosted by the EIB and the United Nations Industrial Deve...

Ethiopia: AfDB Endows Ethiopia With $123m
2018.11.28 - Source :90% - News
Ahmed signed the former agreement with Werner Hoyer (PhD), president of the European Investment Bank...

Brexit will be good for global economy, May to tell world leaders
2018.11.29 - Source :85% - News
Theresa May is to tell world leaders that the Brexit deal she has reached with the EU will be good f...

EIB to support sustainable infrastructure, waste management projects in Argentina
2018.11.30 - Source :95% - News
Today in Buenos Aires, EIB President, Werner Hoyer, signed the finance contract for a Water and Sani...

Chocolate made in Congo
2018.11.29 - Source :85% - News
Support for women is a smart investment'', to quote Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investme...

Ireland-EIB's conference to identify ways to make even better use of bank in future
2018.12.05 - Source :75% - News
Paschal Donohoe T.D., Finance Minister and Governor of the European Investment Bank will address the...

Neo-Nazi NSU terrorist murder trial: 5 years on, many questions still unanswered
2018.05.06 - Source :95% - News
Several parliamentary inquiry committees were also established to shed light on the NSU's crimes, th...

Fünf Jahre NSU-Prozess: Keine Antworten auf heikle Fragen
2018.05.06 - Source :80% - News
Am Anfang stand ein Versprechen der Bundeskanzlerin: "Wir tun alles, um die Morde aufzuklären und di...

Dernière ligne droite pour le procès du groupe néonazi NSU en Allemagne
2018.05.09 - Source :85% - News
L'ancien député conservateur Clemens Binninger a dirigé la dernière des commissions parlementaires m...