Vergleiche Tonino Picula und Nikola Gruevski um herauszufinden, für wenn du stimmen könntest.
Tonino Picula![]() |
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Nikola Gruevski![]() |
Tonino Picula's Amendment on Croatia's Schengen Entry Adopted Conference in June
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A key amendment from Croatian MEP Tonino Picula, that Croatia should become a member of the Schengen...
Picula o Stieru: 'On razmišlja dugoročno'
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Tonino Picula cijeni Stiera kao političara, ali i problematizira njegovu podršku izrazito konzervati...
Picula: Presidential elections – to vote on membership in NATO
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PODGORICA – In his interview for Pobjeda daily, member of the European Parliament (EP) and Head of t...
Europarlamentarci Picula i Lins pozvali na reforme i približavanje Balkana EU-u
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Sudjelujući na međunarodnoj konferenciji u organizaciji Paneuropske unije u Orašju hrvatski i njemač...
Europski parlament ne slaže se s prijedlogom proračuna EK-a
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S jedne strane su EK i EP koji žele puno više novca, a s druge Vijeće koje okuplja one koji trebaju...
Tonino Picula poziva općine i gradove da se prijave za bespovratna sredstva iz programa WiFi4EU
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Zastupnik Tonino Picula, čiji je Ured poduzeo niz aktivnosti od prosinca prošle godine kako bi u Hrv...
Authentic Croatian Toys to Be Promoted in Brussels
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"This is the right opportunity to present something which I believe has the authentic cultural value...
Europski parlament odbio prijedlog proračuna Europske komisije
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S jedne strane su EK i EP koji žele puno više novca, a s druge Vijeće koje okuplja one koji trebaju...
Picula: Svi građani Unije zaslužuju jednak pristup prometnoj infrastrukturi
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BRUXELLES – Svi građani Europske Unije zaslužuju jednak pristup prometnoj infrastrukturi, a oni koji...
Stigao je novi Cro Demoskop; HDZ i dalje pada, ali ne više tako divljački kao prije, Živi zid jedini raste
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Među deset najpozitivnijih domaćih političara još su Božo Petrov (4,1 posto), Tonino Picula (4 posto...
Macedonian court sentences former PM Gruevski to 2 years
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A Macedonian criminal court sentenced former conservative prime minister Nikola Gruevski to two year...
Former Macedonian PM convicted in corruption case exposed by illegal government surveillance
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Information exposed by leaked recordings that were part an illegal mass surveillance campaign orches...
Macedonians rally over plans change to country's name
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Former prime minister and VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski, who governed Macedonia from 2006 to 201...
Leaders' First TV Duel in Years Grips Macedonia
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A VMRO DPMNE policy of avoiding direct debates with political opponents began when Gruevski became p...
Gruevski to appear in court this week on three different cases
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Former Prime Minister of FYROM, Nikola Gruevski is expected to appear in court this week on three ot...
Macedonian ex-PM Gruevski sentenced over tender for luxury car
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SKOPJE: Macedonia's former prime minister Nikola Gruevski was sentenced to two years in prison on We...
Right-Wing Hungarian Media Moves Into the Balkans
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The party, which ruled the country for a decade, lost power in 2017 amid investigations into corrupt...
Local Orthodox church asks to drop 'Macedonia' from name as talks with Greece continue
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EURACTIV reported in January that Macedonian opposition party VMRO-DPMNE of former Prime Minister Ni...
Macedonian court jails former PM Gruevski
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The court ruled on Wednesday that Gruevski, who served as prime minister from 2006-2016, had influen...
Macedonian PM Found Not Guilty in Corruption Case
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Mr Zaev has always claimed that the charges were politically motivated, coming as they did a short t...