Vergleiche Sándor Pintér und Péter Szijjártó um herauszufinden, für wenn du stimmen könntest.
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Péter Szijjártó![]() |
Egymilliárdos nyereséget tett zsebre Pintér Sándor egykori cége | 24 ...
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Szárnyal a közbeszerzéseken, százmilliós állami megrendeléseket és rengeteg pénzt tudhat magáénak a...
Hungary's Orban names two new deputy prime ministers -radio
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BUDAPEST, May 4 (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday named Interior Minister...
Hungary's re-elected PM Orban forms fourth gov't
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Sandor Pinter will continue his duties as the head of the ministry of interior. Ader's appointment o...
Ismét óriásit kaszált közbeszerzésen Pintér volt cége
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Összesen nettó 7400 millió forintot nyert közbeszerzésen Pintér Sándor belügyminiszter volt cége egy...
Pintér Sándor: a Pharaon-ügy sikertörténet
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Pintér Sándor szerint minden príma: külföldi országok készülnek átvenni a közmunkarendszert, egy 16...
Az alaptörvény-módosításról és a “Stop Soros” javaslatról egyeztettek a frakciók
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Az alaptörvény javasolt újabb módosításáról és a “Stop Soros” törvényjavaslatról kaptak tájékoztatás...
Stabil önkormányzatok kellenek egy jól működő országhoz
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A mi szempontunkból a legfontosabb miniszterrel, Pintér Sándor miniszter úrral kezdtük a sort, hisze...
Robotizáció és nemzettudat íme, a negyedik Orbán-kormány politikai programja
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1. A menekültügy kezelése közülük a legkevésbé meglepő. Az előző ciklusban is meghatározó volt ez a...
"Stop-Soros": Außenministerium will Ungarns Flüchtlingsgesetz "prüfen"
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Der Gesetzesentwurf, den Innenminister Sandor Pinter am Dienstag im Parlament eingebracht hatte, sie...
A nap legfontosabb hírei – 2018. május 30.
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Érkeznek a céges beszámolók: jó éve volt Simicska agrárcégeinek, egymilliárdos nyereséget tett zsebr...
Peter Szijjártó to head eight mixed economic committees in Hungary.., MTI News Agency, Budapest, quoted by...
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- Essen & Landwirtschaft, Wirtschaft
Hungarian PM named Peter Szijjarto as the chairman of eight bilateral economic committees with a vie...
He put his ministerial oath Szijjártó Péter
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- Die Rolle der Regierung
Took an oath on Wednesday at the national assembly Szijjártó Péter foreign trade and secretary of st...
EUR 1.77bn Budapest-Belgrade railway project moves ahead
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- Transport
The modernisation of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line is moving forward in accordance with EU regu...
Hungary's religious minorities are safe, says foreign ...
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- Religion
New York, September 21 (MTI) – Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó met representatives of Jewish organi...
Mike Pompeo to Huddle With Anti-Semite's Envoy
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Peter Szijjarto, the Hungarian foreign minister, has been attempting to make direct contact with sen...
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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Camera spray with Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, at the...
Hungary offers Ukraine to set up joint working group to monitor implementation of Venice Commission's ...
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Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto says Hungary invites Ukraine to esta...
Ukraine and Hungary to hold talks on language provisions of education law in June
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... order to find a solution that will work for our citizens of Hungarian origin," Ukrainian Foreign...
National briefing: Hungary Part 1
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National briefing by Péter SZIJJÁRTÓ, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, at the Forei...
National briefing: Hungary Part 2 (Q&A)
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Questions and answers during the national briefing by Péter SZIJJÁRTÓ, Minister of Foreign Affairs a...
Trump loves a strongman, so of course he fawns over Hungary's Viktor Orban
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This coming week, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto is scheduled to meet Secretary of State Mike Pomp...
Financial problems in Italy could impact Greece: Kotzias
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Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias speaks at a joint news conference with his Hungarian counterpar...
UNIAN: Ukraine and Hungary to hold talks on language provisions of education law in June
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Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin listens to Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs...
Hungary rejects 'blackmail' over EU funds
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“There are treaties in force in the European Union that clearly specify the rights and obligations o...
In Test of Sour Ties, Australia Asks China to Approve Foreign Minister Visit
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FILE PHOTO: Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop talks during a news conference with Hungarian F...
Chinese investor to build Hungarian geothermal power plant
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Chinaʼs Zhejiang Kaishan Compressor Co. has agreed to build a HUF 45 billion geothermal power plant...
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Keep fingers crossed for China-US trade dispute
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A total of 17 trade ministers from China and Central and Eastern European countries recently met for...
Ukraine, Hungary to hold talks with Hungarian community of ...
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Ukrainian and Hungarian Foreign Ministers Pavlo Klimkin and Peter Szijjarto will meet with the Hunga...
Szijjártó: Hungary Welcomes 'Italy's Commitment to Restoring Europe's Security'
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told Matteo Salvini, the Italian interior minister, that Hungary's...
Chairman's Corner: Quo Vadis Department of State – A Critique of US Policy in Hungary
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It can be hoped that last week's meeting between Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and Secr...
Peter Szijjarto: Mi se nadamo da ćete izgraditi terminal na Krku, bez ...
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Na sastanku ministara vanjskih poslova država članica Srednjoeuropske inicijative (SEI) u Splitu bio...
Hungary eyes TurkStream gas deliveries via Bulgaria, Serbia
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BELGRADE (Serbia), June 14 (SeeNews) - Hungary's foreign minister Peter Szijjarto said the country's...
Hungary to spend massively on road, rail developments
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The developments will extend the length of Hungaryʼs electrified railway network to 3,300 kms, Szijj...
Good Timing for a New Improved European Friendship
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In the last days of May, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo welcomed to the State Department Hun...
Trump, Hungarian PM discuss ties over phone Xinhua | English ...
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BUDAPEST, June 16 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban...
Hungary redoubles efforts to improve competitiveness | The ...
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The government is preparing an action plan to make Hungary more attractive for investments, Minister...
Szijjártó Calls on Coe to Take Issue of Protecting European ...
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Hungary calls on the Council of Europe to take the issue of protecting European minorities seriously...
The Latest: Hungary asked to delay vote on 'Stop Soros' bill
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Venice Commission chief Gianni Buquicchio told Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Monday...
Language row: Kyiv, Budapest this week to hold talks on education ...
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At the end of this week, a high-level intergovernmental meeting will be held between representatives...
Infineon inaugurates HUF 17 bln expansion
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At the official opening on Monday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed th...
As Europe's Liberal Order Splinters, Trump Wields an Ax
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With a rift over migrants bringing German politics to a boil, the country's feuding leaders scraped...
The Latest: Vatican, Mexico lament suffering of migrant kids WTRF
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BRUSSELS (AP) - The Latest on the immigration debate in Europe (all times local): 9:00 p.m. Experts...
UNIAN: Kyiv, Budapest this week to hold talks on education
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... a high-level intergovernmental meeting will be held between representatives of Ukraine and Hunga...
Hungary set to criminalise aiding migrants with 'Stop Soros' bill ...
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Budapest, Hungary - The Hungarian parliament is set to vote on Wednesday on a set of controversial l...
Hungary steps up anti-immigration stance with plans for NGO tax ...
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The Hungarian government has stepped up its anti-immigration measures with plans to introduce a 25%...
European rights bodies rap Hungary's 'Stop Soros' bill, Budapest defiant
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But Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, speaking during a visit to Stockholm, angrily dismis...
Hungary urges Ukraine to extend transition period of education law
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KIEV, June 22 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto o...
UNIAN: Hungary agrees to Ukraine's participation in NATO summit, but keeps blocking bilateral Commission
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... the holding of a separate meeting of NATO leaders with the participation of Ukrainian President...
Hungarian FM: You are at war, but leave Hungarians alone | KyivPost
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto believes that, despite the war with Russia, Ukraine shoul...
UNIAN: Hungarian FM denies Moscow's influence on Budapest's policy
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has denied accusations that Budapest is acting under Russ...
EP report recommends 'nuclear option' against Hungary
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Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said the vote on the report had been...
The Global Political Week: Migration and Mexico elections
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Headlines could be made when Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto outlines his government's EU...
Węgrzy oburzeni: w Brukseli gra się z nut George'a Sorosa
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Wyrokiem politycznym nazwał węgierski minister spraw zagranicznych Peter Szijjarto decyzję komisji s...
'No deal would be DEVASTATING for EU' Hungary rages at Brussels for Brexit punishment
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Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Foreign Minister, pointed to the severe economic downturn which could ari...
Hungary warns that the EU faces economic devastation if it fails to achieve a post-Brexit trade deal with Britain
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Its foreign minister Peter Szijjarto demanded Brussels stop trying to punish the British people for...
Hungary foreign minister challenged on migration
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... supporting illegal migration - including help for asylum seekers. Emily Maitlis sits down with H...
EU summit to focus on lowering Mediterranean immigration
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Hungary's foreign minister Peter Szijjarto said the summit was unlikely to produce a meaningful agre...
'You are unbalanced & one-sided': Hungary's FM spars with BBC reporter in heated migration debate
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It is creeping authoritarianism,” she told Szijjarto, whose conservative Fidesz party won over 70 pe...
Brexit pushes Theresa May into alliance with Hungary's right-wing populists as Tories vote against sanctions
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Hungary's foreign minister, Peter Szijjarto, was quick to reciprocate the Conservatives' support in...
Denmarkʼs Foss to build biotech R&D base in Pécs
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Danish biotechnology firm Foss laid the cornerstone of a HUF 2 billion R&D center in Pécs (SW Hungar...
Hungary Accuses EU of 'Double Standards' Over Nord Stream 2
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The European Union applies double standards to Nord Stream 2, Hungarian Foreign and Foreign Trade Mi...
Hungary, US press Romania to start exploiting Black Sea gas
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“It is important that the international pressure persists, so Romania will start gas extraction in t...
Status quo in Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict should be changed: FM
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By Trend. The status quo in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict should be changed, Foreign Minister of A...
Szijjártó: Hungary Urges Renewal of Strategic Partnership Between ...
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Hungary urges the European Union and Azerbaijan to reach an agreement on renewing their strategic pa...
That other European Union
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In person, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto is entirely believable when he insists that Eu...
Hungary vows to block any decision of Ukraine-Georgia-NATO summit
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto then publicly suggested the progress would be even more e...
Exclusive – Hungarians Warn US Illegal Migration Can't Be Controlled Without 'Strong' Border
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Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó warns that illegal immigration canno...
Hungary Fully Supports Montenegrin European Union Integration
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July 03, 2018 - Minster of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, stayed in Monteneg...
Hungarian Foreign Policy Finds Opportunity in the Balkans
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó is lobbying in order to establish North-South transport c...
Szijjártó: Non-EU Hot Spots Key to Border Protection
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The European Union's external borders can only be protected completely if migrant reception and coll...
Peter Szijjarto a declarat că apărarea graniţelor UE va fi completă ...
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Frontierele externe ale Uniunii Europene nu vor putea fi complet apărate decât dacă aşa-zisele centr...
Peter Szijjarto în Washington: In Central Europe, energy supply is an issue of security
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“In Central Europe, energy supply is an issue of security, and accordingly the time has come to put...
Romania Resists Pressure to Rush Offshore Gas Bill
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A public dispute erupted last Wednesday after Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told the Wa...
Exclusive – Foreign Minister: No One Could Say 'Hungary First' Before Trump's Rise
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Péter Szijjártó, Hungary's minister of foreign affairs and trade, explained how the “America First”...
French ambassador who backed Orban is awarded Hungary state honour
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Fournier was given the Order of Merit, Commander Cross, by Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto at a cer...
Migration Is Not a Fundamental Human Right' -- Breitbart Interviews Hungarian FM Péter Szijjártó
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Related video: In a video previously posted HERE, the Hungarian Foreign Minister responds to what he...
Ukraine to take part in NATO Summit despite Hungary's resistance Envoy
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said that Hungary's decision to block NUC political meeti...
Bilateral relationship 'can be best it has ever, ever been'
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“I want to welcome all the Ministers and Hungarian dignitaries that are here, and I especially would...
Bosch launches expansion of Budapest development center
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Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó noted that the cente...
The Orbán Government insults French President Emmanuel Macron
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Thirty-nine-year-old Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó gave the speech: “Amidst today's European disp...
Stop the Fake News That Hungary Is Anti-Semitic
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Hungary's foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó,underscored Hungary's partnership with Israel in a recen...
Over 190 countries agree on global compact on safe migration
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Hungary's foreign minister, Peter Szijjarto, told diplomats after the agreement was adopted by conse...
Hungary Prepares to Pull Out of UN Migration Pact: Minister
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto was quoted by state news agency MTI as saying on Friday t...
UN backs migration pact despite US boycott The Manila Times ...
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UNITED NATIONS, United States: Despite a boycott from the United States, UN member states on Friday...
Szijjártó: Hungary to Reject UN Migration Package
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Hungary must withdraw from the process of adopting the United Nations' global migration package as i...
Hungarian govʼt prepares agreement with US university
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... be launching faculties in Budapest in 2019, while the courses of the Pázmány Péter Catholic Univ...
Ministrul maghiar de externe, Peter Szijjarto, susține că Ucraina încalcă legea privind protecţia minorităţilor
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Ucraina încalcă grav una dintre cele mai apărate valori şi legi ale Europei atunci când vine vorba d...
The Latest: Hungary to pull out of UN accord on migration
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Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto says Wednesday that the U.N.'s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and...
Hungary to pull out of UN accord on migration
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Hungary's foreign minister said his country will pull out of a United Nations accord on migration to...
Hungarian PM, Symbol of Europe's Right-wing Turn, Lands in Israel
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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, arrive in Israel on...
Hungary Seeks to Block Ukraine From Euro-Atlantic Integration Over Controversial Language Issue
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On July 12, during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) summit in Brussels, Hungarian Min...
Hungary's FM says his country is among 'most committed allies of Israel'
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Speaking in interview with Ynet ahead of Prime Minister Victor Orbán's arrival in Israel, Péter Szij...
EC to start infringement procedure over 'Stop Soros' law
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó claimed at a press conference on Wednesday tha...
New York Time: Hungary pulls out of UN migrant agreement
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Peter Szijjarto, Hungary’s minister of foreign affairs and trade, announced the withdrawal at a ne...
Renaissance: Making Bilateral Relationship 'Best Ever'
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Cornstein then introduced Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó as: “Somebody that I...
The entire United Nations agreed on the Global Compact for ...
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Last week, 193 countries around the world agreed on a set of principles to tackle the global issue o...
Australia could withdraw from Global Compact for Migration
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While the US dropped out in December, the government of Hungary's anti-immigration nationalist Prime...
Audi Launches Serial Production of Electric Motors in Hungary
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German carmaker Audi launched serial production of electric motors at its base in Győr, in north-wes...
Hungarian gov't rejects EU legal action over asylum seekers
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Hungary will quit the United Nations migration pact before its final approval, Minister of Foreign A...
New era: Audi Hungaria starts series production of electric motors
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A new era is starting at Audi Hungaria. On Tuesday, series production of electric motors officially...
Notre Dame to Partner With Hungarian University
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The governor signed the agreement Wednesday along with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tra...
Hungary continues to beat anti-migrant drum
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Meanwhile, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto has announced that Hungar...
Audi begins serial production of e-engines in Győr
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The event was also attended by Audi AG's director for production and logistic Peter Kössler, who hig...
Audi Starts Production Of E-tron Electric Motors
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In the context of the symbolic act, the production plant was put into operation by Péter Szijjártó,...
Hungarian PM Slams 'European Elite,' Predicts Illiberal Shift In EU Leadership
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Hungary followed in the United States' footsteps on July 18 when Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto an...
Supporting Serbiaʼs EU integration priority for Hungary Szijjártó
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Supporting Serbiaʼs integration with the European Union is a priority foreign policy goal for Hungar...
BMW to build car plant in Hungary for 150000 units a year
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Debrecen, about 220 kilometers (137 miles) east of Budapest, was chosen "primarily for its very good...
Hamilton Wins F1 Hungarian GP, Developments to Start at Hungaroring Next Year
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British Mercedes Benz driver Lewis Hamilton claimed victory at the 33rd Hungarian Grand Prix of the...
BMW to build car plant in Hungary for 150000 units a year
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BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — German automaker BMW says it will build a plant in eastern Hungary to manuf...
Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix highly successful
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According to estimations made public by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, Hunga...
Stocks climb; pay gains pick up pace
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Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's foreign affairs and trade minister, said BMW's investment will contribute...
BMW Could Start Production at Plant in Hungary around 2023
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German carmaker BMW could start production at a plant in Hungary around 2023, German daily Stuttgart...
BMW to build $1.2 billion car plant in Hungary
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Low taxes, flexible labor rules and quality education have helped attract investors such as BMW, acc...
BMW to build car plant in Hungary for 150,000 units a year ...
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BUDAPEST, HUNGARY — German automaker BMW says it will build a plant in eastern Hungary to manufactur...
Hungary rolls out red carpet for German carmakers
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Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto was visibly proud when, after 17 months of negotiations,...
Bulgaria braces for TurkStream 2 with gas flow boost
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"Also, Gazprom's intention to expand the Banatski Dvor gas storage facility in Serbia suggests it se...
Gender képzést folytató egyetemet hívott Magyarországra Szijjártó ...
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A katolikus indianai Notre Dame egyetemmel az ablakon mászhat vissza az ajtón kidobott genderizmus.
Judge sets deadline for Army specialist's citizenship ruling
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Péter Szijjártó said: "Applying any kind of subjective conditions to the criteria would result in a...
Obama Shunned Hungary's Leader, but He Has a Friend in Trump
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Mr. Pompeo met in Washington with his Hungarian counterpart, Peter Szijjarto, ending a six-year peri...
Ring the changes
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Next year's 34th Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix is set to occupy a full week rather than just a we...
Debrecen at the wheel
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Szijjártó said BMW will take ownership of the site in the second half of next year and will begin re...
Szijjártó barátja szerint Isten akarata, hogy az ügyészség börtönbe ...
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Rájár a rúd mostanság Kuna Tiborra, Szijjártó Péter barátjára, aki bukását bibliai példákon keresztü...
Hungary says no to Diciotti migrants foreign minister
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(ANSAmed) - ROME, AUGUST 24 - Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Thursday rejected a requ...
Budget threat on migrants won't work
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Thursday rejected a request from Italian counterpart M...
Moavero Milansi vede il collega ungherese Peter Szijjarto
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Farnesina –. Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Enzo Moavero Milan...
Szijjártó segítséget ajánlott a genovai híd újjáépítéséhez |
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Rómában tárgyalt olasz kollégájával, Enzo Moavero Milanesi külügyminiszterrel Szijjártó Péter, aki a...
EU-Treffen zu Flüchtlingsschiffen im Mittelmeer brachte keine Lösung
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Italiens Außenminister Enzo Moavero Milanesi hatte bereits am Donnerstag seinen ungarischen Amtskoll...
Hungary's proposed gender studies ban reflects the growing totalitarianism of Orbán's regime
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More recently, he has made it a crime for NGOs to assist asylum seekers, with the Minister of Foreig...
Poultry processor plans HUF 15 bln capacity expansion
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Hungarian poultry company Master Good Kft. plans a HUF 15 billion capacity expansion at its base in...
Diciotti probe will be boomerang-Salvini
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There are "points of convergence" between Italy and Hungary on immigration policy, Hungarian Foreign...
Kőkemény időszak jön, de megacélozzuk magunkat mondta Szijjártó Péter a nagyköveteknek
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"Nem az európai liberális mainstreamnek akarunk megfelelni" - ezt mondta Szijjártó Péter a mai nagyk...
Kormányzati támogatással bővül a kisvárdai baromfifeldolgozó
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A kormány 3,4 milliárd forinttal támogatja a Master Good Kft. kisvárdai baromfifeldolgozó üzemének 1...
Szijjártó: Brüsszelben változásra van szükség
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Szijjártó Péter múlt heti olasz kollégájával, Enzo Moavero Milanesivel folytatott tanácskozása kapcs...
Hungary urges EU to disburse frozen aid to Moldova: foreign minister
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BUDAPEST: Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on the European Union should disburse a su...
EU's migration policy needs to change: Hungarian FM Xinhua ...
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BUDAPEST, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) -- The migration policy of the European Union (EU) needs to change, Hunga...
Explained: What are the protests in Moldova all about?
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... not immediately respond to Euronews' request for comment. The government has, however, received...
Ministrul de Externe al Ungariei, Peter Szijjarto, susține că UE ar ...
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Ministrul de Externe al Ungariei, Peter Szijjarto, a declarat marţi, la Budapesta, că Uniunea Europe...
EU's migration policy needs to change: Hungarian FM
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BUDAPEST (Xinhua) – The migration policy of the European Union (EU) needs to change, Hungarian Minis...
Péter Szijjártó: UE ar trebui să deblocheze pachetul de ajutor financiar pentru R. Moldova
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Ministrul ungar de externe Péter Szijjártó a declarat marţi că Uniunea Europeană ar trebui să debloc...
Hungary summons Swedish ambassador over criticism of its migration policy
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BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has summoned the Swedish ambassador...
Hungary's Szijjarto Summons Swedish Ambassador Over Migration Policy Criticism Ministry
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto summoned Swedish Ambassador Niclas Trouve over Stockholm'...
Master Good set to expand Kisvárda plant
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Announcing the plan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said the funding was to h...
Szijjártó summons Swedish ambassador
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Sweden's Ambassador to Budapest, Niclas Trouvé, recently stated that he “expects Hungary to lose......
Hungary demands answers after Swedish criticism
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The Hungarian foreign affairs minister, Péter Szijjártó, has called on Sweden's ambassador in Budape...
Hungary under fire over migration as college halts courses for refugees
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Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's foreign minister, summoned the Swedish ambassador to Budapest on Thursday...
Hungary upset by Swedish ministers' criticsm
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Hungarian foreign minister, Peter Szijjarto, summoned Sweden's ambassador in Budapest on Thursday to...
Putin, Orban to discuss energy during Hungarian PM's visit to Moscow in September
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But I can say there are unacceptable double standards,” Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tr...
Ungarns Außenminister: „Das ist eine Erpressung, wir haben es satt“
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Der ungarische Chefdiplomat Peter Szijjártó weist die Drohung aus Paris, die EU-Finanzmittel an "uns...
Közép-ázsiai diktatúrákkal barátkozik Szijjártó Péter
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Magyarország megfigyelői státust kapott a Nemzetközi Türk Akadémiában, jelentette be Szijjártó Péter...
Varga: Next EU Budget Should Be Negotiated With New Commission; Szijjártó rejects French “threats”
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Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó stated in a Die Presse interview that Hungary rejects th...
Strategic Gas Partnership May Emerge Between Croatia and Hungary
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Talks have also started on the price of gas available from the LNG terminal in the Island of Krk, Pé...
Hungary could start buying Croatian gas by end of 2019
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Szijjártó said Hungary could access entirely new sources of gas when the countryʼs long-term contrac...
Prince Andrew deployed on 'Brexit diplomacy' mission to HUNGARY
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Prince Andrew, 58, will also meet Hungary's president Janos Ader and foreign affairs minister Peter...
Prince Andrew visits Hungary next week
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He will meet Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, President János Áder, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and...
Orbán to participate in EP debate on rule of law
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After LIBE approved the report, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said the vote...
Hungary Asks 'What's Wrong with the Swedes?' as Poland Vows to Avoid Western Europe's 'Social Diseases'
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Sweden's ambassador to Hungary was recently summoned by the Central European country's foreign minis...
LMP wants govt to protect Vojvodina Hungarians
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Opposition party LMP on Monday called on Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó to set up minimum requirem...
Hungarian FM expresses willingness for active co-op with Kyrgyzstan
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Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept. 4. Trend: During the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban's official visit to Kyrgyzsta...
Orbán caps off Kyrgyz visit by meeting heads of state, govʼt
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó was cited as saying in Bishkek that Hungary ha...
High-speed rail to be built between Visegrad Four countries
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The competent ministers of the Visegrad Four countries have agreed that a feasibility study will be...
EU Plan to Distribute Migrants Will Increase Threat of Terrorism Hungarian FM
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Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó once again hit out at the European U...
V4 agree on feasibility study for high-speed rail link
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... Poland and Slovakia - have agreed to draw up a feasibility study for the construction of an expr...
Szijjártó: Hungary 'Under Constant Attack' from Pro-Migration Forces
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“Whatever the pressure, the government will take up this fight for the cause of Europe and the homel...
ZF Hungária inaugurates HUF 31.5 bln plant
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... transmission maker ZF Hungária inaugurated a HUF 31.5 billion plant in Eger (NE Hungary) on Thur...
Szijjártó Celebrates Reopening of Târgu Mureș High School Following Two-Year Suspension
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó welcomed reports that a recently reopened Cath...
September 10
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Kensington Palace. 10th September, 2018. The Duke of Cambridge, Royal Patron, TuskTrust, this aftern...
Bruksela kłamie. Minister spraw zagranicznych Węgier Peter Szijjarto twierdzi, że Unia mści się na jego kraju za ...
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Szef dyplomacji węgierskiej Peter Szijjarto nazwał w poniedziałek „zbiorem wierutnych kłamstw” rezol...
Strong Investment Predicted for H2
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... transmission maker ZF Hungária inaugurated a HUF 31.5 billion plant in Eger (NE Hungary) on Thur...
Bridgestone brings additional investment to Hungary
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Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed after the announcement of t...
Szijjártó meets Governor of Osaka, talks tech and trade
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At the meeting, Szijjártó expressed his sympathies over the typhoon that recently swept through Osak...
EU lawmakers move against Hungary over rule of law
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BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union lawmakers voted on Wednesday to launch action against the Hungarian g...
Hungary says it will challenge European parliament's ruling
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BUDAPEST, Sept 12 (Reuters) - The European Union parliament's decision on Wednesday to start a punit...
EU lawmakers move to punish Hungary over rule of law
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, echoing Orban's longtime position that allowed him to wi...
Hungary will seek legal ways to challenge Article 7 vote
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It is the first time that the Parliament launches the so-called 'nuclear option' against a member st...
Amazon, Apple, others to testify before US Senate on data privacy Sept 26
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“Today's European Parliament decision was nothing else but a petty revenge of pro-immigration politi...
Ruling on Indian businessman Mallya's extradition case to be given on Dec 10 judge
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“Today's European Parliament decision was nothing else but a petty revenge of pro-immigration politi...
EU parliament votes to punish Hungary over 'breaches' of core values
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto reacted angrily to the vote, calling it the "petty reveng...
Hungary's CEU under pressure despite EU move on Article 7
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When asked in a television show on Wednesday evening how Hungary would respond to concerns raised by...
'Wash your mouth out': Italy's Salvini hits out at top EU official over 'little Mussolinis' remark
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... “media suppression.” The measure, if fully implemented, would strip Budapest of its voting right...
Hungarian Foreign Minister: We Want a Christian Hungary, a Christian Europe
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Hungary's foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, has called the move “petty revenge” of politicians who...
Hungary to Continue Energy Cooperation With Russia Despite US Sanctions FM
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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Budapest will continue negotiating with Russia on the gas deal despite US sanctio...
Hungary to Keep Rejecting Migrant Quotas Despite EU Sanctions Threat FM
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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Budapest will continue its policy of rejecting mandatory migrant quotas despite t...
Szijjártó: Ties with Russia Increasingly Beneficial to Hungary
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Growing economic cooperation between Hungary and Russia is increasingly beneficial to the Hungarian...
Szijjártó Snubs French Minister for Alleging Hungarians Left Out of Debate on Migration
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Hungary is the only state in Europe to have asked the people's opinion on illegal migration, Foreign...
Orbán: Hungary to take steps against critical EU ruling
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Following the EP vote last Wednesday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó decried...
Ford opens new service center in Budapest
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Szijjártó was cited by government website as saying that the palette of Hungary's automot...
Rehau-Automotive lays cornerstone of HUF 40 bln bumper plant
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... Rehau Group, under which it will be providing HUF 7.1 billion in non-returnable funding towards...
CEU responds to Szijjártó, says it has met requirements
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"In response to Péter Szijjártó's indications that CEU enjoyed or requests ʼprivileges,ʼ CEU reitera...
Putin and Hungarian PM Orban to discuss gas supplies at talks in Moscow on Tuesday
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Also, as Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said, they will discuss issues related to energy...
Over 8.5 Months Gazprom Increases Gas Supplies to Hungary by 8.6%
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A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Peter Szi...
Agreement reached on Russian gas deliveries to Hungary
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó confirmed earlier Tuesday that Russiaʼs Gazpro...
Hungary Aims to Boost Tourism from China
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Tourism is adding more and more to Hungary's GDP, Péter Szijjártó, the foreign affairs and trade min...
Ford opens new regional business centre in Budapest
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... will now be complete thanks to the fact that, in addition to production and R&D, a large automot...
Szijjártó to UN: “Stop Lying about Hungary”
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Wednesday rejected criticism levelled at Hungary in a report dra...
Hungary slams UN, insists will 'never be a country of migrants'
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"It is obvious that the UN officials spreading these lies about Hungary are biased pro-migration off...
Hungary: UN slams racist government policies
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Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto accused United Nations officials on September 19 of “spre...
Govt Condemns Ukraine's Attempt to 'Intimidate' Transcarpathia Hungarians
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Addressing a press conference on a different subject, Péter Szijjártó reacted to his Ukrainian count...
Peter Szijjarto: Mađarska nikad neće biti zemlja migranata
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Mađarski ministar vanjskih poslova optužio je u srijedu Ujedinjene narode da iznose laži o migracijs...
Hungary: Possible expulsion of consul after secret recording in Berehove "unfriendly and risky"
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Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó says his government regards it as an...
UN slams Hungary gov't over cruel and racist policies
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Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto accused United Nations officials on September 19 of “spre...
Klimkin: Issuance of Hungarian passports in Zakarpattia contradicts Vienna Convention
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Klimkin told reporters that he would be meeting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjárt...
Hungary warns of retaliation if Ukraine acts on dual citizenship spat
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Mr Klimkin said he would discuss the issue with Hungarian counterpart Péter Szijjártó in New York ne...
EU's Anti-Russia Sanctions Need Discussion Rather Than Prolongation – Budapest
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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The European Union should frankly discuss the issue of maintaining or lifting ant...
Klimkin confirms meeting with Hungarian counterpart after secret citizenship video
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Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin has announced his meeting with Hungary's Ministe...
Hungarian Govt Side with Car Industry Against Environmental ...
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Hungary will not back proposed European Union rules on pollution that would harm Germany and Bavaria...
Hungarian Govt Sides with Car Industry Against Environmental Targets
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Hungary will not back proposed European Union rules on pollution that would harm Germany and Bavaria...
Gov't agrees with BMW to support Debrecen investment
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An agreement was reached last Friday with executives of BMW on government support for a EUR 1 billio...
Britain needs a fair Brexit deal, not a no deal, says Hungary
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Speaking to Reuters on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, Hungarian Foreign Minis...
Rehau begins building €150m car bumpers plant in Hungary
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Bavaria, Germany-based Rehau Automotive, part of the Swiss family-run Rehau group, marked the start...
Direct Budapest-Shanghai flights to start next year
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The Hungarian and Chinese sides have reached agreement to start direct flights for passengers and ca...
Rehau building $176.5 million auto components plant in Hungary
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UJHARTYAN, Hungary—Rehau Automotive has laid the ceremonial cornerstone of a $176.5 exterior car com...
China, Hungary to promote implementation of major cooperative projects
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Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and T...
Klimkin: Szijjártó assures Hungary to change title of its authorized envoy "for Transcarpathia"
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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó at a me...
David Zalkaliani has met with his Hungarian counterpart
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The FINANCIAL -- 27.09.2018, New York – Within the framework of the 73rd session of the UN General A...
Szijjártó: EC for Migration Goes Against Will of Member States
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The European commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship “is going completely against t...
Hungary Urges EU to Agree 'Extensive' Free Trade Agreement with Brexit Britain
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“It is in Hungary's interests for the most extensive and comprehensive free trade agreement possible...
Klimkin: Resolution on UN peacekeepers drafted long time ago
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... friends – the United States, Germany and France," Klimkin told reporters on the sidelines of the...
Wang Yi Meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto of Hungary
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On September 25, 2018 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Minister of...
Azerbaijani FM awarded Commander's Cross of Hungarian Order of Merit [PHOTO]
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Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary...
Euan MacDonald: Ukraine's Friend & Foe of the Week
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But instead of offering a fulsome apology to Kyiv for this brazen infringement of its sovereignty, H...
Hungarian FM Plans to Hold Talks With Russia's Novak in Moscow ...
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UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told Sputnik that he will visi...
Europe Poised Between 'Judeo-Christian Heritage' and 'Nihilist ...
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Six months after Viktor Orbán's election to a third term as Prime Minister of Hungary, the country's...
Hungary's Szijjártó added to Ukraine's Myrovtorets database
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Hungary's Szijjártó added to Ukraine's Myrovtorets database. 13:36, 30 September 2018. Politics. 0 0...
Budapest Has No Idea What Kiev Plans to Do With Troops on Hungary's Border FM
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Commenting on media reports about the transfer of Ukrainian military equipment to the Zakarpattia re...
'United' or 'Nations'? Balance is UN's existential question
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"The international community must respect sovereignty of the countries," said Peter Szijjarto, forei...
UNIAN: Hungary's Szijjártó added to Ukraine's Myrovtorets database
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UNIAN: Hungary's Szijjártó added to Ukraine's Myrovtorets database. By UNIAN. Published Sept. 30 at...
Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto included in Myrotvorets ...
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has been included in the Purgatory section on the website...
Szijjártó: UN Migration Pact 'Worst Possible Way' to Tackle Illegal Migration
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Adopting the current comprehensive migration pact currently under discussion in the United Nations w...
MFA Hungary comments on passport scandal in Zakarpattia
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"With relation to the affair, the Minister of State said that Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade...
Lavrov to meet with Hungarian top diplomat on October 3
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MOSCOW, October 2. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Hungarian counterpart Pete...
Trump dominated UN, but US nationalism at odds with world
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We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.” One of the very few...
V4 to build Budapest-Bratislava-Brno-Warsaw express railway
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The decision coincides with the political interests of all four members of the group comprising the...
Visegrad express railway project unveiled
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Four Central European countries announced Monday (1 October) a plan to build a high-speed rail link...
Hungary to reject UN migration package
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“The adoption of the comprehensive Migration Compact currently under debate is the worst possible st...
High-speed Budapest to Warsaw train plan unveiled
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Four Central European countries announced on Monday a plan to build a high-speed rail link between B...
Hungarian Foreign Minister: BRI is a huge opportunity to Hungary ...
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Hungary has been at the forefront of the migrant crisis since they built a high-tech fence to keep m...
Szijjártó: Deciding Country's Energy Mix 'National Competence'
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Speaking at the Russian Energy Week conference, Péter Szijjártó, the foreign minister, insisted that...
Croatia, Hungary Mull Future Gas Deliveries From Krk
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Tomislav Coric, Croatia's Minister of Environment and Energy, met on Tuesday in Budapest with Hungar...
Amanpour grills Hungary's FM about keeping a 'Christian' country
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Amanpour grills Hungary's FM about keeping a 'Christian' country. Amanpour. "Let's leave it to us to...
Péter Szijjártó: Hungary interested in participating in SGC project in future
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Hungary is interested in participating in the South Gas Corridor project (SCP) in the future, the Mi...
Szijjártó upbeat after talks with counterpart in Moscow
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"Following many years of decline, Hungarian-Russian relations will be characterized by success stori...
Kiev's actions ruin relations between Ukraine and Hungary, Budapest says
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MOSCOW, October 3. /TASS/. Kiev's actions with respect to the Hungarian ethnic minority have ruined...
Szijjártó: Ukraine 'Has No Grounds' to Expel Hungarian Consul
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Ukraine “has no grounds” to expel the Hungarian consul serving in the Transcarpathian town of Beregs...
Hungary requires EU does not obstruct TurkStream construction, top diplomat says
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Hungary requires that the European Union does not obstruct implementation of the TurkStream gas pipe...
Szijjártó on CNN: 'We Have Been a Christian Country for a Millennium and We Don't Want to Change That'
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Amanpour asked the foreign minister whether the government was insinuating that anyone “other than w...
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10/03/2018 | 54m 48s. Christiane Amanpour interviews Michael Lewis, author of "The Fifth Risk: Undoi...
'High treason': Hungary, Ukraine in dispute over language laws
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"Ukraine's Ambassador to Budapest was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Thurs...
Immigration 'not a human right': Hungary FM on EU criticism ...
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto responds to EU criticism and defends his government's ant...
Szijjártó: Hungary Won't 'Rush Into an Abyss'
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The government will not retreat and it will make every effort to protect Hungary's security, Foreign...
Szijjártó on CNN: Third Two-Thirds Win Proves Democracy, Not Dictatorship
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Last week, Christiane Amanpour, one of the most well-known faces of CNN, uploaded a 4-minute long vi...
Hungarian Foreign Minister: We Are Fed Up With 'Politically Correct, Hypocritical' European Union
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Watch CBN News' Dale Hurd's interview with Hungary's Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó. In an unprece...
Hungary Protests Ukrainian Military Moves, 'Death List' Of Dual Citizens
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He said the list includes Hungarian officials -- including Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto -- as we...
Szijjártó: Govt Grant for BMW Investment to Reap Dividends for Hungary
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Hungarian government's 12.3 billion forint (EUR 38.5m) support for BMW's investment in Debrecen, in...
Hungary accuses Ukraine state of lying it has nothing to do with website listing dual nationals
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has accused the Ukrainian authorities of lying about them...
Szijjártó: Hungary Not to Support Sanctions against Poland
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Hungary will not vote for any EU sanctions against Poland, and can in return count on Polish support...
Budapest to ask EU to halt money to NGOs opposed to Israel
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Hungarian minister for foreign affairs Peter Szijjártó will ask the meeting in Luxembourg to ensure...
Szijjártó, CEE peers meet UK foreign secretary
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó joined his counterparts from Bulgaria, Croatia...
Szijjártó Talks Migration and Hungarian-Ukrainian Relations in Luxembourg
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Szijjártó said that Hungary is interested in nurturing “good neighborly relations” with Ukraine and...
Hungary to continue blocking NATO-Ukraine Commission
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Hungary will continue to block the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the ministerial level, Hungarian Forei...
Hungary attacks 'hypocritical' UK over stance on Russia
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Mr Szijjarto said it was wrong for EU allies to portray Hungary as having close ties in Russia becau...
UNIAN: Hungary to continue blocking NATO-Ukraine Commission
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Hungary will continue to block the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the ministerial level, Hungarian Forei...
Szijjártó: Hungary Interested in 'Good Neighbourly Relations' with Ukraine
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Ukraine has no reason not to regard its minorities as assets, Péter Szijjártó told a press conferenc...
Hungarian lawmakers reject 'lying, slanderous' report approved by EU
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The report, dismissed as “a collection a qualified lies” by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjar...
Szijjártó: Hungary-Slovakia Ties 'at Their Best'
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Ties between Hungary and Slovakia are “at their best” and based on mutual respect, Foreign Minister...
Interview with Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade Peter Szijjarto
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Kazakhstan and Hungary are strategic partners. Budapest is one of Astana's most important and reliab...
Once a witness to unchecked hate, now she travels the globe to fight it
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At a recent bi-lateral meeting, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó enli...
Szijjártó: Migrant Quota Issue Now Off the Agenda
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Friday called it “good news” that the question of mand...
Anti-European demarche of Hungarian PM Szijjártó
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Last year, Szijjártó admitted that he taught Russian at school and at university and he likes to wat...
Péter Szijjártó: Govt appreciates Czech PM standing up for Hungary
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Tuesday voiced the Hungarian government's appreciation of Czech...
Szijjártó declines to comment on Russia's impact on Ukraine-Hungary relations
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As reported, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó handed over a draft agreement on support for...
Szijjártó: Hungary Proposes to Ukraine Pact on Minority Protection
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Hungary proposes to Ukraine signing an accord on the protection of national minorities, Foreign Mini...
Szijjártó: Hungary Ready to Increase Presence in NATO Missions
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On another subject, Szijjártó said that the situation in Ukraine has “worsened considerably” since t...
Szijjártó urges faster EU accession for Western Balkans
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Hungary is pressing for an accelerated accession procedure for countries in the Western Balkans, Min...
Szijjártó: Hungary, Poland Linked with 'Unconditional' Friendship
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The two countries have mutually pledged support concerning the European Union's Article 7 procedures...
Xinhua: Hungarian FM says to continue blocking Ukraine's NATO integration
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Xinhua: Hungarian FM says to continue blocking Ukraine's NATO integration. By Xinhua. Published Oct....
Hungarian FM says to continue blocking Ukraine's NATO integration
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BUDAPEST, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Hungary will continue blocking Ukraine's NATO integration because of K...
Hungary Urges EU to Open More Accession Chapters with Serbia This Year
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Hungary urges the European Union to open in December all accession chapters that are technically rea...
Szijjártó: Central Europe Always Lost Out in Conflicts Between the East and the West
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Europe's central, eastern and southern regions must boost their cooperation in order to carry out pr...
Wang Yi trip is Locsin's debut in Philippines as DFA chief
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To be sure, Locsin already got his feet wet at the recent Asia-Europe Meeting in Brussels, where he...
Foreign Minister Sends Condolences over Pittsburgh Shooting
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has sent a letter of “solidarity and support” to his US counterpart...
Hungary changes scandalous name of "Zakarpattia envoy" position
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As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said Hungarian Foreign Minister...
Austria says it won't sign UN global migration pact
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Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said then that the pact was contrary to Hungary's interests because...
Austria says it won't sign UN global migration pact
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said then that the pact was contrary to his country's int...
Jaguar Land Rover to open technical engineering office in Hungary
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The announcement was welcomed by the country's foreign minister Peter Szijjarto. "The decision of th...
Szijjártó Opens Hungarian Trade Centre in Shanghai
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Hungary realised in time that the Chinese market offers great opportunities for high-quality Hungari...
Szijjártó: Jaguar to Set Up Next Development Centre in Budapest
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British car maker Jaguar will set up a new technical development centre in Budapest, Foreign Ministe...
Jaguar Land Rover announces technical engineering office in Budapest
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"Today's announcement by Jaguar Land Rover marks a new chapter in the Hungarian automotive industry...
China Eastern to launch direct Shanghai-Budapest flight
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As also reported by MTI on Monday, Szijjártó opened a 1,700 square-meter Hungarian trade center in S...
Doosan Invests HUF 32bn in Battery Copper Foil Plant
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South Korean conglomerate company Doosan is investing 32 billion forints (EUR 100m) in a battery cop...
Szijjártó: UN Migration Package 'Europe's Betrayal'
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The United Nations' migration package equals to “betraying Europe” because the plan is “in conflict...
Szijjártó in Talks with Austrian Officials on Moves to Tighten Border Controls
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Hungary's foreign minister met leaders of Austrian towns located along the Hungary-Austria border an...
Hungary's ruling party guards place in EU center-right fold
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HELSINKI (AP) — Hungary's ruling party pledged Wednesday to respect democracy and the rule of law as...
Doosan confirms HUF 32 bln copper foil investment
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South Korean conglomerate Doosan has confirmed that it will invest HUF 32 billion in a plant in Tata...
Szijjártó: Good Hungary-Romania Relations Serve Interests of Hungarians, Ethnic Hungarians
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Good Hungary-Romania relations clearly serve the interests of Hungarians and ethnic Hungarians in Ro...
Audi Board Member Awarded Hungarian Order of Merit
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó awarded Peter Koessler, Audi's board member for production and logi...
Hungary not to vote to adopt UN global compact for migration: FM ...
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BUDAPEST, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Hungary will not be voting to adopt the United Nations' (UN) global com...
Hungary seeks more exports to China through import expo
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China is Hungary's third largest trading partner after the European Union and the US while Hungary i...
Szijjártó Calls for Restoring EU-Russia Economic Cooperation
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Restoring economic cooperation with Russia is “clearly in the economic interests of Europe” in light...
Hungarian foreign minister to visit Prague
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto will visit the Czech Republic on Friday, November 16th fo...
Szijjártó Signs Anti-Terrorism Cooperation Agreement with UAE
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó signed a security cooperation agreement to promote the fight agains...
Rick Perry urges Hungary to ditch Russian gas projects
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, the head of the PMʼs Cabinet Office Antal Rog...
US says Europe needs diversity from Russian energy supplies
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US says Europe needs diversity from Russian energy supplies. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs a...
Wanted Macedonian leader says seeking asylum in Hungary
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Earlier, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said Budapest did not “wish to confirm or deny i...
China Eastern to launch direct Shanghai-Budapest flight
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China Eastern Airlines, the world's seventh largest airline company, will launch a direct flight bet...
Opposition To The Global Compact For Migration Is Just Sound And Fury
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Hungarian foreign Péter Szijjártó is of the same mind, saying earlier in the year the pact “could le...
Foreign Minister Informs Macedonian Counterpart on Gruevski Asylum Request
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and Nikola Dimitrov, his Macedonian counterpart, have had...
Hungarian automotive industry close to new production record: minister
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BUDAPEST, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- The annual production value of Hungary's automotive industry could wel...
Szijjártó: Hungary in Favour of Boosting EU Defence
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Hungary is in favour of boosting the European Union's defence capabilities and urges the continent t...
Albania police: Fugitive pol seen in Hungarian Embassy car
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Macedonia's Foreign Ministry said Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov spoke with Hungarian Foreign Mini...
Macedonian Cabinet Head Vows to Return Ex-PM Gruevski Who Fled to Hungary
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BELGRADE (Sputnik) - Former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who was sentenced to two year...
Balkan Nation Urges Hungary to Extradite Ex-PM Seeking Asylum
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Speaking in Prague on Friday, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto repeated his government's s...
Párbeszéd Calls on Foreign Minister to Resign over Gruevski Affair
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... fit to represent Hungary in international affairs since he had breached several international an...
RFE/RL: Hungary sets condition for Ukraine's participation in NATO meeting
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19. Updated Nov. 19 at 8:57 pm. Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin (L) and Hungary'...
Szijjártó Queries EU, UN over 'Migrant Cards'
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Monday put questions to the European Commission and the United N...
Szijjarto says Budapest will not block Klimkin's arrival for NATO summit
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said this in Brussels on November 19, according to Radio...
UNIAN: Hungary to continue blocking Ukraine-NATO Commission
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Published Nov. 20 at 9:19 am. Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin (L) and Hungary's...
Austria's AVL to set up EUR 39 million R&D centre in Hungary
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AVL AUTÓKUT Engineering Ltd., the Hungarian subsidiary of Austria's AVL, is to embark on a 12.5 bill... Hungarian Foreign Minister says Hungary to block Ukraine's European aspiration till the end
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Hungary will not lift “veto” on conduction of the sessions of Ukraine-NATO Commission. At the same t...
Slovenia Hungary relations Slovenian Foreign Minister Criticises Bratusek
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Speaking to the press after an EU ministerial in Brussels, Cerar regretted that as he meets his Hung...
Szijjártó: Hungary Rejects United States of Europe Idea
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Everyone wants a strong and successful Europe, but views on how to achieve this differ, Péter Szijjá...
Szijjártó: Europe Must Be Able to Defend External Borders ...
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Foreign ministers Péter Szijjártó of Hungary and Miro Cerar of Slovenia agreed in Ljubljana on Tuesd...
Poland latest country to withdraw from global migration pact
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said then that the pact was contrary to his country's int...
Austrian firm to employ 250 engineers at R&D base in Érd
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Austrian automotive industry company AVL will build a HUF 12.5 billion R&D base in Érd, on the south...
Hungarian Foreign Minister Accepts Cerar's Explanation of Bratušek's Comments
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STA, 20 November - While Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced last week that the country...
Hungary lends HUF 25 bln to Kenya and Cape Verde
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó will inform the government of Kenya, and discu...
Szijjártó: Hungarian Diplomats Helped Gruevski Travel Through the Balkan
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Skopje submitted extradition documents to Budapest on Tuesday evening. Meanwhile, Péter Szijjártó ad...
Hungary ties growth to bumper of German carmakers
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“The focus of economic policy of the Hungarian government is pretty much on the automotive industry,...
Poland latest country to withdraw from global migration pact
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said then that the pact was contrary to his country's int...
Indiaʼs Flex Films to build HUF 23 bln plant in Nógrád County
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Indiaʼs Flex Films, which makes flexible plastic packaging, will build a HUF 23 billion plant in Rét...
Péter Szijjártó commented on the issuance of Hungarian passports to Ukrainians
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If you look at the Ukrainian laws, nowhere does it say that having a passport of another country is...
Hungary Attacks UN Migration Compact for Attempting to 'Legalise Illegal Immigration'
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Hungary's foreign minister Péter Szijjártó has condemned the UN Migration Pact for attempting to “le...
Ukraine not to discuss with Hungary how to interpret Ukrainian laws – Klimkin
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In particular, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, demanded that Ukraine am...
Students march in Hungary for Soros-founded university
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Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto accused Ignatieff Saturday of "political hysteria". Attra...
Demo for Academic Freedom Takes Place in Budapest
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Szijjártó: CEU seeking 'political mess'. Budapest's “Soros university” is seeking “political upheava...
Szijjarto: Hungary govt monitoring Ukraine situation – media
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The Hungarian government is in "continuous communication" with Ukraine's ethnic Hungarian KMKSZ part...
Szijjártó: Hungary Needs Strong Europe
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Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, in a lecture at the University of Bonn on Monday, argued for a str...
Szijjártó: Hungary Stands by Ukraine's Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty
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Hungary fully stands by Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty and this will continue to be...
Hungary persists in row with Soros-founded university
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“The Hungarian law on higher education says it very clearly that you can issue a graduation diploma...
Hungary Not to Recognise UN Migration Compact
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Hungary will not enforce “a single passage” in the United Nations' global migration compact, Foreign...
Danish multinational company expands Hungarian operation
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Denmark Vestfrost is to expand its refrigerator production and warehouse capacities in Csongrád, Hun...
Vestfrost to spend HUF 4.4 bln on expansion in Csongrád
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The Hungarian unit of Danish appliance manufacturer Vestfrost will spend HUF 4.4 billion to expand c...
CEU leaves Budapest after 20 months of struggle with Hungarian government
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"The Hungarian law requires foreign universities operating in Hungary to have campus in both Hungary...
Media Servis Meets Peter Szijjártó, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
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On Tuesday, Media Servis' interview of the week hosted Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hung...
Szijjártó: Gruevski Asylum Legal Matter, Hungary Backs Macedonia NATO Accession
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The asylum request of former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski was a legal matter and the au...
Discussion with Hungary "very productive," Klimkin convinced
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Speaking with journalists following a Tuesday meeting of NATO foreign ministers with top diplomats f...
Hungary expresses commitment for Peshmerga forces in anti-terror fight
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ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Hungary's Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó says his cou...
Szijjártó: Transylvania Economic Development Scheme Serves Both Countries' Interests
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Hungary and Romania's governments both aim to maintain the improvement in their countries' relations...