Vergleiche Miguel Boyer und Astrit Patozi um herauszufinden, für wenn du stimmen könntest.
Miguel Boyer![]() |
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Astrit Patozi![]() |
Spains leader drops top aides in a big shuffle
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- Die Rolle der Regierung
Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez appointed new foreign and economy ministers today in a Cabinet shak...
Miguel Boyer Dies at 75 Years Old in Madrid
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- Die Rolle der Regierung
Browse Miguel Boyer Dies at 75 Years Old in Madrid latest photos. View images and find out more abou...
Repsol YPF to replace Boyer at helm of CLH
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- Die Rolle der Regierung
Repsol YPF to replace Boyer at helm of CLH
Ex-economy minister Miguel Boyer dies in hospital
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- Gesundheitsvorsorge, Wahlen
Ex-economy minister Miguel Boyer dies in hospital
Spains Insiders in Insider Scandal
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- Wahlen, Die Rolle der Regierung
The two men who dictated monetarist economic policies are among Spain's best and brightest. One is g...
Miguel Boyer leaves the ICU and evolves very satisfactory
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- Gesundheitsvorsorge
Miguel Boyer leaves the ICU and evolves very satisfactory
Mor als 75 anys lexministre socialista Miguel Boyer per una embòlia pulmonar
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- Gesundheitsvorsorge, Religion
Segons ha informat la família, Boyer ha mort als 75 anys a la Clínica Ruber de Madrid, on havia ingr...
Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa: 'Love always comes with a price'
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(The restaurant, he explains, is a favourite haunt near his old apartment, now converted into a libr...
Royals waste plenty of chances in 8-5 loss to Minnesota
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Brian Dozier led the fifth off with a liner to center for a single, and two batters later, Royal-kil...
Telenovelas y algo más: este fue el camino de Diego Boneta antes de convertirse en Luis Miguel
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Si bien no fue un miembro principal de la agrupación, Diego Boneta, interpretando a Rocco, se codeó...
Descubre cómo lucían los famosos antes de su primera telenovela (FOTOS)
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Angelique Boyer inició su carrera en la telenovela Corazones al límite en 2004. Ella es una de la ac...
Honor Roll: June 8, 2018
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Grade 12 — Charles Andrews, Cally Bailey, Dakota Ball, Josie Beach, Dane Boyer, Lindsey Burner, Karl...
Monday's local scoreboard
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Fargo Davies—Breanna Nelson, Megan Barnick; West Fargo Sheyenne—Madison Urlaub, Brooke Boyer; Fargo...
McCaskey High School Class of 2018 graduates
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... Tilda Binsann, Christian Adriel Blanco, Lola Clarence Bledsoe, Jacqueline E. Boben, Charles Sant...
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300 by Andrew Keshner, Larry McShane and Trevor Boyer in New York. MOVED. PHOTO. ^< ... BBA-TWINS-TI...
Instagram: Diego Boneta recuerda su época de 'Rebelde' con Maite Perroni
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Él se convirtió en todo un fan enamorado de 'Vico', personaje que fue interpretado por Angelique Boy...
Class of 2018: Upper Darby
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... Saudatu Bintu Turay-Kamara, Nabeelah A. Bintu-Abdul-Aziz, Osman Bior, Gutama Gemeda Biru, Lauren...
As Corning (GLW) Valuation Declined, Cna Financial Lifted Stake; Huntington National Bank Decreased Nextera ...
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5,093 NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) shares with value of $803,691 were sold by Arechabala Miguel....
¡Sebastián Rulli ama Guanajuato!
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... un reocrrido por San Miguel de Allende, el papá de Angie vive en Querétaro, y cada que tenemos o...
Diego Boneta recuerda cómo fue su paso por Rebelde
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Diego Boneta interpreto a Rocco Bezauri en Rebelde, telenovela que se estrenó en 2005, personaje que...
Un día como hoy nace Ernesto Sabato
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Ve la primera luz el filósofo y escritor francés Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens. Al ofrece...
LIVE Giochi del Mediterraneo 2018 in DIRETTA: 26 giugno. Chamizo non tradisce, vittoria facile! Lara Mori trionfa al ...
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Mancano Belak, Hussein e Boyer. 19.27 GINNASTICA ARTISTICA: Giada Grisetti rimane in testa: 13.366 p...
Télénovelas: 10 choses qui vous étonneront chez l'actrice Aracely Arámbula
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L'actrice a eu deux fils avec son ex-époux Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri. D'après cette dernière Danie...
Sports For the Record: June 28, 2018
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Dusty H. Boyer (USA)/Toby D. Boyer (USA) 6-4 6-3. Martin Redlicki (USA)/Michael Redlicki (USA) d. Mi...
La herencia de la duquesa roja y otros testamentos sangrantes de la jet sin resolver
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... de Carabanchel) y que de la mansión de El Viso solo tenía el usufructo. Los hijos menores de la...
East Stroudsburg High School-South announces honor roll
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... Jada Angelique McNeil, Alexandra Rayne Middagh, April M. Nurse, Paris Estella Ortiz, Brandon Pat...
Poultry Renovation
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There was a time, back in time of Miguel Boyer as Minister of economy, that chicken was public enemy...
RA Long High School honor roll
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12th grade: Tyler Alexander, Armando Antonino, Tyler Bowers, Destiny Boyer, Alexander Brady, Isaac B...
Efemérides del 4 de Julio
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Un 4 de julio nacieron de los actores Angelique Boyer que cumple 30 años, Gloria Stuart, Eva Marie S...
Las Vegas Lights start to find scoring stride
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The planned tributes include photo opportunities with former U.S. Army Green Beret and NFL player Na...
Recent Romeoville home sales, June 10-16, 2018
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Buyer: Evaristo Loaiza, John Daniel Boyer Jr. and Sandra Loaiza Boyer Seller: William J. and Donna L...
TEN--Wimbledon Results
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Federico Delbonis, Argentina and Miguel Angel Reyes-Varela, Mexico, 6-1, 7-6 (1), 6-4. Michael Venus...
Comme d'habitude, ça bouge...
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Rennes a frappé fort sur le marché des transferts en enrôlant, notamment, l'excellent passeur de Tou...
Molina replaces Posey on NL All-Star team
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This All-Star invite ties Molina with Bob Gibson and Albert Pujols, each of whom earned nine such se...
Carnaval de aniversario en el caribe
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Jugadores destacados: Linford Mondell, Vicente Wanchope, Efraín Orozco, Claudio Sandí, Fernando Reed...
Sandra Echeverría, en pláticas para convertirse en María Félix
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La productora mencionó a Susana pues, a finales del año pasado, varios medios publicaron que el nomb...
El fascismo financiero y la irreformabilidad del sistema
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Un año después, el primer gobierno de Felipe González ni siquiera hizo ademán de desarrollar tímidas...
Infos mercato et rumeurs de transfert en direct : West Ham officialise Yarmolenko, Arsenal fait de même pour Guendouzi
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Eliminé de la Coupe du Monde 2018 avec le Mexique, Miguel Layun s'est engagé pour les trois prochain...
Triple Play – Red Sox projetados com mais vitórias que os Yankees; Muncy no HR Derby
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Ele chegaria para melhorar a terceira base do time do Bronx, que conta com o calouro Miguel Andujar....
Infos mercato et rumeurs de transfert en direct : Conte ne serait plus l'entraîneur de Chelsea, Sarri annoncé ?
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Eliminé de la Coupe du Monde 2018 avec le Mexique, Miguel Layun s'est engagé pour les trois prochain...
Infos mercato et rumeurs de transfert en direct : visite médicale pour Shaqiri à Liverpool ?
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Eliminé de la Coupe du Monde 2018 avec le Mexique, Miguel Layun s'est engagé pour les trois prochain...
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Miguel Angel Jimenez 38-33 - 71. Steve Flesch 36-35 - 71. Doug Garwood 35-36 - 71. Mike Goodes 35-36...
Mira cómo lucen los actores de Rubí tras 14 años de su estreno
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Actualmente tiene 43 años, está de novio con Angelique Boyer y su última aparición fue en. 4. ... El...
Lancaster County deeds recorded: July 16, 2018
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Harry P. Simione conveyed 530 Snyder Ave. to Edith Miranda Boyer Needham and Dane C. Winey for $176,...
FDA Approved Drugstore
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Order brand and generic Cialis,Viagra pills: best price, without a prescription, free shipping to yo...
“Falco”, lo nuevo de Michel Brown
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Falco, que aparecerá en sustitución de Luis Miguel la Serie, retratará otros cambios importantes en...
Kansas City Royals
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Blaine Boyer 5/30/2018 D60 (Back) The Kansas City Royals placed RHP Blaine Boyer on the 60-day disab...
Nextera Energy (NEE) Shareholder 1832 Asset Management LP Has Trimmed Its Position as Market Value Rose; As ...
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Baker Boyer National Bank decreased its stake in Apple Inc (AAPL) by 36.92% based on its latest 2018...
Blair William & Company Raised Its Duke Energy New (DUK) Stake by $348887; Nextera Energy (NEE) Stock Rose ...
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$803,691 worth of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) shares were sold by Arechabala Miguel. The insider...
Emergency Services 7/25/18
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8:38 a.m. — Theft, 1100 block Boyer Avenue. 8:47 a.m. — Mail theft, 200 block Bush Street. 11:03 a.m...
7/26 to 7/29 Series Preview: Kansas City Royals
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If the Yankees are going to start making moves in the division, they're going to have to start beati...
Hummel: Fired batting coach Mabry was a unique Cardinal
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When a baseball team's manager is axed, sometimes others also march to the guillotine as collateral...
Final MLB Trade Predictions for All 30 Teams 1 Day from the Deadline
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But on that front, all they have left to offer are two valueless pitchers (Miguel Gonzalez and Hecto...
Así lucía Diego Boneta antes de transformarse para la serie de Luis Miguel TN
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Diego Boneta es el hombre del momento. Encarnó a Luis Miguel en su serie y causó furor entre las muj...
Notizie Serie Tv 23-29 Luglio. Aggiornamenti dal TCA
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Amazon ordina The Expatriates serie tv basata sul romanzo di Janice Y.K. Lee prodotta da Nicole Kidm...
Así era Diego Boneta antes de interpretar a Luis Miguel
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... remake mexicano de la argentina "Rebelde Way". Allí Diego personificó a Rocco Bezauri, uno de lo...
VIDEO. Cachan a Diego Boneta tocando partes íntimas de Camila en pleno restaurante
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... la serie de Netflix sobre la vida de Luis Miguel. Sodi estuvo casada con Diego Luna, después fue...
White Sox
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Blaine Boyer 5/30/2018 D60 (Back) The Kansas City Royals placed RHP Blaine Boyer on the 60-day disab...
Su romance ya no es ficción
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Monterrey, México (02 agosto 2018).- Después de varios rumores y aparentes demostraciones de cariño...
Diego Boneta y Camila Sodi llevan su romance de la pantalla a la vida real
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Después de rumores, se confirma que Camila Sodi sí tiene un gusto especial por los hombres de nombre...
Hok Talk: Dayton Moore's Process is filled with flaws
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Process: OK, now we definitely have too many veterans and Boyer was the least likely to be worth any...
Central Texas volleyball: Our top preseason teams and players
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Coach Miguel Saenz worked his magic last season — the Lady Dawgs did not field their starting six un...
La contundente respuesta de Nacho a seguidor que criticó a su hijo
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Miguel Ignacio Mendoza, conocido en el mundo del espectáculo como Nacho, ha ganado una legión de seg...
3 Body Shop Employees Rescue Guinea Pig in Molalla, OR
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It took three men, including Boyer, owner Rod Schilperoort and Miguel Bautista about an hour and inv...
Se aproxima la fiesta del Players' Weekend en Grandes Ligas
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El fin de semana del 24 al 26 de agosto se llevará a cabo el famoso Players' Weekend, en el que habr...
Claroscuros/José Luis Ortega Vidal
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Miseria, abandono político-social, subdesarrollo, analfabetismo, corrupción al más alto nivel -Migue...
Morris Area home sales
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East Hanover: 24 Heritage Dr from Carotenunto Residence to Miguel Fontan and Ananda Fontan. $755,000...
Televisa exibe a primeira chamada de LIKE, novela com dois brasileiros no elenco
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... novela com Angelique Boyer. Com produção de Pedro Damián, o mesmo do fenômeno Rebelde. L.I.K.E é...
Nombres de origen francés que llevan los famosos
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Michel: forma francesa de Miguel, “quién como Dios”. Famoso: el actor y productor Michel Piccoli. Ol...
MLB roundup
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Blaine Boyer (2-1) retired his first two batters before walking Aledmys Diaz and backing Pillar into...
Braves rookie Acuna is power personified
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Twins 5, Pirates 2: Jorge Polanco got two hits, scored twice and drove in two runs and Miguel Sano h...
#SportsReport: Yanks Down Rays 4-1, Remain 10 Behind Boston In AL East
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Jorge Polanco went 2 for 4 with two runs and two RBIs and Miguel Sano hit a two-run home run, leadin...
Major League Baseball roundup
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All Times PDT. ———. AMERICAN LEAGUE. East Division. W L Pct GB. Boston 86 35 .711 —. New York 75 44...
Giants get by Maeda in ninth for win in LA
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LOS ANGELES – Kenta Maeda was tagged with his eighth loss on Tuesday and first since being reassigne...
MLB: Acuna hits another leadoff homer, Braves beat Marlins 10-6
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ATLANTA (AP) — Ronald Acuna Jr. became the youngest player in major league history to homer in five...
MLB roundup: Acuna hits another leadoff home run for Braves
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MINNEAPOLIS — Jorge Polanco got two hits, scored twice and drove in two runs and Miguel Sano hit a t...
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TWINS 5, PIRATES 2 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Jorge Polanco got two hits, scored twice and drove in two runs...
Nextera Energy (NEE) Stake Held by Shelter Ins Retirement Plan; Founders Capital Management Holding in Disney ...
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... it has 24,609 shares. Baker Boyer Retail Bank has 0.67% invested in The Walt Disney Company (NYS...
Oppenheimer & Company Increased By $646621 Its Nextera Energy (NEE) Holding; Cna Financial Cut By $1.21 ...
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Shares for $803,691 were sold by Arechabala Miguel on Thursday, March 15. The insider Silagy Eric E...
Brown Advisory Securities Raised Netflix (NFLX) Stake by $2.47 Million; As Banner (BANR) Share Price Rose ...
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... and Michele Obama in discussions to produce shows for Netflix; 12/03/2018 – Variety: Netflix's D...
Stat corner: Who are the best players at each position not in the Hall of Fame?
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In 2004, Jay Jaffe, then of Baseball Prospectus, developed a system he called JAWS (Jaffe WAR Score...
Erie County Real Estate Transactions
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669 Main St., 669 Main St to Miguel Azcarate; Kimberly Reading, $200,000. • 77 Knox Road, Sandra Lau...
Bankruptcy Watch
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... 4 Bishop Lane, Aug. 15, Chapter 13. DARDANELLE Miguel A. and Veronica A. Orozco (aka Veronica A....
30 guys we want to see win it all
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One of the best subplots of the Astros' World Series championship last season was Carlos Beltran fin...
Cookson Peirce & Co Increases Stake in Kemper Del (KMPR); Mastercard (MA) Holding Has Upped by Jackson ...
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Jugadores veteranos que nos gustaría ver ganar una serie mundial
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Boyer ha lanzado por 12 temporadas y con nueve equipos, incluyendo Boston, San Luis y Atlanta, pero...
Isabel Preysler luce su figura en bikini a los 67 años [FOTOS]
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La española-filipina Preysler fue esposa del cantante Julio Iglesias, estuvo casada con Carlos Falcó...
¡Abuelita expuesta! Exhiben candente imagen de la madre de Enrique Iglesias
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... Iglesias, fruto de su matrimonio con el cantante Julio Iglesias; de Tamara Isabel Falcó, hija qu...
Berks County real estate transactions for August 26, 2018
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Marion M. Boyer to Christopher M. Werner, 232 E. Wesner Road, $86,000. Tommy A. Hollenbach to Thomas...
West Suburban Local Scoreboard for Monday, August 27, 2018
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Benet 27, St. Laurence 10. BOYS CROSS COUNTRY. SOUTHLAND PREP INVITATIONAL. Winner and local team (9...
Sexo, drogas, violência, inclusão e homossexualidade: Televisa surpreende com cenas fortes de LIKE
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Veja também: Estrela internacional, Angelique Boyer envia mensagem para o SBT: “Reprisa Teresa”. LIK...
ROUNDUP: Thursday's prep sports scores
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Maya McEwen also had three aces. Jakki Mowrey had nine kills, Sam Conley had eight digs and Hannah B...
Brunch de la rentrée : une activité familiale au profit de la Fondation EBSF
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Pour ce premier Brunch de la rentrée, la Fondation EBSF est fière de compter sur l'appui de deux co-...
I roster dei Mondiali
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Miguel David Gutierrez Suarez (1997, Opposto); 12. Jesus Herrera Jaime (1995, Opposto); 13. Jose Car...
Volley maschile, Mondiali 2018: la lista dei convocati di tutte le squadre partecipanti
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Miguel David Gutierrez Suarez (1997, Opposto); 12. Jesus Herrera Jaime (1995, Opposto); 13. Jose Car...
ROUNDUP: Tuesday's prep sports scores
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Hanna Boyer also had two aces and led the Bearcats with three blocks. Kaylee Warren had 26 assists a...
Players set to become free agents in 2018-19 offseason
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By now, you probably know the big names due to become free agents this offseason. Bryce Harper and M...
Free Agent Signings
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CHICAGO (3) — Signed Welington Castillo, c, Baltimore, to a $15 million, two-year contract; signed M...
Players set to become free agents in 2018-19 offseason
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By now, you probably know the big names due to become free agents this offseason. Bryce Harper and M...
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Restent: Namori Meïté - Pierre Hild - Demian Domenech - Mantas Kazonas - Hugo Colas - Pierre-Olivier...
Mitch Garver's productive outs push Twins to 10-6 win over Royals
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The traded Brian Dozier (62.5 percent) still leads Twins regulars in that department, followed by Mi...
Prep Cross Country Roundup: Findlay, Grove lead at Tiffin Carnival
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TIFFIN — Findlay High School girls team and both the boys and girls teams from Columbus Grove had bi...
Cross country: Findlay, Grove lead at Tiffin Carnival
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TIFFIN — Findlay High School's girls team, and the boys and girls teams from Columbus Grove had big...
Programación de la Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura para el lunes 10 de septiembre
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Javier Cabrera (Es) y Juan Miguel Villegas conversan con Perla Toro. Salón editoriales independiente...
ROUNDUP: Tuesday's prep sports scores
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Jacob Jones had the lone Bobcats goal, which was assisted by Gage Beck. Miguel Herrera had six saves...
Scoop: NBC Primetime Schedule Through October 7, 2018
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Also starring Ice T, Kelli Giddish and Peter Scanavino. Also guest starring Carlos Miranda (Miguel L...
Crece la estabulación de vacas bajo galpón en Argentina
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... con 300 vacas bajo galpón, con camas de goma, en Pozo del Molle la familia Suppo tiene un free-s...
Crece la estabulación de vacas bajo galpón
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... con 300 vacas bajo galpón, con camas de goma, en Pozo del Molle la familia Suppo tiene un free-s...
Famosos que se naturalizaron mexicanos
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Angelique Boyer. Su salto a la fama fue en la telenovela de “Rebelde”, y desde ahí supimos de su nac...
Primer día del Mundial de Voleibol: Cuba, según lo previsto
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Continuando con el escrutinio de la primera actuación cubana, es preciso mencionar el desempeño del...
Rolling Meadows routs Niles North
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"You give them a hole and they're going to get the yards." Behind the offensive line of DeLuca, tack...
Famosos extranjeros que se sienten muy mexicanos
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... país como suyo desde los cinco años, edad en la que dejó su natal Francia. Bajo el nombre de Mon...
Emocionado por 'Contracara'
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El actor y cantante comparte en esta serie, con su personaje de 'Lucho', los créditos con Alexis Aya...
Cuba, una estrella que brilla por momentos, dice adiós
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Hubo buen desempeño de Osniel Mergarejo y Miguel David Gutiérrez, el primero anotó 22 y el segundo 1...
ROUNDUP: Tuesday's prep sports scores
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Miguel Herrera had 11 saves. Herscher 5, Kankakee 0. Jake Allen had four goals for the Tigers, while...
Scoop: NBC Primetime Schedule Through October 14, 2018
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Also starring Ice T, Kelli Giddish and Peter Scanavino. Also guest starring Carlos Miranda (Miguel L...
ROUNDUP: Thursday's prep sports scores
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Miguel Herrera had five saves. Herscher 2, Tinley Park 0. Preston Fillmore and Logan Lunsford each s...
La Comisión Lava Jato denuncia a exministros de Humala y Kuczynski
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Giselle Zegarra Flores. Domingo Arzubialde. Jaime Villafuerte Quiroz. Víctor Madueño Díaz. Marco Ant...
Décimo día del Mundial de Voleibol: Nada decidido
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La Habana–. El Campeonato Mundial de voleibol que se efectúa en Italia y Bulgaria ya inició las acci...
Doubles Tennis News | Ken & Neal Skupski make the final in Metz
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Dom Inglot with Franko Skugor were defeated by Leander Paes & Miguel Ángel Reyes-Varela in the first...
Estupenda aos 67 anos! Os truques de beleza de Isabel Preysler
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Com ele teve três filhos: Enrique, Chabel e Julio Iglesias Jr.. Isabel Preysler tem mais 2 filhas: T...
St. Clair County real estate Aug. 21-31
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Si crees que estos 15 famosos son mexicanos, has vivido engañado
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Hay algunos famosos que estamos tan acostumbrados a ver en telenovelas y películas mexicanas, que da...
ROUNDUP: Thursday's prep sports scores
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Hayden Lehnert and Jon Goldenstern each had a goal and two assists. Troy Reynolds had 13 saves. The...
Efemérides del 29 de septiembre: nace Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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Fallece Miguel Boyer, economista, profesor y político español, ministro de Economía y Hacienda del p...
Post-Tribune Local Scoreboard for Sunday, Sept. 30, 2018
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Jordyn Boyer (L) 19:07, 3. Maria Blaesing (M) 19:08, 4. Holly Shaginaw (HOB) 19:15, 5. Annalise Jame...
Hochman: Thanks to Yelich, Medwick's feat is remembered
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Carl Yastrzemski is one of her husband's heroes — Yaz, of course, is a famed Triple Crown winner, to...
Sharis Cid vive la tragedia más triste para una esposa
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Un hecho de violencia ha cambiado la vida de la actriz y presentadora María del Rosario Cid Pérez, m...
Thoughts on the firing of Paul Molitor
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On the flip side, he was already making other bullpen moves that weren't so pleasant, such as giving...
Enrique Iglesias öpüşme videosunu izle!
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Ayrıca Chabeli Iglesias'ın ve Julio José Iglesias'ın kardeşidir ve Tamara Falcó ve Ana Boyer anne ta...
Best Landing Spots for Top MLB Free Agents
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Other Free Agents: Clay Buchholz, Trevor Cahill, Bartolo Colon, Nathan Eovaldi, Marco Estrada, Doug...
EL GRÁFICO TV: Iba por helado y lo matan frente a sus hermanitos, en Neza
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... en Azcapotzalco / Muere al caer de cuatro pisos, en la Miguel Hidalgo / Asesinan a periodista en...
Friday, Oct. 5: 'Child Support' Season 2 Helps Kick Off New TGIF on ABC
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Chief Boden (Eamonn Walker) becomes increasingly skeptical of Assistant Deputy Commissioner Gorsch's...
Post-Tribune Local Scoreboard for Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018
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Jordyn Boyer (LOW) Lowell 19:31.2, 3. Karina James (LOW) 19:32.74, 4. Maddie Russin (CP) 19:33.56, 5...
Sunday, Oct. 7: Life After All-Out War on 'The Walking Dead' Season 9
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Chief Boden (Eamonn Walker) becomes increasingly skeptical of Assistant Deputy Commissioner Gorsch's...
Implican a cinco policías y políticos del Callao en banda criminal
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En tanto, Neffi Manuel Peña Boyer (31) es acusado de sicario, traficante de drogas y encargado del c...
TV Best Bets_Week Of 100718
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Chief Boden (Eamonn Walker) becomes increasingly skeptical of Assistant Deputy Commissioner Gorsch's...
Hubs turn back James Wood, improve to 10-1
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His playing partners were Kevin Simmers and Steve Miguel. • CYCLING. Spinnlers conquer Mountain ......
Tuesday, Oct. 9: ESPN's Epic Hoops Documentary 'Basketball: A Love Story'
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Chief Boden (Eamonn Walker) becomes increasingly skeptical of Assistant Deputy Commissioner Gorsch's...
Siete exalcaldes regresan a municipios distritales
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Las últimas elecciones distritales regresaron a siete exalcaldes de la provincia de Arequipa a las j...
COLLEGE CONNECTIONS: Goshen native earns men's tennis honor
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The Goshen native and junior Juan Miguel Ciudad combined for a 9-7 win at No. 2 doubles for the Mapl...
High school scores, summaries, schedules for Oct. 12, 2018
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P-R: Miguel Jackson 37 punt return (Pruhs kick). M: Andrew DeCaro 40 pass from Morgan (Sorsdal kick)...
HS box scores for Oct. 12
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Goals: (B) Denis Dema 1, Luis Solis 1; Assists: (B) Camilo Puentes 1; Saves: (B) Jacob Inglis 13 (DM...
Post-Tribune Local Scoreboard for Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018
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Jordyn Boyer (LOW) 18:56.6, 2. Karina James (LOW) 19:12.64, 3. Maddie Russin (CP) 19:20.85, 4. Annal...
Real-estate transactions: Oct. 12, 2018
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615 S. Prairieview Drive, Dunlap, Citizens Equity First Credit Union to Miguel A. Martinez and Malle...
Scoop: NBC Primetime Schedule Through October 14, 2018
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Also starring Ice T, Kelli Giddish and Peter Scanavino. Also guest starring Carlos Miranda (Miguel L...
Cross country: Findlay's Tremains is first team all-TRAC
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OTHER AREA TOP 20 FINISHERS. 7, Jordan Bellman (CG) 17:46.4. 9, Breece Pingle (CG) 17:51.1. 10, Cars...
Larva de América, una más del montón
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... Susana González, Sebastián Rulli, Angelique Boyer, Gabriel Soto, Yordi Rosado, Antonio de Valdés...
Fairfax County home sales
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High Hill Pl., 10002-Patrick Anthony and Patricia Anne Boyer to Elizabeth G. Muenster and David W. H...
1000 acadêmicos americanos Dizem Não a Jair Bolsonaro
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Mais de mil acadêmicos americanos das áreas de história, ciências sociais, literatura, cultura e ciê...
Fire company plans soup, sandwich, bake sale
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The Sharpsburg Library will show the animated PG-rated film “Coco” during Movie Night Wednesday at 6...
Alton Elementary honor rolls announced
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Fourth grade: Ricky Boyer, Lucius Collins, Chaska Darrah-VanAlst, Cynthia Frailey, Miley Haney, Make...
Instant Replay: Williams' fumble return gave Marple a boost
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Luke Wischnowski runs for a touchdown and throws a scoring pass, and Miguel Sanchez adds a pair of T...
District Cross Country: Grove boys win district title at Ottawa
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The top four teams and individual runners in the top 16 in each of the races at Ottawa qualified for...
Cross country: Van Wert, Lincolnview boys,Minster girls all defend district titles.
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Miguel Jordan (A) 18:06.6, 17. Collin Puckett (L) 18:12.6, 18. Tanner Pinks (B) 18:25.8, 19. Elijah...
Residential real estate transfers, Oct. 21
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Boyer, Jesse J. and Kirsten to Boatright, Takneisha Michelle, 7423 Hanover St., $177,000. Zook, Amy...
Les résultats du Grand Raid, de la Mascareignes et du Trail de Bourbon
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Huet Miguel 33:09:32 56. Schutz Florian 33:31:42 57. Tarnier Gilles 33:32:34 58. Hernando Calleja Da...
Cross country: Grove boys win district team title
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The top four teams and top 16 individual runners in each of the races at Ottawa qualified for Saturd...
Le Tour de France par équipes nationales, le retour ?
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Les tests physiologiques réalisés par l'ancien protégé de Michele Bartoli auraient révélé des possib...
El medio ambiente y los recursos naturales en RD tras 526 años de la llegada de Cristóbal Colón
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Las murallas tenían varios baluartes, dedicados a San Gil (Matadero), Santiago (Palo Hincado), San G...
Post-Tribune Local Scoreboard for Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018
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FOOTBALL BOX SCORES. Crown Point 12, Portage 7. SCORING BY QUARTERS. Portage 0 7 0 0 — 7. Crown Poin...
Californian Missions influence Dash Marshall's renovated House for Grandparents
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... evocative of the California central coast without being historical," studio co-founder Bryan Boy...
Non au licenciement d'Ana, doctorante de Paris Diderot
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... CMH, CNRS; Sandrine Berroir, géographe, Université Paris Diderot; Julien Boyer, philosophie, Par...
Isabel Preysler: "Mario ya es soltero. Podríamos casarnos en cualquier momento"
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Es como estar en una maravillosa universidad", agrega. Isabel Preysler ha estado casada con el canta...
Isabel Preysler: “Mario ya es soltero. Podríamos casarnos en cualquier momento”
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Isabel Preysler, que ha estado casada otras tres veces anteriormente —con el cantante Julio Iglesias...
Honor Roll: Southmont Junior High School
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Grade 7 — Briley Bennett-Osborn, Nolan Boyer, Alexa Bradley, Oliver Bradley, Kylie Braziel, Ella Bre...
O caminho está (finalmente) livre para Isabel Presley! Vargas Llosa já está divorciado
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Este poderá ser o quarto enlace de Presley que já foi casada com o cantor Julio Iglésias, Carlos Fal...
OVAC All-Star Soccer rosters set for annual AS games
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The rest of the Buckeyes roster includes Nicholas Oliver (Cambridge), Ryan McKee (Edison), Michael H...
Berks County real estate transactions for November 4, 2018
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Zachary A. Boyer and Tracy A. Boyer to Tracy A. Boyer, 241 Kohlers Hill Road. Josette A. Kain and Ke...
MLB Moneyball Power Rankings: Who's Overpaying the Most Entering Free Agency?
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The retirement of Victor Martinez will free up $18 million and allow Miguel Cabrera to move into the...
Európania podľa prieskumu vnímajú minulosť lepšie než súčasnosť: Hlavným problémom sú prisťahovalci
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Severokórejský vodca Kim Čong-un a kubánsky prezident Miguel Díaz-Canel sa dohodli na rozšírení a po...
Greatest MVP Seasons in MLB History
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Runner-up: Miguel Cabrera, DET (178 OPS+)66. Mickey Mantle, 1962 AL (Yankees)Key stats: .321 BA, 195...
Hacienda de España reclama USD 1,8 millones a Vargas Llosa
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La Agencia Estatal de la Administración Tributaria española reclama 2,1 millones de euros (USD 1,8 m...
Ana Boyer espera o seu primeiro filho
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Ana Boyer, filha de Isabel Preysler e Miguel Boyer, anuncia numa entrevista exclusiva para a revista...
Odalys Ramírez está en la mira de productores de Estados Unidos
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También ya hay de Miguel, niño protagonista de la película Coco, que se reestrenó la semana pasada....
Berks students do the math for annual championship
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"It was challenging," said Matthew Boyer, 17, a Tulpehocken High School senior. "I didn't know what...
SBN GM Simulation 2018 — Meet the 2019 fake Twins
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He reached triple-A last season, and gives me a bit of a back-up plan if Miguel Sano cannot stick in...
Fernando Verdasco ad aprille si unirà al club dei tennisti-papà
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A rivelarlo è la sua dolce metà Ana Boyer, figlia di Miguel Boyer e Isabel Preysler, in un'intervist...
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A rivelarlo è stata la sua dolce metà Ana Boyer, figlia di Miguel Boyer e Isabel Preysler, sarà il p...
High school football: Tarver rushes Maloney past Conard
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Windsor Locks/Suffield/East Granby 29, Ellington 14: Miguel Gonzalez had two rushing touchdowns to h...
Cayuga County-area scholastic honors for Nov. 14, 2018
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... Peter DiLallo, Isabella DiLallo, Kevin Dolan, Noah Erickson, Matthew Faynor, Matthew Fennessy, S...
Base coaches Tommy Watkins, Tony Diaz to join Twins staff
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After 12 years in the Twins system, Watkins, 38, ended his playing career in 2009 and embarked on a...
Fresno County update boosts Cox, who's still 2000 votes down against Valadao
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Incumbent Luis Chavez plus newcomers Miguel Arias and Nelson Esparza hold massive leads in the Fresn...
Angelique Boyer y Sebastián Rulli derrochan amor en Instagram (FOTO)
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... "Amar a muerte", donde los televidentes han quedado sorprendidos por el personaje que interpreta...
Big 12 Soccer Honors
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Honorable mention — Nick Abboud, junior, Peoria Richwoods; Jose Ambrocio, senior, Urbana; Coltin And...
Los impuestos del garante Varguitas, por Alfredo Gildemeister
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Cabe mencionar que, de casarse nuevamente, sería el tercer matrimonio para Varguitas –primero fue co...
The Lonesome Polecat: YOUR 2018 Thanksgrabbing repository
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Howdy,. We've been up for 22 hours and slept about three hours before that, so let's not mess around...
El escribidor y la banca
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... la filipina dueña de un apabullante encanto que le permitió conquistar a un cantante mundial, el...
El juicio al Chapo: el poder detrás del trono
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Además de ser una creencia popular, desde los noventa, investigadores serios del tema como Luis Asto...
Todo sobre 'El Último Dragón', la nueva serie de Sebastián Rulli e Irina Baeva
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Aunque hace unos meses se sumó a una rodada biker que recorrió Estados Unidos, Sebastián asegura que...
Honor Roll: Southmont Junior High School
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Grade 7 — Nolan Boyer, Alexa Bradley, Oliver Bradley, Ella Brewer, Alexander Burkholder, Haley Burto...
Warriors rally to beat Sandwich
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Carson Boyer added 11 points for Milledgeville. Jordan Rodriguez had 14 points for Christian Life. ....
FEATURE | People, things, places and events to be thankful for
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Laila Younis Boyer and Laurence Boyer. Zaldy Dandan and family (Che, Zoe and Miguel). Marianas Varie...
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Bogard Jr., Lonnie, contempt, $5,000. Boyer, Matthew Ross, DUI-felony, failure to yield to emergency...
2018 All-Area, All-Conference boys' soccer teams
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JUNIORS — Nick Abboud (Richwoods); Drew Doellman (Normal Community); Miguel Lemus (Urbana); Nathan S...
Champion Notre Dame leads all-Big 12 soccer team
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Notre Dame's boys soccer team, which made an unbeaten run through the Big 12 Conference in decisive...
High school sports results: Nov. 29
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Vero Beach (2-0): Minix 24 points; Cuff 22 points; Lewis 13 points; Placide 8 points; Henry 7 points...
New Oxford High School Honors 1st Quarter
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Sophomores: Elizabeth A. Aumen, Isabella L. Bankert, Zachary C. Barnhart, Logan R. Becker, Krista E....
Telenovelas 2018: El regreso de “La Gaviota” (I)
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Esto porque como sucediera por los primeros 70 años del PRI en el poder con figuras como Christiane...