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Agus Martowardojo vs Megawati Sukarnoputri

Vergleiche Agus Martowardojo und Megawati Sukarnoputri um herauszufinden, für wenn du stimmen könntest.

Agus Martowardojo

Agus Martowardojo

Megawati Sukarnoputri

Megawati Sukarnoputri
Agus Martowardojo
Megawati Sukarnoputri
Früherer Präsident
Jakarta Indonesia
Jakarta Indonesia
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
Agus Martowardojo: Current Financial System Better Than in 1998
2018.05.22 - Quelle :75% - News
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo considers the current state of the fin...

Indonesian Central Bank Governor's Exit Is a Deja Vu
2018.05.15 - Quelle :85% - News
Agus Martowardojo, 62, is set to chair his final policy meeting on Thursday and odds of a rate hike...

Indonesia's Central Bank Signals Rate Hike to Stem Market Rout
2018.05.09 - Quelle :85% - News
... in the middle of preparing firm monetary policy measures, including through the adjustment of 7-...

Rupiah won't weaken to Rp 17000 per US dollar: BI governor
2018.05.23 - Quelle :75% - News
Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo has assured that the rupiah will not weaken to 17,000 per...

William Pesek: Argentina's debt woes are a warning for others
2018.05.31 - Quelle :95% - News
Agus Martowardojo put long-term stability over short-term growth. Though Indonesia's 5% growth rate...

Bank Indonesia raises interest rates for second time in a month
2018.05.30 - Quelle :90% - News
The latest decision comes as the initial rate hike, decided under the previous Governor Agus Martowa...

Retired, Agus Martowardojo Leaves Rupiah Exchange Rate of IDR14,200
2018.05.22 - Quelle :75% - News
JAKARTA, NNC -- Member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives Mukhammad Misbakhun said tha...

Bank Indonesia hikes key interest rate to boost fragile rupiah
2018.05.17 - Quelle :90% - News
BI Governor Agus Martowardojo, who later this month will be succeeded by Perry Warjiyo, a current de...

Bank Indonesia Schedules Additional Meeting; New Rate Hike Expected
2018.05.28 - Quelle :95% - News
The ad hoc meeting is a sign that newly inaugurated Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo is more wi...

Rupiah weakening is reaction to FOMC decision: BI
2018.05.03 - Quelle :95% - News
Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo has said that the further depreciation of the rupiah on Th...

PDI-P supporters protest newspaper over Megawati story City The ...
2018.05.31 - Quelle :95% - News
Dozens of supporters of the Indonesian Democratic party of Struggle (PDI-P) in Bogor, West Java, sta...

Megawati gets Rp 112m per month for promoting Pancasila ...
2018.05.28 - Quelle :75% - News
President Joko Jokowi Widodo has signed a decree to give former president Megawati Soekarnoputri an...

Sri Mulyani defends 'financial rights' of Megawati, BPIP members ...
2018.05.30 - Quelle :90% - News
Addressing concerns over the monthly allowance given to members of the Agency for the Implementation...

Menghitung Kekayaan Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri
2018.05.31 - Quelle :75% - News
Di sosial media, orang-orang ramai membahas soal gaji Megawati Soekarnoputri sebagai Ketua Dewan Pen...

Fadli Zon Criticizes, Sri Mulyani: Megawati`s Salary is Rp5mn
2018.05.29 - Quelle :75% - News
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Financial Minister Sri Mulyani claimed that Megawati Soekarnoputri's salary as t...

Jokowi: BPI`s Salary Calculation is Not from the Government
2018.05.29 - Quelle :75% - News
In the Perpes, the salary of the head of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Megawati Su...

Indonesia's Reformasi activists were burned, beaten, electrocuted – and they still fear for their country
2018.05.20 - Quelle :75% - News
His abductors grilled him about his activism, zeroing in on his support of then opposition leader Me...

Fadli Zon Urges Govt to Revise Policy on BPIP
2018.05.28 - Quelle :95% - News
In the Perpres, the salary for Megawati Soekarnoputri as the chair of the agency's steering committe...

Geruduk Radar Bogor, kader PDIP tak terima Megawati disudutkan
2018.05.31 - Quelle :80% - News
Merdeka.com - Kisruh yang terjadi antara ratusan kader PDIP Bogor dengan pihak koran harian Radar Bo...

Indonesia's Human Rights After 20 Years of Reformasi | The Diplomat
2018.05.21 - Quelle :85% - News
The end of military-backed autocratic rule on May 20, 1998, opened the way for greater respect for h...