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Korrupteste & schlimmste Personen aus Norwaynach benutzerscore

Die Top 10 korrupteste & schlimmste Personen aus Norwaynach benutzerscore. Angeführt von Åsmund Grøver Aukrust und an 2. Stelle steht momentan Øyvind Halleraker.
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
Åsmund Grøver Aukrust is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party. He is member of Parliament from Akershus coun...
1. Platz
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
Øyvind Halleraker is a Norwegian politician representing the Conservative Party. He is currently a representative o...
2. Platz
5 News
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
Øyvind Korsberg is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party. He was First Vice President of the Storting durin...
3. Platz
1 News
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
Anders Bjørnsen Werp is a Norwegian politician of the Conservative Party. He was mayor of Øvre Eiker from (1999) un...
4. Platz
2 News
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
Anders Tyvand is a Norwegian politician for the Christian Democratic Party. He was elected to the Parliament of Nor...
5. Platz
Norway - Oslo - Politiker
Abid Qayyum Raja is a Norwegian lawyer and politician for the Liberal Party. He was elected to the Parliament of No...
6. Platz
10 News
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
André Nikolai Skjelstad is a Norwegian politician for the Liberal Party.
7. Platz
Norway - Oslo - Unknown
Anette Trettebergstuen is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party. She was elected to the Norwegian Parliament...
8. Platz
5 News
Norway - Oslo - Minister of Justice
Anders Anundsen is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party who has been Minister of Justice since October (20...
9. Platz
1 News
Norway - Oslo - Oppland
Anne Tingelstad Wøien is a Norwegian politician from Oppland representing the Centre Party. She was nominated in fi...
10. Platz
1 News
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