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Felipe VI of Spain Biografie & Neuigkeiten

- Vermögen & Score

Felipe VI of Spain

Felipe VI of Spain

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Felipe VI of Spain

Unknown, Unknown
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Biografie & Bewertung

Das Ductumeter von Felipe ist positiv, daher können Sie diese Person mit gutem Gewissen wählen. Die Community von Ductum denkt Felipe Spain tut gutes und würde dir sagen, dass du diese Person wählen kannst. Natürlich solltest du dennoch einen Blick darauf werfen, was Felipe Spain in der Vergangenheit sich zu schulden kommen hat lassen.
Er ist am N/A geboren und in Spain, Madrid aktiv.
Zu Felipe VI of Spain gibt es insgesamt 268 Neuigkeiten aufgeteilt auf 253 News, 13 Postive, 0 Negativ, 2 Verwirklichungen, 0 Anklagen und 0 Urteile. Am häufigsten sind es News. Felipe VI of Spain wird vor allem zum Thema News und Die Rolle der Regierung getaggt.


2018.12.05 - Quelle: 95% - News
The Spanish Constitution of 1978 has brought about the longest period of liberty, stability and prosperity in the history of our nation by establishing one of the most advanced democracies after a 40-year-long dictatorship and a tragic civil war ...

2018.12.04 - Quelle: 95% - News
Last night, Queen Letizia of Spain, along with her husband King Felipe VI of Spain, attended an art exhibition at the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid. She wore a gray, below-the-knee coat dress that was structured in all the right places—sharp shoulders...

2018.12.04 - Quelle: 95% - News
President Xi Jinping undertook a three-day state visit to Spain from 27 November 2018 at the invitation of King Felipe VI of Spain. What ties bind the country ...and more »

2018.12.04 - Quelle: 80% - News
QUEEN LETIZIA looked chic and sophisticated at the Reina Sofia Museum in Spain last night. The Spanish Queen joined her husband King Felipe VI of Spain ...

2018.12.04 - Quelle: 80% - News
King Felipe VI of Spain, US Vice President Mike Pence, and first daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump also attended. President Trump, who was at the G20 summit in Argentina, has struck up a surprisingly warm relationship with Lopez Obrador ....

2018.12.02 - Quelle: 80% - News
But lest you think that it's only first ladies who make fashion statements, Xi also made one with his outfit choice at a gala dinner in Madrid hosted by King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain on Wednesday night. Instead of wearing Western-style .....

2018.12.01 - Quelle: 95% - News
King Felipe VI of Spain was also on the list, along with US Vice President Mike Pence, accompanied by his boss's daughter and adviser, Ivanka Trump. President Trump, who was at the G20 summit in Argentina, has struck up a surprisingly warm relationsh...

2018.12.01 - Quelle: 90% - News
Xi, who arrived Tuesday afternoon in Madrid, reviewed Spain's guard of honor on Wednesday with King Felipe VI, as China's First Lady Peng Liyuan and Queen Letizia of Spain observed from a platform at the entrance of the Royal Palace in the Spanish .....

2018.12.01 - Quelle: 80% - News
The guest list includes a host of regional presidents -- one of whom, to the chagrin of Mexico's conservative opposition, is crisis-torn Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro -- King Felipe VI of Spain, and US Vice President Mike Pence, accompanied by...

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Vermögen & Gehalt

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Gefängnis, Korruption & Vertrauen

Felipe VI of Spain war noch nicht im Gefängnis und wurde noch nicht wegen schwerer Korruption angeklagt. Sein Score liegt bei 0, daher liegen nicht ausreichend Information vor, damit wir einen Wert berechnen können. Wir arbeiten ständig daran, die Profile auf dieser Seite zu aktualisieren, freuen uns aber über jede Hilfe die wir bekommen können!

Politische Partei

Die Partei von Felipe VI of Spain ist unbekannt da noch keine Daten eingetragen wurden.
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