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Santosh Kumar Gangwar Biografie & Neuigkeiten

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Santosh Kumar Gangwar

Santosh Kumar Gangwar

01 Nov 1948
Bharatiya Janata Pa...
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Santosh Kumar Gangwar

01 Nov 1948
Bharatiya Janata Pa...
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Biografie & Bewertung

Für Santosh Gangwar sind noch nicht genügend Informationen vorhanden, um einen Score anzuzeigen. Füge Inhalte hinzu um anderen zu zeigen ob sie Santosh wählen sollen oder nicht.
Er ist am 01 Nov 1948 geboren und in India, Neu-Delhi aktiv.
Zu Santosh Kumar Gangwar gibt es insgesamt 10 Neuigkeiten aufgeteilt auf 10 News, 0 Postive, 0 Negativ, 0 Verwirklichungen, 0 Anklagen und 0 Urteile. Am häufigsten sind es News. Santosh Kumar Gangwar wird vor allem zum Thema News getaggt.


2018.05.30 - Quelle: 75% - News
This was decided at the 174th meeting of the ESIC held under the chairmanship of Labour & Employment Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar. The DCBOs will provide the entire range of services under the scheme like primary medical care, referrals for ...

2018.05.30 - Quelle: 95% - News
The ESI Corporation during its 174th meeting under the chairmanship of Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Labour & Employment (Independent Charge), GoveRNMent. of India has taken some very important decisions towards improvements in its ...

2018.05.30 - Quelle: 80% - News
Besides this, some very important decisions were taken towards improvements in service delivery mechanism of the ESIC in its 174th meeting in New Delhi yesterday under the Chairmanship of Labour Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar, a labour ministry ...

2018.05.30 - Quelle: 85% - News
Some very important decisions were taken towards improvements in service delivery mechanism of ESIC in 174th meeting of Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) in New Delhi yesterday under the Chairmanship of Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, ...

2018.05.18 - Quelle: 80% - News
Just like the much hyped Skill Development Programme, which has yielded insignificant results, three other employment generation schemes of the Modi govt. have failed to make any notable headway. Modi's whole strategy of job creation – based on ...

2018.05.17 - Quelle: 90% - News
... May 17 (KNN) Government was working on a policy to improve the working and living conditions of the 40 crore labour force in the unorganized sector, said Minister of State for Labour and Employment (Independent Charge), Santosh Kumar Gangwar.

2018.05.16 - Quelle: 80% - News
NEW DELHI: Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C) Santosh Kumar Gangwar has on Thursday said that the government was working on a policy to ...and more »

2018.05.08 - Quelle: 80% - News
PATNA: Union minister of state for labour and employment Santosh Kumar Gangwar on Tuesday said the much-awaited 100-bed hospital of Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) at Bihta in Patna district would be inaugurated on July 7.

2018.05.01 - Quelle: 95% - News
About 136,000 jobs were added in the July-September quarter of 2017, more than double the number added (64,000 jobs) in the previous (April-June) quarter, Santosh Kumar Gangwar, minister of state (independent charge) for labour and employment, ...

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Vermögen & Gehalt

Es gibt momentan noch keine genauen Angaben für das Vermögen von Santosh. Versuche eine genaue Biografie zu finden um das Vermögen von dieser Person herauszubekommen. Das Vermögen von Santosh Kumar Gangwar ist uns noch nicht bekannt. Vielleicht kannst du die Antwort finden?

Gefängnis, Korruption & Vertrauen

Santosh Kumar Gangwar war noch nicht im Gefängnis und wurde noch nicht wegen schwerer Korruption angeklagt. Sein Score liegt bei 0, daher liegen nicht ausreichend Information vor, damit wir einen Wert berechnen können. Wir arbeiten ständig daran, die Profile auf dieser Seite zu aktualisieren, freuen uns aber über jede Hilfe die wir bekommen können!

Politische Partei

Die Partei von Santosh Kumar Gangwar ist Bharatiya Janata Party aus India.
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