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Carlos Menem Biography & News

- Corruption & Score

Carlos Menem

Carlos Menem

Former President
02 Jul 1930
External Links:
Justice System
Role of Government

Carlos Menem

Former President
02 Jul 1930
Justicialist, Justic...
External Links:

Biography & Reputation

Carlos Menem's Ducmeter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Carlos positive things done and find out if Menem is worth leading. The Users of Ductum thinks Carlos is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Menem.
He is born on 02 Jul 1930 and active in Argentina, Buenos Aires as former president.
Carlos Menem has in total 352 news splited in 350 News, 0 Positive, 1 Negative, 0 Realizations, 1 Accuses and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Carlos Menem is mostly active in News and Justice System.


2018.05.17 - Source: 95% - News
La Sala A de la Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de Córdoba resolvió por mayoría confirmar el procesamiento del ex presidente Carlos Menem, quien está acusado en la causa por la explosión de la Fábrica Militar de Río Tercero, ocurrida en 1995. En el ...

2018.05.17 - Source: 75% - News
Convertibility was a purely Argentine invention—by Domingo Cavallo, the economy minister under Carlos Menem, the president from 1989 to 1999. The IMF had qualms about it, but was won over when the scheme succeeded in killing hyperinflation and ...and...

2018.05.16 - Source: 90% - News
Así lo dictaminó la jueza en lo civil Gladys Carminati, quien estableció que la cuota alimentaria a pagar por Menem salga de un porcentaje de la pensión de ex presidente que el senador cobra de la Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social (ANSES...

2018.05.16 - Source: 90% - News
El ex ministro del Interior Carlos Corach seguirá bajo investigación judicial por la presunta recepción de coimas de la empresa multinacional de origen alemán Siemens, porque otro de los investigados, el ex presidente Carlos Menem, su entonces jefe ....

Argentina’s window of possibility for structural reforms ...
2016.09.19 - Source: 95% - Role of Government
... which Néstor Kirchner had to deal with, nor is there hyperinflation, which [Carlos] Menem [president from 1989 to 1999] had to face,” Berensztein adds. ...

Ex-President of Argentina Is Sentenced in Embezzlement Case
2015.11.30 - Source: 90% - Justice System
Carlos Saúl Menem was sentenced to four and half years in prison for overseeing a $466 million embezzlement scheme during his presidency in the 1990s.

Argentina: Ex-president gets 7 years in prison for arms smug...
2013.06.12 - Source: 80% - Justice System
An Argentine court has sentenced former President Carlos Menem to seven years in prison for his role in illegally smuggling weapons to Ecuador and Croatia.

Dont cry for Menem
2003.03.14 - Source: 95% - Role of Government
It's Néstor Kirchner, Argentina's new president, who has grounds for complaint

2018.12.06 - Source: 95% - News
Por la venta a “precio vil” del predio ferial de Palermo, que en 1991 el Estado cedió a la Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA), Carlos Menem se enfrenta una posible nueva condena: la fiscalía solicitó para el ex presidente una pena de cuatro años de prisi...

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Wealth & Salary

The wealth for Carlos is at the moment unknown. Try to find a Biography to get more info about Carlos's wealth and complete it here. Carlos Menem salary is not exactly listed yet here. Maybe you find in a CV the salaray of Carlos Menem.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Carlos Menem has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Carlos Menem is Justicialist from Argentina. Carlos is active as Former President.
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